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Game #236770, Viewed 152 Time(s)

Allround #23, Default #24
May 07, 2023, 09:18 PM

Inexperienced 1217 in BnG before the game. Gained 33|28 points more

Absolute Beginner 958 in BnG before the game. Lost 30|28 points more

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Players history
1 - 0
3 - 0
1 - 0
4 - 0
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
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1920 x 696, BIT, 0.86 KB, Downloaded 107 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[dj-blitz0r`zar] its telling me the weather temp now lol
[dj-blitz0r`zar] in me area
[dj-blitz0r`zar] google msg
[mic] heh
[mic] useful spam
[dj-blitz0r`zar] ye
[dj-blitz0r`zar] kinda
[dj-blitz0r`zar] 4 degree colder than today
[dj-blitz0r`zar] hm
[dj-blitz0r`zar] not intended..
[mic] weather kinda sux here too
[dj-blitz0r`zar] Ffs
[dj-blitz0r`zar] wasted a great wind
[dj-blitz0r`zar] but kinda hard
[dj-blitz0r`zar] where u live again ?
[mic] slovakia
[mic] bratislava
[dj-blitz0r`zar] i dont know where that is near
[mic] near vienna
[dj-blitz0r`zar] I'll google later
[dj-blitz0r`zar] ofc i heard of it
[mic] lot of british guys come here for stag parties
[dj-blitz0r`zar] ah
[dj-blitz0r`zar] its cheap? XD
[mic] than britain yeah
[dj-blitz0r`zar] tobacco became so expensive
[mic] ye
[dj-blitz0r`zar] spain chaper
[mic] here around 5euros per pack of cig
[mic] ukraine the cheapest
[dj-blitz0r`zar] 20 cigarettes here = 11 £ now
[dj-blitz0r`zar] i just bought a 20 pack
[dj-blitz0r`zar] richmond
[mic] i smoke camel blue's
[mic] 4,40 in soft pack
[dj-blitz0r`zar] hah ok i've some camel tobacco and it sux lol so I generally smoke tobacco (golden virginia)
[mic] god damn im getting smoked right now
[dj-blitz0r`zar] camel cigs are ok
[mic] dog nammit, that hide is OP
[dj-blitz0r`zar] and some camel tobacco is ok but this one is in a jar and it looks strange
[mic] hm never saw that one
[dj-blitz0r`zar] bng rm + elite?
[mic] no elite tus pls
[dj-blitz0r`zar] bng?
[dj-blitz0r`zar] t17?
[dj-blitz0r`zar] t17 might be more fun
[mic] k
[mic] brain kinda stuck, mb rope or summin
[mic] gg
[dj-blitz0r`zar] ok roper
[dj-blitz0r`zar] gg
[mic] go host