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Game #163967, reported by VoK, Viewed 504 Time(s)

Classic #37
February 16, 2014, 08:35 PM
Beginner 1095 in WxW before the game. Gained 45|38 points
Beginner 1112 in WxW before the game. Lost 35|40 points

Game Rate
4.25 / 5
Total Members Voted: 4
Players history
1 - 0
20 - 17
7 - 3
195 - 187
Information Game scheme: WxW
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 48 time(s).
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1920 x 696, BIT, 10.57 KB, Downloaded 10 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[l3x`Sbaffo] gl
[HuskyTdC] hffff xD
[NiCo`l3x] Cinekito
[HuskyTdC] I got riven and urgot xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] well riven is redimeed
[HuskyTdC] Garen > Riven xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] TRUE hahaha
[l3x`Sbaffo] after the nerd garen counter her sooo hard
[NiCo`l3x] husk
[HuskyTdC] yeah I always lose against garen as a riven xD
[NiCo`l3x] you play Lol?
[HuskyTdC] yeaaa nikoo xD
[HuskyTdC] u aswell? =)
[l3x`Sbaffo] NO WTF
[HuskyTdC] xDDDdddd
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> ARE YOU f@#!ING KIDDIN ME?
[l3x`Sbaffo] report niko
[l3x`Sbaffo] xD
[HuskyTdC] xDDddd
[HuskyTdC] for trolling? XD
[l3x`Sbaffo] lmao
[l3x`Cinek] XD
l3x`Cinek..HuskyTdC: pros
[l3x`Cinek] xd
[l3x`Sbaffo] for feeding
[l3x`Cinek] i go ag
[HuskyTdC] lmfao =P
[l3x`Sbaffo] and mostly for not communicating with team
[l3x`Sbaffo] xDDD
[HuskyTdC] xDDDddd
[HuskyTdC] nice shot
[NiCo`l3x] pro
[l3x`Sbaffo] ty
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> well, he improved
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> i remember he was more bad
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> pro block
[l3x`Sbaffo] see how garen counters hard?
[l3x`Sbaffo] xDD
[VoK`TdC] omg husk allowed ? xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] lel nt pile
[l3x`Sbaffo] xD
[HuskyTdC] t xD
[HuskyTdC] I need brutalizer xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] lol
[l3x`Sbaffo] xD
[HuskyTdC] gj
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> gj
[NiCo`l3x] D:
[l3x`Sbaffo] what
[l3x`Sbaffo] xD
[NiCo`l3x] wrong jump
[NiCo`l3x] xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] we have 2 piles
[NiCo`l3x] ye xD
[NiCo`l3x] XD!
[l3x`Sbaffo] thanks
[l3x`Sbaffo] bro
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> XDDDDDD
[NiCo`l3x] l3x'Vok
[l3x`Sbaffo] oh god
[NiCo`l3x] baffone
[NiCo`l3x] :(
[l3x`Sbaffo] i'd suggest you husk to build manamune on riven
[l3x`Sbaffo] xD
[HuskyTdC] lmfao xD
[HuskyTdC] I need the mana right? XD
[l3x`Sbaffo] or 6 trinity force
[HuskyTdC] loool
[HuskyTdC] unique effect xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] i know that sir, relax :d
[HuskyTdC] I know u know! XD
[l3x`Sbaffo] maybe not
[l3x`Sbaffo] plot twist
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> nice ctm
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> <3
[HuskyTdC] 6 bloodthirster was a thing? XD
[l3x`Sbaffo] already saw it
[l3x`Sbaffo] have you ever played rengar?
[HuskyTdC] yeah, but only few times
[l3x`Sbaffo] lol
[HuskyTdC] it's fun champ
[HuskyTdC] huge dmg even tho u build defence
[HuskyTdC] it's gonna blow!
[HuskyTdC] or not xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] no that's not the point
[l3x`Sbaffo] you know the double q rengar?
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> don't shoot at the barrell
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> i'll do it with my worm ok?
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> attack garen
[HuskyTdC] yeah
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> attack garen
[HuskyTdC] there was a bug that u could even do it once more?
[l3x`Sbaffo] either that
[l3x`Sbaffo] but imagine rengar with this build
[HuskyTdC] rengar was global banned because of that xD
[HuskyTdC] yeah
[HuskyTdC] 100% dead enemy xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] sword of the divine, infinity edge, trinity force, bloodthirster, warmog and a random boot
[l3x`Sbaffo] you could go with ultimate
[l3x`Sbaffo] activate sword of the divine
[l3x`Sbaffo] and crit those 3 q
[HuskyTdC] oh right
[HuskyTdC] I never built sword of the divine
[HuskyTdC] I get yumuu's ghostblade for some champs
[HuskyTdC] gj
[l3x`Sbaffo] f@#!
[NiCo`l3x] was good
[l3x`Sbaffo] do you know what's the passive of sword of the divine? XD
[NiCo`l3x] xDD
[l3x`Sbaffo] you get for 3 seconds 100% attack speed and you do 3 critical strikes
