May 14, 2024, 07:54 AM

Game #205638, Viewed 448 Time(s)

Classic #49
March 09, 2016, 01:35 AM
Croatia HCP alCo
Sum: Competent 1759 in BnG before the game. Gained 18|12 points
United States MV S17 a2a
Sum: Competent 1759 in BnG before the game. Gained 18|12 points
Hungary dP ae
Sum: Absolute Beginner 1034 in BnG before the game. Lost 13|13 points
Costa Rica
Sum: Absolute Beginner 1034 in BnG before the game. Lost 13|13 points

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Players history No players history is available for singles 2v2 or 3v3.
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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#27 by Sensei
1920 x 696, PNG, 110.53 KB, Downloaded 375 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[NBRthewalrus] glhf
[mae`AbC`a2b] Have fun.
[NBRthewalrus] so i can f@#! em
[NBRthewalrus] wait
[NBRthewalrus] thats not a whisper
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] lol
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[NBRthewalrus] ahahha
[NBRthewalrus] i never aid shit about f@#!ing
[NBRthewalrus] for the record
<<Sensei`hcp>> haha
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] gj
[NBRthewalrus] na
[Sensei`hcp] gs
[NBRthewalrus] ns*
[mae`AbC`a2b] No plop no fun.
[mae`AbC`a2b] t
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] lol
[NBRthewalrus] right aboe you
[NBRthewalrus] avoe you
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! i cant type
[NBRthewalrus] above you
[mae`AbC`a2b] xD
[Sensei`hcp] wanted
[NBRthewalrus] okok
[NBRthewalrus] oh f@#! the tip
[mae`AbC`a2b] Wind please
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] here you are xD
[NBRthewalrus] you need wind like i need a black dick
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] lol that much?
[NBRthewalrus] very
[NBRthewalrus] veddy veddy
[Sensei`hcp] f@#! it. i need sleep
[mae`AbC`a2b] How much drunk?
[mae`AbC`a2b] xD
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! off
[NBRthewalrus] sen
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] aha
[NBRthewalrus] u do work
[NBRthewalrus] then u sleep
[mae`AbC`a2b] Haha
[NBRthewalrus] beat em down
[NBRthewalrus] use the zook
[NBRthewalrus] lay waste
[NBRthewalrus] to their shits
[NBRthewalrus] make the boom
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] gj
[mae`AbC`a2b] t
[NBRthewalrus] its okay
[NBRthewalrus] not bad
[NBRthewalrus] gj
[NBRthewalrus] start with the 4 sec work
[NBRthewalrus] roller
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] ops
[mae`AbC`a2b] xD
[NBRthewalrus] this is war
[mae`AbC`a2b] Nice wind
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] I used 1st time lg nade 5s after 3 years lol
[Sensei`hcp] me? roller? nah, you ain't gonna see that
[NBRthewalrus] hey m8
[Sensei`hcp] vns.
[mae`AbC`a2b] g1
[NBRthewalrus] whats good
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] ns
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] revange
[NBRthewalrus] do the roller
[mae`AbC`a2b] Aw
[NBRthewalrus] rollowe
[NBRthewalrus] ROLLER
[NBRthewalrus] i love to convince other people to noob
[NBRthewalrus] so i dont have to
[NBRthewalrus] ROLLER
[NBRthewalrus] SEN
[NBRthewalrus] 2 red
[NBRthewalrus] 2 red
[mae`AbC`a2b] 3
[mae`AbC`a2b] xD
[NBRthewalrus] ok
[NBRthewalrus] pile
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] gs
[NBRthewalrus] double push
[NBRthewalrus] u have to roller now
[NBRthewalrus] 4 sec
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] mae do something they are leading lol
[mae`AbC`a2b] Haha
[NBRthewalrus] that was better than a 4 sec there sen
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!ing a
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] wow lol
[Sensei`hcp] lol
[NBRthewalrus] u are turning into sniper
[mae`AbC`a2b] Carefull with that pixel in front of you
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] I see too xD
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] problem is done xD
[NBRthewalrus] no shot
[NBRthewalrus] unless miracle
[NBRthewalrus] good idea
[NBRthewalrus] gogdito is smart bng player
[NBRthewalrus] wel will have to do the knowledge
[mae`AbC`a2b] Nice wind
[NBRthewalrus] wtf
[mae`AbC`a2b] Plop them
[NBRthewalrus] wind
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! off
[mae`AbC`a2b] Nice shot
[NBRthewalrus] gtfo out
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] thx
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! that
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] wind
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] I mean no wind xD
[NBRthewalrus] more wind
[mae`AbC`a2b] Awwwwww
[NBRthewalrus] what is going on here
[mae`AbC`a2b] What a waste
[NBRthewalrus] with the windhax
mae`AbC`a2b has turned on the crate finder feature of wkRubberWorm (http://worms2d.info/RubberWorm) <Version for>.
