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Game #244683, Viewed 18 Time(s)

Rope #34, Allround #33
November 29, 2024, 08:06 PM
RIP Russia

Absolute Beginner 1000 in Roper before the game. Gained 33|33 points more

Absolute Beginner 850 in Roper before the game. Lost 40|33 points more

Game Rate
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Players history
Russia RIP
1 - 0
Russia RIP
1 - 0
Russia RIP
1 - 0
Russia RIP
1 - 0
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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1920 x 696, BIT, 2.29 KB, Downloaded 421 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[RIP] hf gl
[PejaxTdC] hf
[RIP] didnt play it too much xD
[PejaxTdC] i only rope when others pick
[RIP] rope u mean roper?
[PejaxTdC] any rope scheme
[RIP] i didnt understand u)
[PejaxTdC] indifferent of shopper wxw ttrr big rr roper
[PejaxTdC] sometimes i team in in funners but mostly i just want to chat
[RIP] u mean other peoples pick only rope shemes vs u or what?
[PejaxTdC] im saying i dont pick rope schemes
[PejaxTdC] keep both mines xd
[PejaxTdC] theres a high chance i fall there xd
[RIP] ahhh i understand u now)
[RIP] but u pick roper )))
[PejaxTdC] well you offered only ropes and hysteria xd
[RIP] i thinking shopper for u better) no?)
[PejaxTdC] nah i hate shopper
[RIP] aw
[RIP] why u hate sdhoppa ? XD
[PejaxTdC] cos its a worse form of t17 polluted by roping
[RIP] dunno/ shoppa is a very fun)
[PejaxTdC] g1
[RIP] t
[RIP] i think i had best super funny mo,ents from shoppa)
[RIP] but after chelsia crying shoppa was did for noobs
[PejaxTdC] i like the chelsea kind of shopper
[RIP] shoppa atack from no rope
[RIP] what is it xD
[PejaxTdC] nope
[PejaxTdC] thats why i missed xd
[PejaxTdC] just making sure i would have attacked if theres ever a rule change xd
[RIP] i mean now rules i shopper other/ no AFR
[PejaxTdC] in shopper u can attack from ground
[RIP] now yep
[RIP] it was ON in my active years
[RIP] and it was too nobish xD
[PejaxTdC] u already have wxw for that
[PejaxTdC] no need for another shopper
[RIP] but in shoppa more funny moments))) then in WxW/ i mean plops and other
[PejaxTdC] then make plop holes in a wxw xd
[PejaxTdC] used to be a thing xD
[RIP] )
[RIP] i maked plop zones in my maps WxW for this/ for fun xD
[PejaxTdC] fall in there!
[RIP] aw
[PejaxTdC] u can still fall in there!
[RIP] gg
[PejaxTdC] gg