[HuskyTdC] ehhh
[VoK`TdC] gj
[HuskyTdC] did I touch the last wall?
[l3x`Sbaffo] imagine that on rengar
[HuskyTdC] I guess I did
[HuskyTdC] I went left
[HuskyTdC] I wuda attacked this 200 hp if I didn't go left
[HuskyTdC] oh yea
[HuskyTdC] I seen twitch build it
[NiCo`l3x] I die with you <3
[l3x`Sbaffo] lol
[l3x`Sbaffo] that's a kind of troll build obiviously
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> mine is enough
[HuskyTdC] I can't remember if it was before the twitch's rework tho
[HuskyTdC] he used to be able to jungle lol
[HuskyTdC] back in season 2
[HuskyTdC] n fly vok
[NiCo`l3x] xD!
[HuskyTdC] argh
[l3x`Sbaffo] well none will ever beat my ap xin zhao
[l3x`Sbaffo] *no one
[HuskyTdC] how does he do ap?
[l3x`Sbaffo] eheh
[HuskyTdC] I never played xin
[l3x`Sbaffo] "w" passively gives you free heal every 3 aa
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> gj
[NiCo`l3x] ACK
[l3x`Sbaffo] oh god i have to go in some minutes
[HuskyTdC] lich bane, wit's end, nashor's tooth?
[HuskyTdC] yea np
[l3x`Sbaffo] yes without wit's end
[HuskyTdC] u guys won this wxw anyway
[HuskyTdC] we will contact cinek for hyst
[NiCo`l3x] yeap
[NiCo`l3x] Hush play the hyst
[HuskyTdC] that's not good news for us )=
[l3x`Sbaffo] wtf
[HuskyTdC] bl
[NiCo`l3x] :/
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> i'm nervous now my parents went back home ctm
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> but i think we've won this
[VoK`TdC] lets change pick ;=
[VoK`TdC] bng
[l3x`Sbaffo] lol why
[NiCo`l3x] no
[HuskyTdC] lol
[NiCo`l3x] you said hysteria d:
[HuskyTdC] yeah hyst is better xD
[VoK`TdC] you guys said to ttrr xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] vok today we did it in the host
[l3x`Sbaffo] before playng
[VoK`TdC] we pick bng ass well
[l3x`Sbaffo] ass well?
[NiCo`l3x] aw
[NiCo`l3x] D:
[l3x`Sbaffo] xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] vok
[HuskyTdC] that ass was well on my cock xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] today we changed pick in the host
[l3x`Sbaffo] not during the game
[VoK`TdC] ööö you change pick in host :D so what :D:D:D:D
[VoK`TdC] what is difference :D
[l3x`Sbaffo] oh ffs
[NiCo`l3x] lets finish this baffone
[l3x`Sbaffo] the difference is that before you start the game you can decide whatever you want
[NiCo`l3x] yeah
[l3x`Sbaffo] even to void that game
[VoK`TdC] we dont are started uss pick
[NiCo`l3x] if u want we can 3rd bng
[l3x`Sbaffo] and if you'd pick bng i'd not play clanner because i have to go after this
[NiCo`l3x] hush and cinek on in ag xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] prepare your anus talon
[VoK`TdC] we will not change pick :) just wanted try reaktion
[VoK`TdC] lol
[VoK`TdC] but still i think its same like that your rr change guys
[l3x`Sbaffo] well that's a nice excuse xD
[NiCo`l3x] xD!
[NiCo`l3x] XD
[l3x`Sbaffo] and i repeat, you had to decide it in the host
[VoK`TdC] i mean husk joking :D i dont speak anything xDD
[l3x`Sbaffo] well gg
[VoK`TdC] it was your pick host xD
[l3x`Sbaffo] i have dinner i go now
[VoK`TdC] own host i think xD
[NiCo`l3x] sbaffo
[l3x`Sbaffo] CYA GUYZZZZZZ
[NiCo`l3x] now i losed this
[NiCo`l3x] xd
<<l3x`Sbaffo>> GL CTM
[HuskyTdC] gg sbaffo, see ya around
[HuskyTdC] we r very low xD I think u r gonna win
[NiCo`l3x] asdasfds
[HuskyTdC] nice try
[NiCo`l3x] shadows fail
[HuskyTdC] gg vok
[VoK`TdC] gg
[NiCo`l3x] xDD
[HuskyTdC] xD
[NiCo`l3x] pro
[HuskyTdC] thanks
[HuskyTdC] gs
[NiCo`l3x] ty
[NiCo`l3x] I have 14 nades xD
[HuskyTdC] xDDdd
[HuskyTdC] argh
[VoK`TdC] we have 2x patsy
[VoK`TdC] thats wierd
[NiCo`l3x] ok now gg
[NiCo`l3x] wtf
[HuskyTdC] bl
[VoK`TdC] huehuehue :D
[NiCo`l3x] nice
[HuskyTdC] bad luck
[NiCo`l3x] phone..
[VoK`TdC] go go go husky
[NiCo`l3x] f@#!ING PHONE!
[NiCo`l3x] cant believe this
[HuskyTdC] gg

Author Topic: Game #163967, reported by VoK  (Read 484 times)

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Offline NiCo`

Game #163967, reported by VoK
« on: February 16, 2014, 08:55 PM »
Cant Believe this D: We had big advantage:(

Re: Game #163967, reported by VoK
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2014, 09:13 PM »
woah epic win :o

Offline Brends

Re: Game #163967, reported by VoK
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2014, 09:47 PM »
Joobbbbb slaves!

Offline Rogi

Re: Game #163967, reported by VoK
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2014, 12:29 PM »
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Calm the hell down.|