Leagues > Leagues

Game #203205, reported by RIP


[2016-01-25 16.28.54] [ZaR`Axel`tr] you won
[2016-01-25 16.28.55] [l3x`RIP`tr] nope
[2016-01-25 16.28.57] [ZaR`Axel`tr] can't rope now
[2016-01-25 16.29.02] [l3x`RIP`tr] try now serious pls
[2016-01-25 16.29.03] [ZaR`Axel`tr] report pls
[2016-01-25 16.29.05] [l3x`RIP`tr] nah
[2016-01-25 16.29.07] [ZaR`Axel`tr] no no
[2016-01-25 16.29.11] [l3x`RIP`tr] cant coz i surrender
[2016-01-25 16.29.13] [l3x`RIP`tr] man
[2016-01-25 16.29.14] [ZaR`Axel`tr] i don't want to rope
[2016-01-25 16.29.19] [l3x`RIP`tr] pile on last worm
[2016-01-25 16.29.22] [l3x`RIP`tr] go man
[2016-01-25 16.29.28] [ZaR`Axel`tr] so change to terrain scheme
[2016-01-25 16.29.34] [ZaR`Axel`tr] can't rope
[2016-01-25 16.29.42] [l3x`RIP`tr] damn
[2016-01-25 16.29.46] [l3x`RIP`tr] 2 worms?
[2016-01-25 16.29.53] [l3x`RIP`tr] for end of game?
[2016-01-25 16.30.04] [ZaR`Axel`tr] you won
[2016-01-25 16.30.08] [l3x`RIP`tr] pfff
[2016-01-25 16.30.09] [l3x`RIP`tr] ok


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