May 19, 2024, 06:33 PM

Game #22639, Reported by Dub-c, Viewed 328 Time(s)

Classic #11
March 31, 2010, 07:33 AM
Rookie 1252 in Shopper before the game. Gained 30|30 points
Absolute Beginner 1037 in Shopper before the game. Lost 30|30 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 0
4 - 5
20 - 7
101 - 94
Information Game scheme: Shopper
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 33 time(s).
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1920 x 696, BIT, 2.77 KB, Downloaded 8 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[Sombra`] hf
[Dead-Tag] se enojo el maricon
[Dead-Tag] xD
[Sombra`] es bkm este mapa
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] no me enoja perder, me da lata cuando no hacen todo por ganar zfoca!
[Sombra`] oie dead tu tai jugando tus ?
<<WookaCKC>> remind me of strategies, first 2v2 rope since i returned
[Dead-Tag] si
[Dead-Tag] avance harto:D
[Dead-Tag] en 2 dias
[Sombra`] juguemo deai unos tus ?
<<DubCKC>> hit and pile
[Dead-Tag] dale
<<DubCKC>> zook first turn
[Sombra`] q tengo q salir temprano mañana y kero pasar de largo
[WookaCKC] ugh
<<WookaCKC>> lol
[DubCKC] Same as not hitting
<<WookaCKC>> im not THATrusty
[DubCKC] No probs there
[Sombra`] juguemos hasta las 7 am como tus reportes q te sapearon en el foro
<<DubCKC>> Yea, but not sure how stoned
[Dead-Tag] la wea
<<WookaCKC>> yeah that elite the other night was bad
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] mas tranilo dead
[Dead-Tag] me siento frustraoi
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] tenis todo el tiempo
[Sombra`] bl
[DubCKC] gj
[WookaCKC] t
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] a mi noma
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] pero hide
<<WookaCKC>> gotta hit this guy i guess
[DubCKC] lol drop
<<WookaCKC>> maybe dont pile him too exact
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] wena
[Sombra`] wena
[Dead-Tag] wena la caja
[Dead-Tag] xD
[Dead-Tag] uu
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] nt
[DubCKC] One more rope and coulda 2 sec ::
<<DubCKC>> nade above if have to
[Sombra`] wena igual
[Dead-Tag] ahora me chinga
[Sombra`] me chinga po wm xD
[Sombra`] de aonde sacaste esa wea
[Dead-Tag] de los mexicanos
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] qliao cfc
[WookaCKC] ugh
[Sombra`] te chingo xD
[Sombra`] wena washo
[Sombra`] apila
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] wena wn
[Dead-Tag] xD
[Sombra`] xD
[DubCKC] traducer washo
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] buddy
[Sombra`] xD
[Dead-Tag] keria knockearlo
[Sombra`] washo = friend
[Dead-Tag] como ropea ese weom
[Dead-Tag] xD
[Dead-Tag] caja cerca porfa
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] tarea: hides
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] osea, piles
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] xD
[Dead-Tag] dale
[Dead-Tag] xDD
[Dead-Tag] kncock apurao
[DubCKC] nk
[Sombra`] sha
[WookaCKC] shit
[Sombra`] eso
[Dead-Tag] voya tener q enseñarte twy
[Dead-Tag] xD
[WookaCKC] shoulda known
[WookaCKC] my bad
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] vamos wn
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] apila
[DubCKC] It happens
[Sombra`] aer
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] me dan mieod tus drops balanceados wn
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] xD
[Sombra`] pense q podria ser fd
[Dead-Tag] yo tambien oi
[Dead-Tag] po
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] eso
[Sombra`] no apili tui
Chicken23CKC..DubCKC: can u report shopper
<<DubCKC>> Nope
Chicken23CKC..DubCKC: and the out come of this game
<<DubCKC>> Ahh I have too
Chicken23CKC..DubCKC: if required
[Sombra`] zwena
Chicken23CKC..DubCKC: im so tired. skiing all day.. got 5 hours sleep last night
[Sombra`] eso
Chicken23CKC..DubCKC: off to bed now i think
[Dead-Tag] empatamos
[Dead-Tag] ^^
[Dead-Tag] sai q el roper ya no me gusta comoantes
<<DubCKC>> ok gnight
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] atca
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] y apila
[Sombra`] a mi me gusta mas q antes
<<WookaCKC>> huh?
