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Game #241593, reported by Sensei, Viewed 3106 Time(s)

Allround #29, Default #30
April 02, 2024, 01:24 PM

Average 1507 in BnG before the game. Gained 25|14 points more

Absolute Beginner 864 in BnG before the game. Lost 15|14 points more

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
5 - 0
18 - 3
6 - 0
19 - 3
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Both pick (Like a 3rd game)
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Downloaded 81 time(s).
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1920 x 696, PNG, 137.7 KB, Downloaded 266 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[Sensei`hcp] i don't measure anything m8.. playing everything by the feel, that's why this game still feels fresh haha :) why you ask?
[Sensei`hcp] see, you can't fail that much by measuring anything!!
[Sensei`hcp] :)
[PejaxTdC] when u saz stuff like 99 percent power
[Sensei`hcp] ah no, it's just the feel. I know how much till full power.. And probably said 90 or 95%
[Sensei`hcp] i wouldnn't say 99 :)
[PejaxTdC] so there arent like measurrements in 100 i just cant see_
[Sensei`hcp] apparently there are but i never was interested in finding out and learning that stuff.. Game would become way too boring. Don't you agree
[Sensei`hcp] Tbh, even if I wanted to learn... I'm 32 yrs old.. Don't give a fk anymore, too lazy for that :)
[Sensei`hcp] fulfilled with lasagnas.. barely breathing here.. bng is the only thing i can do atm
[PejaxTdC] sounds good
[PejaxTdC] n1
[Sensei`hcp] ty
[Sensei`hcp] got 1 more hour of this setup and then back to work on other side of country :( no more wa
[Sensei`hcp] what you do for a living pej?
[PejaxTdC] selling second hand furniture
[Sensei`hcp] bussines going good?
[Sensei`hcp] got a store or black market?
[PejaxTdC] work for some non profit church thing xd
[Sensei`hcp] haha, you and church.. That's a connection i wouldn't think of!
[PejaxTdC] didnt know gird had sucha kimit haha
[PejaxTdC] well its some companz stuff
[PejaxTdC] i dont go to chruch or anzthing
[Sensei`hcp] weird girder placement, i must tell you
[PejaxTdC] 3 more turns and im there xd
[Sensei`hcp] hahaha
[PejaxTdC] oh no that pixel is no dirt xd
[Sensei`hcp] that pixel is something i'll probably hit 3-4 times so be happy about it
[PejaxTdC] t
[Sensei`hcp] !!
[Sensei`hcp] ns
[PejaxTdC] t
[PejaxTdC] n
[Sensei`hcp] ty
[Sensei`hcp] that was pure feel for example.. 1-2 notches away from 90 degree angle.. and fuse was around 80% i'd say.
[Sensei`hcp] just going with the flow haha
[Sensei`hcp] that's why I can hardly repeat any of the shots... It only happens at the end of the aerial match when you need to throw 4s full power nades.. So it's good to remember the angle
[PejaxTdC] nt!
[Sensei`hcp] hoooly shit, did you see that?
[Sensei`hcp] thx.. would have been unbelievable haha
[PejaxTdC] that would have been a slam dunk haha
[Sensei`hcp] !
[Sensei`hcp] nice hide
[Sensei`hcp] knew i needed to pull out girder
[Sensei`hcp] uh!
[Sensei`hcp] phew
[Sensei`hcp] awesome.
[PejaxTdC] wow xd
[Sensei`hcp] :(
[Sensei`hcp] gg

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[Sensei`hcp] i don't measure anything m8.. playing everything by the feel, that's why this game still feels fresh haha :) why you ask?

Sensei says he doesn't measure anything lol. Of course he does, everyone does, everyone has their own method of "measuring" BnG shots...

You went to school and studied math, science, geometry etc, so you know about angles, physics etc, your brain is measuring those things internally as well, you've watched other people play BnG over and over, you've maybe even played pool or snooker, darts, football, tennis, golf, basketball or other sports which are pretty much the same thing just remixed into a digital video game... A combination of gravity, velocity, trajectory, angles, etc. Once you understand this, you see how pretty much every physical sport, physical activity and physical video game is related and pretty easy to do them all because for the most part it's the same thing done a bit differently using different sizes and weights of objects, different number of players, different equipment, different rules.

Just because you play "instinctually" doesn't mean you don't measure things. Your brain is giving you information about distance between worms, what fuse/bounce/lg to use to hit that distance. Also which part you are aiming for exactly, are you trying to plop, push, or just do max damage? How long you press the arrow down to move the cursor, how long you hold the spacebar down for...

Everything... ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING is measured, stop lying please.

If you truly didn't measure anything, then you would be playing blind and deaf and you would be worse than a noob.

I believe what Sensei is referring to is "counting" out his shots like barman did with charts, tables, rulers and knowing how many individual notches it takes to move the cursor into position to hit whatever position the enemy is in.

Nobody does that, even walrus admits he uses the worms sprites to aim, that's a method of measuring, why do you think he can hit shots like he did in the clanner playoffs so easily?

Even as I explained on the podcast with Deadcode... EVERYBODY is a notcher and uses notches, it's impossible not to. A notch is the smallest increment of movement possible, which means if you move the cursor by 1 notch, a few times, to adjust into the right position, guess what, you're a notcher! And there is nothing wrong with that!

Using math, charts, rulers and counting out EVERYTHING you do in BnG, THAT is what we all generally believe to be lame, and gets boring real fast when you realize you're wasting your time lol.

I have my own methods of measuring shots as well based on a full screen distance, I don't have to count it out, i've done it that much it just "looks" right, but I measure most of my shots in relation to that full screen distance because I know where to aim then how to adjust.


