Leagues > Leagues

Game #159412, reported by K1NG

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this game was funner , dont TUS, please delete this MOD's this guyz only kidding me.

18.12 22:17: NiCo> wena, jugamos tus? 
18.12 22:18: a #AnythingGoes:  NiCo> tus or tel anyone? 
18.12 22:18: a #AnythingGoes:  NiCo> xAhiAzx 
18.12 22:19: a #AnythingGoes:  NiCo> mae:( 
18.12 22:19: a #AnythingGoes:  NiCo> juguemos tus? 
18.12 22:24: a #AnythingGoes:  NiCo> tus or tel anyone? 
18.12 22:25: a #AnythingGoes:  NiCo> bueno 
18.12 22:25: a #AnythingGoes:  NiCo> hostea k1ng 
18.12 22:26: a #AnythingGoes:  < NiCo: is hosting a game: no_puedo, PARTIDA >

Nico can't just accept that he lost... lol    I Won this game I asked him " Nico Wanna TUS HYST? " and he agreed... so he's just being childish

Unfortunately I didn't count that Nico wouldn't accept his defeat and couldn't get the log when I asked him to TUS HYST... which means we both picked this.... I also reported the game as both pick... so this game is legit and he agreed to play.

PD... If necessary I would post a game where Nico is pleading me to not report the game... if the game was just for fun he wouldn't have been asking me for it and he could have just been relax and playing...
He's also known for always doing this... play-lose-ask the winner not to report. end of the story he doesn't like or at least doesn't accept to lose.

U ASKED HYSTERIA ANYONE? NO TUS HYST COMON... when i search tus i asked to ahiaz dont from you lol , please delete this fake


da king is only 1


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