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] lol
[NBRthewalrus] yes
[NBRthewalrus] finally
[NBRthewalrus] 8 mins later
[NBRthewalrus] u move to the master hide
[NBRthewalrus] i like
[NBRthewalrus] hmmm
[NBRthewalrus] well
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!ing hell
[NBRthewalrus] just trying to open
[NBRthewalrus] they have good hides
[NBRthewalrus] get them sen
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] 7s with less power
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] xD
[Sensei`hcp] that was cool.
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] wow
[mae`AbC`a2b] Bad luck
[NBRthewalrus] WTF
[NBRthewalrus] what is with today
[mae`AbC`a2b] xD
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] -1 pixel.. maybe
[NBRthewalrus] i always have partners that attack me
[mae`AbC`a2b] Meh
[mae`AbC`a2b] 1 trap
[mae`AbC`a2b] tap*
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[NBRthewalrus] at least nt
[NBRthewalrus] bl
[Sensei`hcp] t
[NBRthewalrus] wtf
[NBRthewalrus] WI
[NBRthewalrus] wind
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! off
[mae`AbC`a2b] ND
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! off
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! OFF
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] arf
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! OFFF
[Sensei`hcp] yeah.. they piss on us with those winds
[mae`AbC`a2b] Nice openbing
[Sensei`hcp] not fair so far.
[NBRthewalrus] worked
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] wind pls xD
[Sensei`hcp] hah
[NBRthewalrus] perfect shot
[NBRthewalrus] now ur turn sen
[NBRthewalrus] push godio
[Sensei`hcp] try to open
[NBRthewalrus] gotdido
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] nt write godito xD
[mae`AbC`a2b] xD
[NBRthewalrus] gogbito
[NBRthewalrus] shenlito
[NBRthewalrus] querocito
[NBRthewalrus] yay
[Sensei`hcp] n push
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] aw
[NBRthewalrus] pushes for all
[NBRthewalrus] try it
[Sensei`hcp] never saw you use so much rolling
[NBRthewalrus] its TUS
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] lol
[NBRthewalrus] and i move into #3 overall alltime on leaderboard
[NBRthewalrus] if we win this game
[NBRthewalrus] so im going cheapmode
[NBRthewalrus] need to pass random
[mae`AbC`a2b] Is not random inactive?
[mae`AbC`a2b] xD
[Sensei`hcp] he is but his records aren't
[NBRthewalrus] hes active
[NBRthewalrus] but only eac i think
[NBRthewalrus] and he was a notcher
[mae`AbC`a2b] Transfer
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] aw
[NBRthewalrus] so for me to pass a notcher
[NBRthewalrus] it feels awesome
[NBRthewalrus] awww
[NBRthewalrus] counterfeited
[NBRthewalrus] by the pixel
[NBRthewalrus] here we go
[Sensei`hcp] i'm buying a beer if 40+
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] ok, windhax 1-1 xD
[mae`AbC`a2b] ns
[Sensei`hcp] beer for all
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] ns
[NBRthewalrus] we got some luck
[NBRthewalrus] awww
[NBRthewalrus] nt
[mae`AbC`a2b] Nice wind
[Sensei`hcp] angle was bad
[mae`AbC`a2b] Plop walrus
[NBRthewalrus] TUS is war bng
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] arf
[mae`AbC`a2b] n
[NBRthewalrus] sen
[NBRthewalrus] stay stong
[Sensei`hcp] no pushito, godito
[NBRthewalrus] vn
[NBRthewalrus] hmm
[NBRthewalrus] no impact
[NBRthewalrus] just a stroller
[Sensei`hcp] napoleon said: give me 100,000 croats and i will conquor the world
[Sensei`hcp] ns wal
[NBRthewalrus] did e
[NBRthewalrus] walrus once said
[Sensei`hcp] lol
[mae`AbC`a2b] You moed
[Sensei`hcp] changed notch hahaha
[mae`AbC`a2b] moved
[mae`AbC`a2b] xD
[Sensei`hcp] yeah
NBRthewalrus give me 100,000 croats and i will dig a reasonably large ditch
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[Sensei`hcp] good one
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] ty
[mae`AbC`a2b] ns godito
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] dänke
[NBRthewalrus] bah
[NBRthewalrus] no impact again
[Sensei`hcp] good good..
