May 16, 2024, 05:07 AM

Game #39724, Reported by daiNa, Viewed 522 Time(s)

Classic #15
September 25, 2010, 02:24 AM
Beginner 1139 in Team17 before the game. Gained 50|50 points
Below Average 1381 in Team17 before the game. Lost 50|50 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 1
12 - 4
9 - 11
279 - 199
Information Game scheme: Team17
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 47 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 14 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[cfc-daima] hf
[mm`Mablak`b2b] hf
[lalo] hf
ShyGuy*mm [Words of Wisdom]
<<lalo>> vamos ma!
cfc-daima..lalo: haceme caso vos
lalo..cfc-daima: no des asquito
cfc-daima..lalo: vos y tus cagadas
ShyGuy*mm [A yellow belly won't have the guts, but sometimes they'll still get the glory/]
cfc-daima..lalo: tenemo buenos lugares a mantenerlos
[ShyGuy*mm] mab
[wreckz*mm] shy
[wreckz*mm] can u play this?
[wreckz*mm] i have to go.
[ShyGuy*mm] no
<<cfc-daima>> kaja
[mm`Mablak`b2b] mwa ha
[ShyGuy*mm] play avi
lalo..cfc-daima: pens�� q eras vos xd
cfc-daima..lalo: ya empezaste no jodas
lalo..cfc-daima: ahhaah sos pesada
[ShyGuy*mm] mab
[mm`Mablak`b2b] :0
[ShyGuy*mm] have you seen the movie Cool Runnings
[mm`Mablak`b2b] Of course
<<cfc-daima>> moevete con zdaina
[ShyGuy*mm] funny dont you think?
[mm`Mablak`b2b] kiiinda ;0
[ShyGuy*mm] you really seen it?
<<cfc-daima>> vaja x lakaja
[ShyGuy*mm] tell me what it is about
[wreckz*mm] why do u find it hard to belive ppl seen it?
[mm`Mablak`b2b] jamaican bobsled team
cfc-daima..lalo: sople
[ShyGuy*mm] the movie is one of the funniest i have ever seen
[ShyGuy*mm] i downloaded it today
[ShyGuy*mm] after i saw some of it at school
cfc-daima..lalo: sopleeeeeeeeeeee
lalo..cfc-daima: nah ni loco me hac��an mierda abajo
[mm`Mablak`b2b] feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, something something, it's bobsled time
[ShyGuy*mm] haha!!!!!
lalo..cfc-daima: nos cag�� xd
cfc-daima..lalo: pfffff viste eso paso al lado del agua
[ShyGuy*mm] cool runnings is the father of comedy
<<lalo>> pu��
<<lalo>> pu��o!
[mm`Mablak`b2b] Hm, for sure.
<<cfc-daima>> no pasa nada
[ShyGuy*mm] i also have Gym Teacher by nickelodeon studios.. ever seen it?
cfc-daima..lalo: se me rompio el corpi��o wtf xD
cfc-daima..lalo: si podes atakar
cfc-daima..lalo: hacelo
[mm`Mablak`b2b] naw ;O
lalo..cfc-daima: te est��n creciendo :O venite r��pido q te rompo en 8 el ojete
[mm`Mablak`b2b] I have seen good burger though
[ShyGuy*mm] i own good burger
cfc-daima..lalo: no sabe ese
[ShyGuy*mm] orange VHS
[mm`Mablak`b2b] congrats
cfc-daima..lalo: kajea
[mm`Mablak`b2b] I thought that was before your time
[ShyGuy*mm] those are real comedies
[ShyGuy*mm] no
[ShyGuy*mm] right at my time
[ShyGuy*mm] those are real comedies
[ShyGuy*mm] not hangover
[ShyGuy*mm] knocked up
[ShyGuy*mm] those suck
[mm`Mablak`b2b] haha
[lalo] xD
cfc-daima..lalo: sople
cfc-daima..lalo: go
[mm`Mablak`b2b] knocked up and super bad are pretty solid
[ShyGuy*mm] cool runnings... gym teacher.. family comedies
<<cfc-daima>> buena
<<cfc-daima>> ......
[mm`Mablak`b2b] But after that seth rogen's conversational humor doesn't have anywhere to go really
<<lalo>> wtf no estaba lejos
cfc-daima..lalo: para q keres blokear
cfc-daima..lalo: iidiota no pasa nada
cfc-daima..lalo: era simpklemente soplete
cfc-daima..lalo: ves
lalo..cfc-daima: pa q no te den arco?
cfc-daima..lalo: da igual eso no muero
cfc-daima..lalo: ves
cfc-daima..lalo: igual te dan
[ShyGuy*mm] i torrented cloverfield the other day
[ShyGuy*mm] what do you think about that
cfc-daima..lalo: aprende
cfc-daima..lalo: tenemos una lanza mas?
lalo..cfc-daima: seeh se la doy a yarginton
cfc-daima..lalo: oka
cfc-daima..lalo: wena
[mm`Mablak`b2b] caramba
[ShyGuy*mm] no opinions about cloverfield?