DubCKC..Chicken23CKC: ok gnight
<<DubCKC>> wrong person
[Chicken23CKC] night guys
[Chicken23CKC] im so tired
[WookaCKC] later
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] ke ondi wn
[Chicken23CKC] gl
[Sombra`] corre
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] wena
[Sombra`] wena
[Dead-Tag] drop culiao charcha
[Dead-Tag] xD
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] aghhh
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] i hope
[Sombra`] dead
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] desynch...
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] well
[Sombra`] sabi dalte welta en el muro ?
[Dead-Tag] el chicken es tramposo wn xD
[Sombra`] con el chute ?
[WookaCKC] he knows not to use alt f4 i think
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] ahora no es tiempo de practicar
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] por al rechucha
[Dead-Tag] ?
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] la tire noma
<<DubCKC>> pile
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] no keria atacar
[Dead-Tag] pero por q no te devolviuste?
[Dead-Tag] wee
[Sombra`] eso ctm
[Sombra`] apila
[WookaCKC] man
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] por ke soy visionario
[DubCKC] Just rope extra safe :)
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] nono apilis
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] hideee
[DubCKC] It happens
<<WookaCKC>> ive been no help, sry
<<DubCKC>> Just use long ropes if not in a rush
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] hidee
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] uta xD
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] tiene muy poco ese, lo van a aatcar
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] Dx
<<WookaCKC>> /1v2 might end up being an option
[Dead-Tag] o alcanzaba al otropo
[Dead-Tag] dale
[DubCKC] spashhhhhhhhhhh
[Dead-Tag] fd
<<DubCKC>> Bitch stuck down
[Dead-Tag] no
[Dead-Tag] fd
[Dead-Tag] a si
[Dead-Tag] wena
[Sombra`] wena weon
[DubCKC] sonova
[Dead-Tag] pense q no salia
[DubCKC] nd
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] la cague si
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] con el pile
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] lo debi dejar al deaed
[Sombra`] q dead le pegue a ese noma
[Sombra`] pero hide no pile
[Sombra`] si aun le falta pa morir
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] por la chucha
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] a el
[Sombra`] dale
[Sombra`] iegai a zokearlo
<<WookaCKC>> hmm think i might of messed this one up
<<DubCKC>> not over yet
<<WookaCKC>> yeah
[Sombra`] wena washo pelao
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] wena perro del infierno
[Sombra`] no weon
[Dead-Tag] xD
[Sombra`] sin pile era la mano
[Sombra`] a weno no iega
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] ta bien
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] tiene mas
[Sombra`] da lo mismo
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] aunke
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] yo toy puesto
[WookaCKC] gj
[Dead-Tag] viento
[Sombra`] zeh
[Dead-Tag] culiao
[Dead-Tag] wn
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] na, pico eso
[Dead-Tag] no lo apili
[Dead-Tag] enseñandole vite
[Dead-Tag] xD
[Dead-Tag] uuu
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] x la chucha
[Sombra`] bl
[Dead-Tag] caja
[DubCKC] Pile 127
[Sombra`] dead esa salida trankilo
[Sombra`] io siempre me cabeseaba ai D;
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] no pailis!
