June 01, 2024, 08:09 PM

Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23, Viewed 2177 Time(s)

Classic #15
September 21, 2010, 05:52 PM
United Kingdom CKC ea
Novice 1374 in Elite before the game. Gained 30|30 points
Puerto Rico cFc ea
Inexperienced 1165 in Elite before the game. Lost 30|30 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 0
2 - 3
2 - 1
3 - 7
Information Game scheme: Elite
Scheme pick: Both pick (Like a 3rd game)
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Game Chat(s)
[Chicken23CKC] gl n hf
[lalo] just 1 elite, I don't have much time )=
[Chicken23CKC] thats fine
[lalo] how do you do my dear?
[Chicken23CKC] im fine.
[Chicken23CKC] why do you always talk to me like im a girl
[Chicken23CKC] or your a girl?
[Chicken23CKC] by the way
[lalo] =o
[Chicken23CKC] cfc may get exluded from playoffs
[Chicken23CKC] or removed from some current ones
[lalo] lol
[Chicken23CKC] dibz and you guys have been worse at getting games finished :s
[lalo] we've setted a couple of dates against doh and cf
[Chicken23CKC] and what happened?
[lalo] they didn't show up
[Chicken23CKC] ok
[Chicken23CKC] lags
[lalo] those lags are driving me craaazy :D
[Chicken23CKC] i wont drop
[Chicken23CKC] just connection running slowly
[Chicken23CKC] i think my room mate leaves laptop on downloading torrents :s
[lalo] ye you may be downloading some porn
[Chicken23CKC] meh..
[Chicken23CKC] im in a strong position too.. been losing alot of elites recently
[Chicken23CKC] i dont wanna drop from a game i have advantage in

Author Topic: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23  (Read 2162 times)

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Offline SPW

Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« on: September 22, 2010, 06:54 PM »
[lalo] we've setted a couple of dates against doh and cf
[Chicken23CKC] and what happened?
[lalo] they didn't show up


I remember of about 2 or 3 dates with cfc and YOUR clan wasnt there / complete! ;>

Offline darKz

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2010, 09:55 PM »
I only know of 1 time when there was an actual arrangement for the games vs cFc and that time they didn't show up. Do not spread lies. :P
I remember knowing who it was but dont remember exactly what I knew
~ Dubc 2010

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2010, 05:54 AM »
Who cares? By the looks of it no one cares, no one ever gets playoffs finished, why even bother having playoffs? There should be some sort of new thing for clanners at the end of each season.

This game is played VERY Professionally, yet Playoffs are organised SO un-professionally.

Offline Random00

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2010, 08:07 AM »
Who cares?

I care about Playoffs tbh. Its just frustrating if you set a date and 3 different opponent clans all dont show up... And if you look at how many games were done since D1 started this topic, you cant say that noone cares, just because you dont care...

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2010, 08:20 AM »
Who cares?

I care about Playoffs tbh. Its just frustrating if you set a date and 3 different opponent clans all dont show up... And if you look at how many games were done since D1 started this topic, you cant say that noone cares, just because you dont care...

I can say no one cares because the simple fact is no one cares ENOUGH, and seriously Random, you are as bad as everyone else, you continously don't bother to follow through with dates and plans just like everyone else, including myself, we are all to blame, yeah you showed up this time, but it'd take more than the fingers on both hands to count how many times you didn't.

It looks like no one cares so yeah, i'll say it because it's true.

I would like to do the playoffs, so would you, but the fact is no one cares enough to take it seriously, I mean you have even had clans that are in the playoffs play clanners against each other KNOWING they have playoffs due, and this includes your clan.

If you cared so much you would put more effort into it instead of spending your time doing WO. You even said Playoffs can wait, because it obviously isn't that important to you.

You had the chance to do Playoffs then and you passed on it to play WO, so don't come here and critisize me for something that is true and for something that you are to blame for as well.

Acting all innocent n stuff lol, don't even try to kid everyone.

Offline Random00

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2010, 10:08 AM »
Im talking about the time when D1 started this topic: https://www.tus-wa.com/forums/leagues-playoffs/arrange-the-playoffs-%28important!-there-will-be-deadlines!%29/

I was involved in 7 games (3 singles, 4 clanners) there, mainly because I didnt care to play it fast and WO was way more important to me back then. So far, I played 4 of these games.
The clanner PO against ps could have been done, tho. We had like 5 agreements to play, but there was always someone missing (sometimes from ps, sometimes from CF, but always someone else...). And Im planning to do this game this week; same goes for my singles game vs dibz.

