Leagues > Leagues

Game #168783, reported by GreatProfe


Guess it's time to make some stuff clean for people.

--- Quote ---[brOZ`GreatProfe] dragon likes more talk and less games
[brOZ`GreatProfe] he's more active in tus forums than w:a xD
--- End quote ---

1. I do play TUS at morning and night, because I'm studying all day long, or I hang with my friend etc.

2. If I don't play TUS, that's because I don't feel like I'm in mood for a loss.

--- Quote ---[AeF`Tomi] ye he is stupid sometimes
[brOZ`GreatProfe] kinda
[brOZ`GreatProfe] but he never fought with me at least
[brOZ`GreatProfe] just with asbest and the ohters guys
--- End quote ---

3. I fought ONLY with Asbest and TANER, because they both keep provoking me everytime I get on AG, well Asbest now stopped.

Thanks for understanding.

sorry Dragon, i had no intention to insult u or even blame on. Cya in #ag for games!

it takes 2 to tango tho =)


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