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] hide
[WookaCKC] -_-
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] si, hide
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] hide
<<WookaCKC>> maybe they will hit mwe
<<DubCKC>> would be good
<<WookaCKC>> so i can let u own them lol
[Sombra`] nt washo
<<WookaCKC>> pile
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] casi wn
<<DubCKC>> Yup
[Dead-Tag] me trabe en una wea
[Dead-Tag] xD
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] eso
[Sombra`] zoh
[DubCKC] sonova
[WookaCKC] good try tho
[DubCKC] Missed a rope
[DubCKC] Shoulda had it
[Sombra`] wena
[Dead-Tag] ahora me la pone
[Dead-Tag] el mero chingon
[Dead-Tag] xD
[Sombra`] xD
<<DubCKC>> gj
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] hide
[Sombra`] demuestrales kien el mero mero wey
<<DubCKC>> They cant get a lot of cr8s on this map, might help us
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] ayy
[Dead-Tag] la wea
[Sombra`] f2 po wm
<<WookaCKC>> that will too
[Dead-Tag] si esa wea aprete
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] hay ke oner antes el arma
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] eso ta en el manual de roper de twy
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] xD
[Sombra`] no ai q ekivokarse con los fs
[DubCKC] Wow
[Dead-Tag] me salvo
[Sombra`] manual de roper de sombra
[Sombra`] D:
[Dead-Tag] puta q la vendi por lka chcuha
[Sombra`] pa q te digo q no si si x
<<DubCKC>> I'm not playing very well myself
[Sombra`] xD
[Sombra`] pero no sakai nah con echarte la culpa
<<WookaCKC>> ugh pile
[Sombra`] asi q violatelos
<<DubCKC>> hit easy guy
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] ahora keday facil
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] pa atacar wn, relax
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] ese no te apila
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] y tiene mas
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] a me cago xD
[Sombra`] el ql bruto
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] al de 73 mejor
<<DubCKC>> eeee pile
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] apilalos
[Sombra`] pile
<<DubCKC>> I need to hit him heh
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] wena wn
<<WookaCKC>> :x
[Dead-Tag] podria haber sido mejkor
[Sombra`] wena washio
[Dead-Tag] haberlo knockeao deneuvo
[Sombra`] podria aver sido peor tmbn
[Sombra`] asi q pasa piola
[Dead-Tag] pero el safelisismo me lo impidio
[DubCKC] Mreh
[Sombra`] xDDD
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] eso, apile noma
<<WookaCKC>> was thinkin pile i guess
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] ke a ti no te voy a dar
<<WookaCKC>> dunno
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] por la rctm
[Sombra`] a ninguno le vai a dar creo io
[Dead-Tag] ese hide
[Dead-Tag] no me tinca mucho a mi
[Sombra`] ese hide es fd seguro
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] no se me ocrruio niuno
[Dead-Tag] we
[Sombra`] kizas no tan seguro
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] vamos dead
[Sombra`] no knockii
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] guachio
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] cambiate
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] de lado Dx
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] wena wn
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] el fd
[Sombra`] zwenisima
[Dead-Tag] xD
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] maestro
[Sombra`] zdeadteamo
[Dead-Tag] ahora toy contento xD
[Dead-Tag] loq hace el worms
[Dead-Tag] xD
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] abrazo grupal
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] :D
[Sombra`] x
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] xD
[Sombra`] D
[Sombra`] xD
[Sombra`] zabrazo
[DubCKC] sonova cr8
[Sombra`] zafrada
[DubCKC] The only place I cant get
[Dead-Tag] pegame a mi
<<WookaCKC>> n rope neway
[Dead-Tag] peor es na
[Sombra`] xD
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] no keria kitarte
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] mas de 27
[Dead-Tag] zeh
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] pa ke kedis con mas de 47 ahora
[Dead-Tag] me kitaste mas po
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] osea, deajrte con
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] 27 pa arriba
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] a pico
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] go!
[DubCKC] gj
<<WookaCKC>> damn i cant do this anything like i used to
<<DubCKC>> nah ur just rusty
[Sombra`] casi weon casi !!!!
