April 19, 2024, 08:28 PM

Game #221284, Viewed 219 Time(s)

Free #32
August 08, 2017, 12:52 AM
Germany db dS Kf
Novice 1345 in Kaos before the game. Gained 28|26 points
Serbia HCP alCo BrS
Absolute Beginner 1051 in Kaos before the game. Lost 26|26 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 1
1 - 1
5 - 1
15 - 3
Information Game scheme: Kaos
Scheme pick: Both pick (Like a 3rd game)
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Game Chat(s)
[UC`Hurz`dS] funz
[giJo`UC] sup vojske btw :D
[Vojske] ok
[giJo`UC] funza
[Vojske] lets go
[Vojske] pretty stoned
[UC`Hurz`dS] hmmmm
[Vojske] :33
[Vojske] u
[Vojske] n fly
[UC`Hurz`dS] t lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] wanted to go right tho :;D:D
[UC`Hurz`dS] well, almost done roll that 4th joint, and as said, killed liter of wine so far.
[UC`Hurz`dS] and gijo witnessed that i got good weed, why would i lose bna cup final, if not ;)
[Vojske] hahah
[giJo`UC] :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] well were close games but.
[UC`Hurz`dS] damnit, no idea why i lost 2x vs romanl in that cup. i mean, hes doing very well, but in the end im more skilled :o
[UC`Hurz`dS] must be that mix of carelessness, styleaddiction and drunkstonedness, combined with the fact i usually show nerves in final situations :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] lmao
[Vojske] what cup is playin
[UC`Hurz`dS] sry. will hurry finish roll then imma kick your as :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] well was final of ma bna cup
[UC`Hurz`dS] maybe i didnt take it too serious :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] but was fun, so no matter.
[UC`Hurz`dS] n cup after all
[UC`Hurz`dS] at least i had n games.
[UC`Hurz`dS] the stucking midwasy sucked ofc
[giJo`UC] too
[giJo`UC] slow
[Vojske] too stoned
[Vojske] i think haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] done rolling :)
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] grr
[UC`Hurz`dS] well k
[UC`Hurz`dS] bad idea
[UC`Hurz`dS] weedcheers
[Vojske] uff
[Vojske] right
[Vojske] cheers bro
[giJo`UC] k cu dudes, i'll go to sleep
[UC`Hurz`dS] take care bro
[giJo`UC] bb
[UC`Hurz`dS] hmm
[UC`Hurz`dS] wild hide
[Vojske] epic
[UC`Hurz`dS] grrr
[Vojske] vase hm
[Vojske] i dont have anything hah
[UC`Hurz`dS] lool
[Vojske] uff
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[Vojske] hah
[Vojske] strange
[UC`Hurz`dS] neeeh ;D
[Vojske] ok no hm
[Vojske] xD
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] wine almost gone, imma drink some whisky soon
[UC`Hurz`dS] getting after round
[UC`Hurz`dS] :o
[Vojske] hahaha
[Vojske] im str8 soon i think xD
[Vojske] weirdddd
[UC`Hurz`dS] ya lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] looks like i dont wanna win
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] njs
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] true
[UC`Hurz`dS] gj i guess
[Vojske] dont know :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] wrong
[UC`Hurz`dS] roflmao
[UC`Hurz`dS] tle and ropes there :D:D:D
[UC`Hurz`dS] what a chance
[Vojske] hahahah
[Vojske] aa
[UC`Hurz`dS] hmm
[Vojske] teelee
[Vojske] strange round at all
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] brb drink
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] wtf
[UC`Hurz`dS] seriously didnt get that ss right above my head :D:D:D
[Vojske] uff
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] gg
[Vojske] gg
[UC`Hurz`dS] darn

[Vojske] cool :D
[Vojske] hf
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[Vojske] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol stuck
[UC`Hurz`dS] fw :D
[Vojske] well
[Vojske] -3
[UC`Hurz`dS] and + penismap
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] nah
[UC`Hurz`dS] lool
[UC`Hurz`dS] no spy, but dt
[UC`Hurz`dS] again
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[Vojske] naaaaaaaaaa
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] ew
[UC`Hurz`dS] haha gj
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] hide well
[UC`Hurz`dS] ew
[Vojske] uf
[Vojske] hard story
[UC`Hurz`dS] bad use of tele :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] did me or you win first round? :D
[Vojske] hahaha
[UC`Hurz`dS] gj
[Vojske] im think
[Vojske] u
[Vojske] XD
[UC`Hurz`dS] ah k
[UC`Hurz`dS] gg :D
[Vojske] ah gg
[Vojske] dt
[Vojske] f@#!in
[Vojske] xd
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] cool
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] gg
[Vojske] haha

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