Leagues > Leagues

Game #167178, reported by LightDragon


He did not play my pick. Here's the lobby conversation.

[`coI`eXzo`FAW] scheme ?
[Dragon] BnG
[`coI`eXzo`FAW] wyt ts
[Dragon] ts is for no max power
[`coI`eXzo`FAW] omg
[`coI`eXzo`FAW] nahui
[Dragon] go
[`coI`eXzo`FAW] gg


--- Quote from: Dragon on April 01, 2014, 08:01 PM ---He did not play my pick. Here's the lobby conversation.

[`coI`eXzo`FAW] scheme ?
[Dragon] BnG
[`coI`eXzo`FAW] wyt ts
[Dragon] ts is for no max power
[`coI`eXzo`FAW] omg
[`coI`eXzo`FAW] nahui
[Dragon] go
[`coI`eXzo`FAW] gg

--- End quote ---
she* just said "go f@#! dragon" XD


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