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Game #244149, Viewed 25 Time(s)

Rope #33, Allround #32
October 01, 2024, 09:49 AM

Absolute Beginner 989 in TTRR before the game. Gained 34|39 points more

Absolute Beginner 979 in TTRR before the game. Lost 36|39 points more

Game Rate
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Players history
4 - 0
4 - 0
7 - 0
7 - 0
Information Game scheme: TTRR
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
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Downloaded 32 time(s).
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1920 x 696, BIT, 0.91 KB, Downloaded 827 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[dt-bisco] hf
[dt-deejay`eh] oopd
[dt-deejay`eh] ffs lol
[dt-bisco] rofl
[dt-bisco] i almost put my worm there to
[dt-bisco] thats the bad part
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1920 x 696, BIT, 0.92 KB, Downloaded 0 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[dt-deejay`eh] 53 is the time to beat
[dt-bisco] sick bruh
[dt-bisco] fire run
[dt-bisco] dim the nanos
[dt-bisco] ok
[dt-bisco] ill try and jmoberg run it.
[dt-bisco] i wonder if moberg was his last name
[dt-bisco] and like J stood for jack or some shit, Jack Moberg
[dt-bisco] sounds like a fire name to pull bitches with
[dt-deejay`eh] ppf
[dt-deejay`eh] oof
[dt-bisco] fire arrow control
[dt-deejay`eh] ae
[dt-bisco] i think i need to get off the 0.1mm actuation on wooting
[dt-bisco] for roping
[dt-bisco] and make it mimick a K740 keypress actuation if thats possible
[dt-deejay`eh] 53
[dt-deejay`eh] again
[dt-deejay`eh] xD
[dt-deejay`eh] bro
[dt-deejay`eh] this nuphy kb is leet
[dt-deejay`eh] Id bet its better than the wooting tbh
[dt-deejay`eh] 'its low profile
[dt-bisco] yeaw the 0.1 acetuation and rapid trigger idk if theyre good for roping
[dt-bisco] the wooting is beast asf i just think it needs to be fine tuned for roping
[dt-bisco] kinda how people make profiles for it for certain games
[dt-deejay`eh] 51
[dt-bisco] gg
[dt-deejay`eh] low profile mechanical is the new
[dt-deejay`eh] new
[dt-deejay`eh] for roping
[dt-deejay`eh] IMO
[dt-deejay`eh] gg