[Sensei`hcp] we're cleaning that
[NBRthewalrus] get close worm sen
[NBRthewalrus] push
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!
[Sensei`hcp] sry, needed to try.
[Sensei`hcp] AGAIN NO WIND?
[NBRthewalrus] i know
[Sensei`hcp] wtf
[NBRthewalrus] fuse is good
[NBRthewalrus] again
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] aw
[mae`AbC`a2b] Full
[mae`AbC`a2b] xD
[NBRthewalrus] if we survive this
[Sensei`hcp] hmm nice 3s open here
[NBRthewalrus] we good
[Sensei`hcp] he's choosing lg route
[Sensei`hcp] will it be money shot
[Sensei`hcp] will itt
[NBRthewalrus] what san idiot
[Sensei`hcp] no, not this time
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! me
[NBRthewalrus] get far worm
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] ns !
[NBRthewalrus] u have 4 sec FP
[Sensei`hcp] we're 2 f@#!ups wal, it's not meant to us play together
[NBRthewalrus] ill get mae
[NBRthewalrus] no
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] no wind pls
[NBRthewalrus] should have stayed on long worm
[mae`AbC`a2b] Nice wind
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! my as
[NBRthewalrus] whats going on here
[Sensei`hcp] ok godito, seriously?
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] aeee
[mae`AbC`a2b] haha
[Sensei`hcp] it's 4th wind in a row
[Sensei`hcp] he found that bug place in map..
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] speak with Steps pls ;D
[NBRthewalrus] FFS
[Sensei`hcp] i'm starting to believe that's a real thing
[NBRthewalrus] oh f@#! me
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! me
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! me
[NBRthewalrus] bank
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] finally lol
[NBRthewalrus] go bank
[mae`AbC`a2b] Ye haha
[NBRthewalrus] lg 5
[NBRthewalrus] hide is good
[NBRthewalrus] i will get mae
[mae`AbC`a2b] Perfect for a nice wind
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! this is a dogfight
[NBRthewalrus] WTF
[NBRthewalrus] THI f@#!NIG WIND
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] sorry guys... trust me I'm the most wondered lol
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! me
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! me
[NBRthewalrus] i cant aim
[NBRthewalrus] with laptop keys
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] lol
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] 125 more shots to go
[NBRthewalrus] i took 15 secs to change aim by a tiny bit
[NBRthewalrus] couldnt do it
<<Sensei`hcp>> yeah
[mae`AbC`a2b] Nice open
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] opened
<<Sensei`hcp>> i didn't use finger since started playing on bigger res.
<<Sensei`hcp>> gonna try..
[NBRthewalrus] well f@#! off
[NBRthewalrus] seriously
[NBRthewalrus] not f@#! f a little
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! off a lot
[NBRthewalrus] got it
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[Sensei`hcp] t
[NBRthewalrus] knew it when i saw the im
[NBRthewalrus] aim
[NBRthewalrus] gj
[Sensei`hcp] yeah, it's easy to do those.
[NBRthewalrus] HEY
[mae`AbC`a2b] Wind
[Sensei`hcp] what's good
[NBRthewalrus] YWS
[NBRthewalrus] YES
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] gs
[Sensei`hcp] vn man
[NBRthewalrus] f@#! yessss
[NBRthewalrus] neede that push so bad
[Sensei`hcp] isn't this a bit too close haha
[NBRthewalrus] ya
[NBRthewalrus] its too close
[mae`AbC`a2b] Im on our side xD
[mae`AbC`a2b] You are so close
[mae`AbC`a2b] xD
[NBRthewalrus] needs to be 1/3 map mae
[Sensei`hcp] there's also rules about distance
[Sensei`hcp] when 1v1 or 2v2
[mae`AbC`a2b] Do i need to tele?
[mae`AbC`a2b] Do i should*
[NBRthewalrus] WIN ME
[NBRthewalrus] wind*
[NBRthewalrus] f@#!
