April 25, 2024, 01:57 PM

Game #221049, Viewed 337 Time(s)

Free #32
July 24, 2017, 11:54 PM
Germany db dS Kf
Inexperienced 1166 in Plop War before the game. Gained 34|30 points
Serbia HCP alCo BrS
Absolute Beginner 960 in Plop War before the game. Lost 32|30 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
5 - 1
15 - 3
Information Game scheme: Plop War
Scheme pick: Both pick (Like a 3rd game)
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 602 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

Ploop war by Tita by tita
1920 x 696, PNG, 36.75 KB, Downloaded 8287 time(s)

Splashed! 07 by ksuh
1920 x 696, PNG, 93.49 KB, Downloaded 8340 time(s)

This map has no author on TUS.
If you know the author of this map, click on the editor button to submit an author for it.
1920 x 696, PNG, 70.61 KB, Downloaded 3 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[UC`Hurz`dS] funz
[UC`Hurz`dS] gjh
[Vojske] :DDD
[Vojske] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] eeeeh :D
[Vojske] nttt
[Vojske] strong powaa
[UC`Hurz`dS] weee
[Vojske] damnn :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] nope
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[Vojske] goal
[UC`Hurz`dS] nooo :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] but ok maybe
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[Vojske] eww
[UC`Hurz`dS] wild throw
[Vojske] ASfkjposafr[askf
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] weeeee
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D:D
[Vojske] wow
[UC`Hurz`dS] u die
[UC`Hurz`dS] uh
[Vojske] cmon
[UC`Hurz`dS] cmon :D
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] ahahaha
[Vojske] uff
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye ;D
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[Vojske] pille :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] uff
[Vojske] good enough
[UC`Hurz`dS] gg
[Vojske] stupid
[Vojske] gg
[UC`Hurz`dS] n fly :D
[Vojske] xDD

[UC`Hurz`dS] funz
[Vojske] hg
[Vojske] f
[UC`Hurz`dS] heh
[Vojske] cooows D
[UC`Hurz`dS] ooops
[UC`Hurz`dS] so slow
[UC`Hurz`dS] hmm
[Vojske] ah nothin...
[Vojske] :o
[UC`Hurz`dS] hehe
[UC`Hurz`dS] oh
[UC`Hurz`dS] waste
[UC`Hurz`dS] nt
[Vojske] ty
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D:D
[Vojske] nice :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] t lol
[Vojske] fkasojfpa]skfa
[Vojske] cmon
[UC`Hurz`dS] nt
[Vojske] where u going :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] oh wait
[UC`Hurz`dS] that wasnt the plan :_D
[Vojske] oooops
[Vojske] thats for sure D
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] not much sense :D
[Vojske] pf
[Vojske] disable army :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] too fat land :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] gj
[Vojske] aa
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[Vojske] stock
[UC`Hurz`dS] no lg needed :o
[UC`Hurz`dS] but safer
[Vojske] okk
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[Vojske] i forgot to lg :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] eyy
[UC`Hurz`dS] sloww again
[Vojske] fast sheep
[UC`Hurz`dS] forgot to doublespace
[UC`Hurz`dS] idiotic
[Vojske] hmm
[UC`Hurz`dS] gooder
[Vojske] g1
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] hmm
[UC`Hurz`dS] not what i wanted but ok :D
[Vojske] :DD
[Vojske] pille
[Vojske] 680
[Vojske] about :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] neh+
[UC`Hurz`dS] :o
[Vojske] [fff
[UC`Hurz`dS] .
[Vojske] n
[UC`Hurz`dS] :)
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[Vojske] ah ok
[UC`Hurz`dS] wind...
[UC`Hurz`dS] lg
[UC`Hurz`dS] none left :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] weeeeee
[Vojske] flyy
[Vojske] xD
[UC`Hurz`dS] hmmm
[UC`Hurz`dS] nope
[UC`Hurz`dS] n
[Vojske] get out :D
[Vojske] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] *ae
[Vojske] hello
[UC`Hurz`dS] uhm
[UC`Hurz`dS] oops? :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] gj gg
[Vojske] wiild :D
[Vojske] gg
[UC`Hurz`dS] brb new drink

[Vojske] hff
[UC`Hurz`dS] ae :D:D
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] läl
[UC`Hurz`dS] nothing
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] creativity = 0 atm :D
[Vojske] ah 1:30
[Vojske] its late :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] at least this
[Vojske] cmoooon
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] nah
[UC`Hurz`dS] ghosted
[Vojske] :/
[UC`Hurz`dS] eeey
[UC`Hurz`dS] cool
[Vojske] activate mine :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] wrrronggg >;;D;D
[Vojske] ufff
[Vojske] wrong color
[Vojske] xd
[UC`Hurz`dS] ns tho wasnt it :D:D
[UC`Hurz`dS] uh
[UC`Hurz`dS] rofl
[Vojske] why not
[UC`Hurz`dS] epic
[Vojske] ...
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[Vojske] Why not plop
[Vojske] wtfff
[UC`Hurz`dS] loooool
[Vojske] lg
[UC`Hurz`dS] or higher :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] gj
[Vojske] or :D
[Vojske] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] heh
[UC`Hurz`dS] rly? :D:D
[Vojske] lucky sponge :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] didnt see theres gorund :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] ae
[Vojske] SKfjopasjf[paskf]asf\
[UC`Hurz`dS] ew
[UC`Hurz`dS] rofl
[Vojske] fair :DDDD
[UC`Hurz`dS] enough :D:D
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[Vojske] patsy maybe
[UC`Hurz`dS] nasty place
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] wrong choice
[Vojske] hm
[Vojske] not aqua
[UC`Hurz`dS] nah
[UC`Hurz`dS] well
[UC`Hurz`dS] got a rope left
[Vojske] well
[Vojske] thats means gg
[UC`Hurz`dS] or not :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] nuuuuuu :D:D
[Vojske] xDDD
[UC`Hurz`dS] damn hide ;)
[UC`Hurz`dS] pf
[Vojske] aaa
[UC`Hurz`dS] wee
[Vojske] for end :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] ya
[Vojske] aaaa
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] rofl
[Vojske] oook
[UC`Hurz`dS] rushy
[UC`Hurz`dS] do it
[Vojske] ASfmasfmasf
[Vojske] hahah
[UC`Hurz`dS] neeeh
[Vojske] so stupid
[UC`Hurz`dS] ggs
[Vojske] g1
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[Vojske] gg

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