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Game #241449, Viewed 140 Time(s)

Allround #29, Default #30
March 26, 2024, 02:22 AM

Sum: Inexperienced 1207 in Team17 before the game. Gained 28|21 points more

Sum: Inexperienced 1207 in Team17 before the game. Gained 28|21 points more

Sum: Absolute Beginner 772 in Team17 before the game. Lost 30|21 points more

Sum: Absolute Beginner 772 in Team17 before the game. Lost 30|21 points more

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Players history No players history is available for singles 2v2 or 3v3.
Information Game scheme: Team17
Scheme pick: Both pick (Like a 3rd game)
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1920 x 696, PNG, 199.52 KB, Downloaded 12 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[ICB`Stoner] hfgl
Lupastic`..Pdro: dyna will be nice to plop a worm bruv
Pdro..Lupastic`: yes
Lupastic`..Pdro: tele top, not on crate
[Pdro] Up in those Rose Pedals like I do.
[Pdro] 92
[Lupastic`] ;o full dmg
[ICB`Stoner] :)
[ICB`Stoner] full cock
[Mr-gusa] ouch
[Pdro] violence propogates viollence
[Pdro] n1
[Lupastic`] gracias senor
[Pdro] I';m overdue for a Mushroom journey.
[Lupastic`] mushroom as in drug or mushroom in mario?
[Pdro] HA!
[Pdro] drug
[Lupastic`] xd
[Lupastic`] nt
[Pdro] but mario is a daily occurence.
[Pdro] NT!
[Mr-gusa] ty
Lupastic`..Pdro: dyna it
Lupastic`..Pdro: watch for flame
Lupastic`..Pdro: no bro, dyna it
Lupastic`..Pdro: its ploppable
Lupastic`..Pdro: put the dyna on the left side of the worm's head
[ICB`Stoner] como el orto
[ICB`Stoner] xd
[Pdro] I didn't know we were playing Tower.
[Mr-gusa] gg
[Pdro] 76
[Mr-gusa] :0
[ICB`Stoner] mandale mecha
[Lupastic`] yes, worm received no fall damage
[Pdro] I thought at least 1 damage. Idk why i estimated 6
[Pdro] Emotional-gaming.
[Pdro] ><
[Pdro] F
[Lupastic`] emotional damageeee
Lupastic`..Pdro: up to u how u kill it, just dont use aqua yet
Lupastic`..Pdro: aqua will be nice for crate collecting
[Lupastic`] aw gusa :c gg
[Mr-gusa] gg
[Pdro] OH shit
[Pdro] gentlemen's shot.
[ICB`Stoner] gg
[Pdro] gg
Lupastic`..Pdro: u could also collect those bottom 2 crates with beedrill and then tele up with it
[ICB`Stoner] ahh
[ICB`Stoner] shit
Pdro..Lupastic`: ok
Pdro..Lupastic`: torch into fire?
Mr-gusa..Lupastic`: stoner played t17 before? xd he never go for creates
[Lupastic`] uff xd
[ICB`Stoner] xddd
[Mr-gusa] :s
[Lupastic`] sry pdro misclicked something there
[Mr-gusa] noooooooooooooob
[Mr-gusa] xd
[Mr-gusa] lupastic noooooooooooooooob
Lupastic`..Mr-gusa: yeah stoner is somewhat experienced in this scheme
[Mr-gusa] :P
[Lupastic`] :3 siiii gusa
[Pdro] wut
[Pdro] ew
[ICB`Stoner] aww
[Lupastic`] damn the mines are killing us
Pdro..Lupastic`: good, height.
Lupastic`..Pdro: next turn if he doesnt block me, I'll collect the crates with aqua
Pdro..Lupastic`: i block him w beedrill
Lupastic`..Pdro: u just pick up crate with beedrill and tele up
Lupastic`..Pdro: nah rather tele up somewhere
Lupastic`..Pdro: around red mushroom
Lupastic`..Pdro: thats gud
[ICB`Stoner] dont waste it!
[Lupastic`] ullala
[ICB`Stoner] weee
[Pdro] ah. nice
[ICB`Stoner] lucjkt boi
[Lupastic`] ;3 ty
Lupastic`..Pdro: lmao we still have 2 aquas
[ICB`Stoner] such an asshole move
Lupastic`..Pdro: u could block him now
Lupastic`..Pdro: come closer
Pdro..Lupastic`: oof.
Pdro..Lupastic`: block him from me?
Lupastic`..Pdro: wow 1 more aqua xd
Pdro..Lupastic`: nice!
Lupastic`..Pdro: u have wind
Lupastic`..Pdro: comeo with aero, minigun him
[ICB`Stoner] wow u have like an army of aqua hoes
[Lupastic`] xd yes it was funny cuz each time I collected crates with aqua
[Lupastic`] I collected anew
Lupastic`..Pdro: thats my boy, pro
Lupastic`..Pdro: p(d)ro
Pdro..Lupastic`: >:)
[Pdro] vns
[ICB`Stoner] they have like 54 aqua whores
[Pdro] 55*
[Lupastic`] aqua sheep - voda caballo
[Lupastic`] stoner roping like a puto
[Pdro] n1
Lupastic`..Pdro: u can jump up with parachute i think
[ICB`Stoner] it was a good roping!
[Lupastic`] yes it was, I was surprised
[Lupastic`] gj :3 gg
[ICB`Stoner] gg
[Pdro] gg
[Lupastic`] damn this stylish pdro
[Pdro] *brushes shoulder*
[ICB`Stoner] ahhh come on