Peja asked something and I understood what he asked me.
I replied and he understood what I told him.

We were both good to call it there.. But nice of you to stop by and let us know how our train of thoughts should work in the future.


Quote from: Sensei on April 02, 2024, 02:05 PM
Peja asked something and I understood what he asked me.
I replied and he understood what I told him.

Yes, you just proved people are capable of understanding lies, bravo!

Every time you lie about BnG, I will tell the truth though.

This is so that people who want to get really good can get really good without having people like you trying to make them feel bad about how they play, like the multiple people you've berated over the past few months for throwing rollers alone, even though you've done it yourself too lol!

It's funny how you say you don't measure anything then say this:

[Sensei`hcp] that was pure feel for example.. 1-2 notches away from 90 degree angle.. and fuse was around 80% i'd say.

So clearly you are thinking about this stuff internally, even if you are not using THAT terminology inside your head(as in, internal dialogue), you still measure everything because you know what it looks like etc.

It's the same thing I do, the same thing most people do, we just don't lie about it and say it's "pure feel" lol, that's psycho patter. :D

You don't play by "pure feel" but you do get "a feeling", or "thought" once the angle is right, you're ready to shoot. Like, "Yeah, that looks right..."

What you do to get to that stage though, is measuring the game entirely every way you know how to based on your entire life experience, consciously or subsconsciously. You get there by knowing how the game physics work, and that's because humans have the ability to measure everything, to learn from our failures and adapt to get it more optimal.

You really crack me up sometimes Sensei lol, like how can you not know this stuff, it's primary & high school level education, or at least it was in UK.

The funny thing is, if you embraced this, admitted it, you could be so much better than you can even imagine, I'm not here to "mock you" as you've said in the past, I'm trying to help you, and everyone else, understand how simple video games are and how easily you can get to ridiculously high levels.



Quote from: Sensei on April 02, 2024, 04:04 PM
You're a weird individual, Dave.

Yup :D

Most of us are here, but honestly, I'm just trying to help you in reality, it's impressive to me how passionate you are about BnG, so it's weird to me why you won't admit the truth about measuring shots, it doesn't mean you're lame lol, everybody has their own internal methods of measuring as well as common "human" methods.

You're good, but you could be one of the best ever.


Peja asked me something and I replied. We both understood it as it meant to be. You're writing walls of text now just because I used different terminology than what you wanted to hear!?
I don't count notches by looking at sprites or whatever people do. Playing on full hd res and black background.. every notch/fuse power is determined just by experience/feel of what might hit, what might miss. That is all. I replied to Peja's question way I did because he asked the wrong guy to explain him different ways of measuring distance/power.. I personally don't know any and don't wanna learn, because bng is fun and unpredictable right now.. i'm afraid it stops to be when you go too deep in learning how game physics work.

It's called having fun, not being passionate about it.
You use term 'passion' way too often.


No, Sensei, you specifically keep saying "I don't measure anything", it's "pure feel".

That's a lie, stop it, you need Michael:

Or, perhaps it's possible you are merely confabulating, either way though, it's a lie, it's not the truth and it's EASY to prove if you actually use common sense and basic high school education.

You measure every single shot you use, if you didn't then it wouldn't even be possible for you to ever hit anything.

Have you ever wondered why you can't play as well on other resolutions as the resolution you've put many hours into? Your brain is hardwired to measuring everything based on the resolution you use.

From the size and distance between objects that spawn, to how big the map looks on your screen, how close you sit to the monitor etc, it's all MEASURING.

I'm nowhere near as good on 1920x1080 as I am using 1152x864, for many reasons...

It's easier for walrus to change resolutions because he aims with sprites but it's STILL challenging.

The bottom line is.

Every time you blatantly lie about "not measuring" I'm going to just tell the truth.


Quote from: TheKomodo on April 02, 2024, 05:30 PM
Every time you blatantly lie about "not measuring" I'm going to just tell the truth.

You do you!


Quote from: Sensei on April 02, 2024, 05:53 PM
You do you!

You can count on it!  8)

Even if you will never admit it, I want others to know the truth so they aren't as limited and restricted as you are.


Sensei:i unconsciously apply some methods to determine how to aim


Sensei - I don't measure
TheKomod - Yes you do


Quote from: TheKomodo on April 02, 2024, 07:26 PM
Sensei - I don't measure
TheKomod - Yes you do

You omitted the wall of text part that literally nobody asked, but other than that i find this post more accurate than your previous one


these are Komodo's opinions... what would TheKaren say? UNLEASH YOUR INNER KAREN FURYYYYYYY


Quote from: Sbaffo on April 02, 2024, 07:45 PM
You omitted the wall of text part that literally nobody asked, but other than that i find this post more accurate than your previous one

You made comments that literally nobody asked, you made a silly summary of events, so I made a silly summary of events.

The point is, and still stands, Sensei is a serial liar lol. I've proved it time and time again.

Immature comments don't bother me, I'm concerned with the truth, there will always be immature people making silly jokes about things they don't like, but I don't care about your emotions, I care about the truth, that's all that matters here.

So yeah, keep making your immature schoolground insults, I couldn't care less that you make yourselves look immature and unreliable.


Sensei is not lying here. You are obsessing over technicality and interpreting too much. "Pure feel" is an acceptable term and we all know what it means. Instead of calculating sprites/notches, we aim/fire with our gut feeling. Yes that "gut" also has internal subconscious calculations behind it, but there's nothing wrong with labeling it as "pure feel". You know it too I don't know why I'm explaining this. On the other hand, chasing Sensei like this calling him a liar doesn't look good on you.
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.