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Game #244151, Viewed 26 Time(s)

Rope #33, Allround #32
October 01, 2024, 10:30 AM

Absolute Beginner 947 in WxW before the game. Gained 43|46 points more

Beginner 1087 in WxW before the game. Lost 42|46 points more

Game Rate
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Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
7 - 0
7 - 0
Information Game scheme: WxW
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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1920 x 696, BIT, 0.39 KB, Downloaded 0 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[dt-bisco] rofl.
[dt-deejay`eh] ae
[dt-deejay`eh] xD
[dt-deejay`eh] no
[dt-deejay`eh] xD
[dt-bisco] lol
[dt-bisco] ROFL
[dt-bisco] im weak
[dt-deejay`eh] lol
[dt-deejay`eh] >_>
[dt-bisco] rofl
[dt-deejay`eh] ae
[dt-deejay`eh] xD
[dt-bisco] im trying to be fancy
[dt-bisco] its killin me
[dt-bisco] ok thats a party
[dt-deejay`eh] xD
[dt-bisco] ggs
[dt-deejay`eh] yeh
[dt-deejay`eh] been great games.
[dt-bisco] yea
[dt-bisco] spacebar is f@#!ed, oil badder stuck in it
[dt-bisco] jk
[dt-deejay`eh] xD
[dt-bisco] idk whats up with shit tho
[dt-bisco] like i was clearly hitting space
[dt-bisco] oh well, 5-3'd
[dt-deejay`eh] pls do free win for the one roper game where we were talking about the mail stuff lol
[dt-deejay`eh] cryptic
[dt-bisco] lol
[dt-deejay`eh] xD
[dt-bisco] idc
[dt-deejay`eh] xD
[dt-bisco] my keeb is weird tonight
[dt-deejay`eh] 1 more?
[dt-deejay`eh] xD
[dt-deejay`eh] dang
[dt-deejay`eh] nice drop
[dt-bisco] ty
[dt-deejay`eh] vn
[dt-deejay`eh] xD
[dt-bisco] one more wxw. need to dabskee tho.
[dt-bisco] almost 4:20am too
[dt-deejay`eh] kk
[dt-deejay`eh] sounds good
[dt-bisco] see how my space bar just like doesnt react sometimes
[dt-bisco] i stop flowing
[dt-bisco] its whack bruh
[dt-bisco] yea i dont got shit to do the next 2 days so i can sleep in till 3 pm
[dt-bisco] nothing to do but wake up grub out and get high
[dt-bisco] colorado is a dope life style bro tbh
[dt-bisco] nt
[dt-deejay`eh] fak
[dt-deejay`eh] xD
dt-bisco [finish him off - thats what she said]
dt-bisco [stop clipping]
[dt-deejay`eh] ae
[dt-deejay`eh] gg
[dt-bisco] gg dawg
[dt-bisco] dab time
[dt-deejay`eh] dab up