Leagues > Leagues

Game #172919, reported by j0hny



--- Quote ---[UC`Piki1802] Skip next turn
[TLaD`j0hny] I forgot about this rule
[UC`MarianRV`ae] my mistake i didnt tell you
[UC`MarianRV`ae] xD
[UC`MarianRV`ae] but you can skip ofc :)
[TLaD`j0hny] two turns no attack?
[UC`MarianRV`ae] one skip
[UC`MarianRV`ae] NO!
[UC`Piki1802] no one turn no attack
[UC`MarianRV`ae] meh
[TLaD`j0hny] ok
[UC`Piki1802] lol that's using a weap
[UC`MarianRV`ae] was it legal?
[UC`MarianRV`ae] yea
[UC`Piki1802] Dunno
[TLaD`j0hny] I can move but no attack
[UC`MarianRV`ae] isnt it cow again?
[UC`Piki1802] No
[UC`MarianRV`ae] he needs to skip afaik
--- End quote ---

When cow and skip can I move with rope?


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