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Game #244909, Viewed 39 Time(s)

Rope #34, Allround #33
January 10, 2025, 07:42 PM

Novice 1359 in Roper before the game. Gained 38|24 points more

Absolute Beginner 1000 in Roper before the game. Lost 24|24 points more

Game Rate
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Players history
2 - 0
2 - 0
2 - 0
2 - 0
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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#13 by
1920 x 696, BIT, 3.11 KB, Downloaded 259 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[STF`Wolfgang] hf
[HusH`rOd] hf
[HusH`rOd] out of training d
[HusH`rOd] well done
[HusH`rOd] ehehe
[STF`Wolfgang] aww
[HusH`rOd] tough map to start with for me
[STF`Wolfgang] nk
[HusH`rOd] eek
[HusH`rOd] bad
[HusH`rOd] ty though
[STF`Wolfgang] well got hard/easy cr8
[HusH`rOd] lol
[HusH`rOd] its really bad
[HusH`rOd] did i suggest a roper?
[HusH`rOd] haha
[STF`Wolfgang] ye
[HusH`rOd] something told me roper would be fine
[STF`Wolfgang] what u wanna pick btw
[STF`Wolfgang] this was my pick
[HusH`rOd] we play a roper on a more easier map
[STF`Wolfgang] ok
[HusH`rOd] it cant be this bad
[STF`Wolfgang] gg
[HusH`rOd] gg
[HusH`rOd] can it be more easy?`
[HusH`rOd] ;d