Leagues > Leagues

Game #206784, reported by lalo

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Sorry that I don't take this game seriously and piled on a mine on purpose. Could have easily beat you if I felt like it. A lot better than you. Maybe if I didn't rope high all the time this game would be a lot easier to play like how you kiddies do sober. Smoked.

Nice crosseye's. Let me pull up your picture again for the records.

Keep sitting in 2nd. So would you have posted "Smoked" if we won the game? Prob not cause you're weird as shit and clearly don't smoke anything, virgin lungs. Glad people enjoy using my terminology though of saying "Smoked" when they win a game. Carry the tradition on!

You show your colors real good dude, cry baby.

Anyway im done, was looking for a good laugh and i got it. Cya and hf with your kbs!


--- Quote from: daiNa on March 27, 2016, 07:22 PM ---You show your colors real good dude, cry baby.

Anyway im done, was looking for a good laugh and i got it. Cya and hf with your kbs!

--- End quote ---

Yup, you show yours as well. I can just look at your picture of you for a laugh.

grow up biscuits f@#!ing child...  ::)


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