Leagues > Leagues

Game #216038, reported by Senator

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tita dropped and Free had to go. Let's finish it with handicaps another day.

Well.... what is up lately with people reporting games when someone does not have time for the last game, or net drops, and cant get back online, or whatever the case??

just wondering, because someone else has done it recently too, did not want to ask this question when he did it, or it would have been a 10 post debate.

I thought reporting free wins was reserved for if someone avoids, and you have chat log to prove they avoided you, it then a way to challenge them to the game, and almost forces them to play you, or accept a loss... that seems logical.

but don't think anyone used to report games like this, when someone had to leave early, or whatever...   you just remind the clan the next time you see them, and if they are an honorable clan, it should be no problem getting that game done.

these free win reports are unnecessary imo... the "losing" clan of the free win might not even see the game was reported, or not realize it was a free win... or the "losing" clan may not remember to get the game played, etc.

i think situations like this you should just remind the clan next time you see them, and if they deny you the game, then of course you would have the right to report free win...  anyone else agree with me here??   maybe yes?? maybe no??

so.... regarding the game... senator has a really nice mine drop starting around 5:30.... then free had a nice zooka starting around 7:00... then starting around 8:00 titahemp had vvvnice knock/split from his partner, to pile enemy worms together, then made a nd...but... lol BL tittiez :DD

also, i noticed the health at tita's drop... if he was able to take his turn.. he would collect crate, and make an attack + grave damage + pile... no reason he would not have attacked, his target was on the other end of map, and crate was on top.. so he just had to rope across map one direction.

then healths would be  TITA 85hp piled on 110hp and 62 hp taking turn after tita.

so no handicap would rly be fair... that one turn would change the game from really bad for dt, to almost tied up if you consider turn advantage...... whats your thoughts on that senator?? 

In my opinion these kind of reports are more like a reminder that the game will have to be replayed and not to be forgotten.

Ps.: Nice warmer map! xd

Ye like chongi told. Think point report free / unfinished game reminds play it laiter.

I think same like Csongi and Vok. Reporting free wins like this is just a reminder.


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