[NBRthewalrus] damn
[NBRthewalrus] i got suchgood wind
[NBRthewalrus] and i fucekd it
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] I don't know what distance is enablod or what is not
[NBRthewalrus] n1
[NBRthewalrus] good touch
[NBRthewalrus] AAAA
[Sensei`hcp] t
[NBRthewalrus] WOND
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] yaiks
[NBRthewalrus] one more 1 red
[NBRthewalrus] AWW
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] close
[Sensei`hcp] my screen still stutters and got 1 sec freezes
[Sensei`hcp] should clean up motherboard :/
[NBRthewalrus] awww
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[Sensei`hcp] t
[NBRthewalrus] now mae moving back methinks
[NBRthewalrus] ok
[NBRthewalrus] but allow me to retort
[mae`AbC`a2b] I should make a new hide xD
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] you should not die xD
[Sensei`hcp] zook the f@#!er wal
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] ns
[Sensei`hcp] or that. vn
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] lol
[mae`AbC`a2b] Wait. Need to open xD
[NBRthewalrus] its not darkside
[NBRthewalrus] impact grenade can hit
[NBRthewalrus] wheee
[Sensei`hcp] wtf is with that tree
[mae`AbC`a2b] Bad luck
[Sensei`hcp] second time stucking on pxl
[Sensei`hcp] move wal
[NBRthewalrus] awww
[NBRthewalrus] land
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] omg.. 1st time I love pixel xD
[NBRthewalrus] much love
[mae`AbC`a2b] Haha
[NBRthewalrus] very pixel
[NBRthewalrus] n wind
[NBRthewalrus] vnt
[NBRthewalrus] so close to good push
[Sensei`hcp] siziphs
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] ops
[mae`AbC`a2b] xD
[NBRthewalrus] lets try a flyer
[Sensei`hcp] how is sizif in english
[Sensei`hcp] guy that pushed rock up the hill*
[NBRthewalrus] well
[NBRthewalrus] i hit him
[NBRthewalrus] sysiphus
[Sensei`hcp] yeah...
[NBRthewalrus] i guess its grecian
[NBRthewalrus] te original
[NBRthewalrus] since greek mythology
[NBRthewalrus] or roman
[NBRthewalrus] cant rmeember
[NBRthewalrus] i think greek though
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] nt
[Sensei`hcp] yeah. sysiphus is from greek mythology
[NBRthewalrus] nt
[mae`AbC`a2b] Aw
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] was planned in da face :D
[mae`AbC`a2b] haha
[NBRthewalrus] well
[NBRthewalrus] shit
[Sensei`hcp] it's used when you want explain someone doing job and don't make any results.. "he's doing sysiphus job"
[Sensei`hcp] like me when i try to bank shots..
[NBRthewalrus] lol
[Sensei`hcp] f@#!ing sysiphus
[NBRthewalrus] ahahaha
[mae`AbC`a2b] Ready
[mae`AbC`a2b] :d
[mae`AbC`a2b] :D
[NBRthewalrus] good tele
[NBRthewalrus] wait
[NBRthewalrus] very good tele
[NBRthewalrus] wait
[NBRthewalrus] elite tele
[Sensei`hcp] best hide on map atm
[NBRthewalrus] wait
[NBRthewalrus] best tele ever
[NBRthewalrus] gg
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] gg
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] gs
[Sensei`hcp] omg.
[mae`AbC`a2b] gg
[Sensei`hcp] excellent.
[NBRthewalrus] sorry to make u dig for that long
[NBRthewalrus] then that
[NBRthewalrus] :(
[Sensei`hcp] i was watching godito's worm
[mae`AbC`a2b] The f@#! all for nothing :(
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] ty
[NBRthewalrus] ooo
[NBRthewalrus] nt
[Sensei`hcp] t
[NBRthewalrus] ok
[NBRthewalrus] lets do it
[NBRthewalrus] poor
[NBRthewalrus] very poor
[NBRthewalrus] so poor
[Sensei`hcp] gg
[NBRthewalrus] ns
[mae`AbC`a2b] gg
[dP`GodiTo`nlF] gg
[Sensei`hcp] t
[NBRthewalrus] gg
[mae`AbC`a2b] See you guyds
[mae`AbC`a2b] guys*
[NBRthewalrus] oi
[NBRthewalrus] ggs

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