Last is the clanner against cfc. We clannered cfc twice this season. The one time it was just 1 game: https://www.tus-wa.com/leagues/game-38199/ and you couldnt do Playoffs then, because it was just shui and lalo around and shui had to go (iirc). The other time was a clanner that Unique and Ray played against lalo and shui, so both of our squads weren't able to play PO games then.

Then I'll quote some of the posts to arrange POs against cfc with dates:
Hello people, we're well aware about the games we have to play and we'd like to begin with CF first. We're trying to arrange a date in cfc's forum among ourselves, and we will let you know as soon as possible when cfc can.
We're still waiting for date/time suggestions from cfc/ps.
We are discussing it in our private forums, will get back to you asap Randy :)
After discussing 7 days in your private forums, you finally came up with some suggestion:
This friday at 21 gmt CF?
we agreed on it, but at the the specific date there was just lalo around, so you couldn't play, while we were there with all people needed to play. I mean, why do you discuss 1 week for a date where ONE person shows up? And then you blame me that I dont care, lol.

After this there wasnt some specific date being set. Just this:
I suggest next saturday 6PM GMT for one of the following games:
CF vs CFC (S11 finals)
you can blame me for this one date, because I was very busy this week and I was on a birthday party on saturday evening ;x

To finish it: Sure, I did put like 10% of the effort in finishing these games then I could have, but I still want to get this done. Best case would be to just have 1 playoffs pending everytime and that should be the previous season. I will suggest a date in D1's thread either today or tomorrow after I talked to my mates.

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2010, 11:23 AM »
Look your quotes n stuff mean nothing compared to the fact that no one cares as much as they should, i've tried putting the effort in, and the times that everyone else agreed to play I couldn't make that so I said to them just to get on with it without me, if they needed me for BnG badly then we could have discussed a time where our best BnG'rs could have met.

Question: Why do you bother making the playoffs for ANY future season when you already have playoffs waiting to be finished?

And if you even dare say "Because I was just playing for fun and made playoffs anyway" Then that excuse backfires with the fact that you should accept the responsibility of playing the playoffs you made them, OR you should use the selection to exclude you from the playoffs if you don't have the time, like myself, I passed up on the playoffs when I finished 1st on my 1st season, I didn't know there was an option to turn off Playoffs, but I made a post to be excluded. I took responsibility, you on the other hand, knew WO would interfere with the playoffs and instead of opting out while busy with WO you decided to stall your games.

I am not entirely blaming you, this goes for everyone, including myself, I know you have put some effort in now, but in my opinion you are too late, too little too late Random, same goes for everyone.

If you wanted them done, EVERYONE should have done them at the time, instead of waiting then complaining about it.

And had I known, or if someone let me know lalo was on his own, I probably would have took the night off work (shift swap) just to get them out the way with him.

No matter what you say, or anyone says, I will always stand by my opinion that it looks like no one cares enough about the playoffs to EVER get them finished on time, and even if it starts happening, it will take a while to actually get it going consistently.

Also, stop taking things so damn personally, cheer up ffs...

Offline franz

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2010, 12:27 PM »
Question: Why do you bother making the playoffs for ANY future season when you already have playoffs waiting to be finished?

And if you even dare say "Because I was just playing for fun and made playoffs anyway" Then that excuse backfires with the fact that you should accept the responsibility of playing the playoffs you made them, OR you should use the selection to exclude you from the playoffs if you don't have the time, like myself, I passed up on the playoffs when I finished 1st on my 1st season, I didn't know there was an option to turn off Playoffs, but I made a post to be excluded. I took responsibility, you on the other hand, knew WO would interfere with the playoffs and instead of opting out while busy with WO you decided to stall your games.

Anyone who hasn't finished playoffs should not even be eligible to make any future playoffs.  I don't see why this doesn't make sense.  It gives people an incentive to finish their playoffs if they actually care about any future games, which should be everyone unless a person quit.