[Sombra`] xD
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] wen wn
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] la raja el hide
[Sombra`] xDDD
[Sombra`] uh
[Dead-Tag] aki cago a veces
[Sombra`] empeso mierda
[Sombra`] lo weno
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] yo=
[Sombra`] meo tap ese qlo
[Sombra`] esta es mi parte favorita
[Dead-Tag] phew
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] ya ctm
[Dead-Tag] toy pasao a sobaco wn
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] resen por mi
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] a san farkas
[Sombra`] xD
<<DubCKC>> This gives us hope
<<WookaCKC>> they could just hide top
[Dead-Tag] weon zooka po
<<DubCKC>> I hope they dont
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] me dio miedo
[Dead-Tag] xD
[Sombra`] xD
[Dead-Tag] yo ni cagando lelgo hasta el otro wn
[Sombra`] twy el roper covarde
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] no te caigay noma
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] si veis ke saliste penca, anda lento wn
[Sombra`] iegai a ese
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] nade a ese
[Sombra`] con nade
<<WookaCKC>> hide
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] nade por la izq
<<WookaCKC>> :x
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] o derecha
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] como sea
<<DubCKC>> hehe knock n u die
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] vnt wn
[Dead-Tag] esta wea tiene ñas teclas culiaos muy añejas
[Sombra`] la mea salia
[Sombra`] ese qlo
[Sombra`] ia cabros haganla corta
[WookaCKC] n turn man
[DubCKC] x
[Dead-Tag] uta wn
[Dead-Tag] parece q nos van a chingar
[Sombra`] no le pega
[Dead-Tag] erai twy
[Sombra`] io creo q io iegaria
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] no digay eso wn
[Sombra`] ai
[Dead-Tag] q cosa
[Sombra`] ia no iegaria con eso
[Dead-Tag] te rajaste
[Dead-Tag] xD
[WookaCKC] bah fall
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] mata a ese
[Sombra`] dale dead
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] si es podis
[Dead-Tag] sad
[Dead-Tag] asddsa
[Sombra`] D:
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] dale wn, el hide
[Dead-Tag] conchetumare por la chcuha
[Sombra`] iegabai sobrao de cariño
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] cague
[Sombra`] uh
[Dead-Tag] aaah weon
[Sombra`] el choro ese
<<WookaCKC>> ur the man
[Dead-Tag] debi ponerme ariba
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] no wn
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] nica
[Sombra`] mm
[Sombra`] bl
<<DubCKC>> hit him :)
[Dead-Tag] habiai salio pro
[Dead-Tag] xD
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] mata al mas cerca noma
[Sombra`] ia
[Sombra`] el ql niña ese
[DubCKC] gg
[Sombra`] gg
<<DubCKC>> Hopefully I finish him now
[Dead-Tag] sa
[Dead-Tag] saddsa
[Dead-Tag] sda
[Dead-Tag] saddas
[Dead-Tag] ads
[Dead-Tag] dsa
[Sombra`] uh
[WookaCKC] phew
[Sombra`] vbl wm
[Sombra`] wena
[Sombra`] no iego
[Dead-Tag] q se caiga ese culiao
[Dead-Tag] phew
[DubCKC] Enter
[Sombra`] uh
[DubCKC] unreal
[Dead-Tag] wee
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] mata wn y hide
[Sombra`] tuio weon
[Sombra`] dala
[Sombra`] dale
[DubCKC] Hit it early and twice
[WookaCKC] aw
[WookaCKC] oh well
<<DubCKC>> You can do it :)
[Sombra`] el otro no es tan brijido
[Sombra`] ese wm estaba shoro
[Sombra`] uh
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] D!
[Dead-Tag] la wea wn
[DubCKC] gg
[Sombra`] wena
[Sombra`] aer ahora
[Dead-Tag] q wena wn
[Sombra`] si q reza
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] uta
[Sombra`] dead ql
[TaG`l-Twyrfher-l] ya fuiste
[Sombra`] no seai pesimista
[DubCKC] gg
[WookaCKC] gg
[Sombra`] gg
[Dead-Tag] plw
[DubCKC] goodjob
<<WookaCKC>> close one
<<DubCKC>> yea nailbiter

Author Topic: Game #22639, Reported by Dub-c  (Read 343 times)

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Offline Dub-c

Game #22639, Reported by Dub-c
« on: March 31, 2010, 07:34 AM »
f@#! suppose to be reported as roper. Real Nail biter of a game
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