Add it to the rules?  Make a poll to see if anyone agrees?

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2010, 12:44 PM »
Wow, I didn't expect that franz, thanks for backing me up, even if you ain't backing me up, just the idea, thanks :)

I actually think this is a good idea, it's time to be strict about this or people might possibly stop caring, and we don't want that, obviously...

Offline Chicken23

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2010, 05:15 PM »
I had a thread writen out about all it but lost it

Me and darkone will talk things over and we're looking at setting some dates as people are not able to arrange those dates themselves and show up.

If a clan does not show from that date they will be removed and win given to the clan that did show. Obviously people will want their MVP's there but enough time has been given to arrange for that and failed. Im thinking of a schedule where we set deadlines and dates so it would be like a Football final, you can't delay one of them just so your star player recoveres from injury. If a clan only has 2 guys showing up. Badluck.

Also we are thinking of handing out bans to players and clans which have not played po's on time.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 05:17 PM by Chicken23 »

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2010, 07:49 PM »
I had a thread writen out about all it but lost it

Me and darkone will talk things over and we're looking at setting some dates as people are not able to arrange those dates themselves and show up.

If a clan does not show from that date they will be removed and win given to the clan that did show. Obviously people will want their MVP's there but enough time has been given to arrange for that and failed. Im thinking of a schedule where we set deadlines and dates so it would be like a Football final, you can't delay one of them just so your star player recoveres from injury. If a clan only has 2 guys showing up. Badluck.

Also we are thinking of handing out bans to players and clans which have not played po's on time.

Good thinking batman :) I totally agree with all of this and i'll back you up :)

Offline lalo

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2010, 08:06 PM »
Then I'll quote some of the posts to arrange POs against cfc with dates:
Hello people, we're well aware about the games we have to play and we'd like to begin with CF first. We're trying to arrange a date in cfc's forum among ourselves, and we will let you know as soon as possible when cfc can.
We're still waiting for date/time suggestions from cfc/ps.
We are discussing it in our private forums, will get back to you asap Randy :)
After discussing 7 days in your private forums, you finally came up with some suggestion:
This friday at 21 gmt CF?
we agreed on it, but at the the specific date there was just lalo around, so you couldn't play, while we were there with all people needed to play. I mean, why do you discuss 1 week for a date where ONE person shows up? And then you blame me that I dont care, lol.
Certainly we were there at that time. I was with Shui and I only saw you logged on wormnet, so I assumed your clan couldn't play in that moment. You didn't pm me that day either, but I was talking with Shui, he wasn't hide. Actually we were so bored that we played some clanners with PS, so don't come here saying I'm a lier, you can see this game  #37921 and if you use a translator you can read when I was chatting about this matter with shui.
I think both clans were there at the time setted, but none of us pm'd the other clan. Just a communication problem :P.
Nevertheless, I agree with the time scheduled by D1 we shouldn't have more problems from now on, so any arguing about who is and who is not right is useless.

Offline Ray

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2010, 08:08 PM »
Also, stop taking things so damn personally, cheer up ffs...
;D ;D If you ever actually talked with him on the microphone, you would understand he is not like what you imagine him. :) I also imagined Random to be like a machine, but he is just the entire opposite. ;)

Besides, not caring about the Playoffs means you are mad at him, taking it seriously and wanting the games done means you are mad at him... wait, whaaaaaaat? :-X

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2010, 09:04 PM »
Also, stop taking things so damn personally, cheer up ffs...
;D ;D If you ever actually talked with him on the microphone, you would understand he is not like what you imagine him. :) I also imagined Random to be like a machine, but he is just the entire opposite. ;)

Besides, not caring about the Playoffs means you are mad at him, taking it seriously and wanting the games done means you are mad at him... wait, whaaaaaaat? :-X

I really don't follow you here, I didn't say I thought he was some depressing guy, just saying he always takes things personally instead of realising most of what I say is for people as a whole, not individuals, I ain't even mad at him lol, I am still cool with him whether he is with me or not, I ain't mad at him lol, I have no reason to be.

Offline Random00

Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2010, 11:06 PM »
ok lalo, so we both suck ^^
and yea: Im also taking things too personal, but thats maybe because you often take me/CF as an example for something ;p

but nvm: Deadline is the day after tomorrow ;P