[mm`Mablak`b2b] cloverfield looked pretty bad
[ShyGuy*mm] it is, in a way
[ShyGuy*mm] it got solid reviews tho
cfc-daima..lalo: x abajo le doy uzi al yarg
cfc-daima..lalo: q decis q funciona? D:
lalo..cfc-daima: claro q no
cfc-daima..lalo: y holy?
lalo..cfc-daima: tele con lalo
lalo..cfc-daima: no
[ShyGuy*mm] actually yeah the movie sucked
lalo..cfc-daima: q mierda hac��eeeee
[mm`Mablak`b2b] agreed then
[ShyGuy*mm] had the most annoying camera man
[ShyGuy*mm] bad acting
[ShyGuy*mm] bad reality
cfc-daima..lalo: te blokea
cfc-daima..lalo: kajea noma y tele
[ShyGuy*mm] they showed the monster too clearly and too early
[ShyGuy*mm] wasnt scary
[mm`Mablak`b2b] Totally agreed
cfc-daima..lalo: hoja
cfc-daima..lalo: si
cfc-daima..lalo: che si mato a nino con holy?
[ShyGuy*mm] only thing that was somewhat freaky was at the end when you could see this black dot fall into the sea.. but i didnt even catch it the first time
<<lalo>> depende de lo q haga
[mm`Mablak`b2b] shrug
<<lalo>> cajas y le das soplete?
<<cfc-daima>> kajas? XD
<<lalo>> cajas
[ShyGuy*mm] i'm in a free camera/found footage horror movie phase
<<lalo>> pu��o
[mm`Mablak`b2b] So... that movie
[mm`Mablak`b2b] Quarantine
[mm`Mablak`b2b] And paranormal activity?
[mm`Mablak`b2b] And blair witch?
[mm`Mablak`b2b] What else is there
[ShyGuy*mm] blair witch got me into it
<<lalo>> tiene arcooooooo est��pida
[ShyGuy*mm] blair witch is the best so far
[ShyGuy*mm] quarantine i did watch.. but i downloaded the original spanish film first
[ShyGuy*mm] [REC]
<<cfc-daima>> hice bien
[ShyGuy*mm] REC was good
[ShyGuy*mm] yeah paranormal
[wreckz*mm] awwww shit
[ShyGuy*mm] cloverfield
<<cfc-daima>> mata a nino
<<cfc-daima>> daleeeeeee
[ShyGuy*mm] the last exorcism
[ShyGuy*mm] was really good
<<lalo>> se muere solo
<<cfc-daima>> ok
<<cfc-daima>> si
[mm`Mablak`b2b] Exoercism has been overdone
[ShyGuy*mm] there is a whole list of them on wikipedia.. not a lot though
[mm`Mablak`b2b] I'm generally just bored of any christian related horror
<<cfc-daima>> si hago telecide en shart?
[ShyGuy*mm] yeah
[ShyGuy*mm] but
[ShyGuy*mm] the last exorcism wasnt really like that
<<lalo>> copado!
[ShyGuy*mm] well
[ShyGuy*mm] in a way
[ShyGuy*mm] it was pretty original
cfc-daima..lalo: menos mal q este lo desconcetra
cfc-daima..lalo: XDD
cfc-daima..lalo: ahi?
<<lalo>> m��s arriba
<<lalo>> m��s
[cfc-daima] ahi?
[cfc-daima] xD
[lalo] dale xd
[ShyGuy*mm] it is about this pastor who was raised into exorcism... but he really doesnt believe in demons.. so he is makign a video to reveal that exorcism is a scam
[lalo] XD pensé q no funcionaría
[mm`Mablak`b2b] 84
[mm`Mablak`b2b] aw
[mm`Mablak`b2b] hm sounds more compelling than I thought
cfc-daima..lalo: si podes ir a joder a ese
[ShyGuy*mm] so you see him fooling this girl into thinking she is possessed
<<mm`Mablak`b2b>> wait maybe you can block them from those
cfc-daima..lalo: blokealo
cfc-daima..lalo: block noma
<<cfc-daima>> kajas
<<mm`Mablak`b2b>> if you tele'd near the bottom of the cherry
[ShyGuy*mm] then he pretends to do an exorcism.. he has a trick cross that smokes when he presses a hidden switch, so it looks like it is smoking while he is holding it
<<cfc-daima>> tele
[ShyGuy*mm] he set up speakers in the room with demon sounds
<<cfc-daima>> cerka de zlalotuyo
[mm`Mablak`b2b] Then it all goes wrong
[mm`Mablak`b2b] :V
[ShyGuy*mm] he tricks people into thinking the demon is gone.. cos he believes possession is just all psychological
<<cfc-daima>> jodo al pendejo 68? o lo dejo noma
[ShyGuy*mm] so he did a usual routine
<<lalo>> mata a uno
[ShyGuy*mm] but weird stuff keeps happening
<<lalo>> m��talo, avi no piensa
[ShyGuy*mm] and you never know if she is actually possessed or just mental
<<cfc-daima>> holy nomas
<<lalo>> s��, as�� no bajas
<<cfc-daima>> ok mato a ese
<<lalo>> seh
[ShyGuy*mm] the main character pastor guy is really likeable and intriguing... wish i would have thought of his character before they did :P
<<lalo>> baja
cfc-daima..lalo: para q
<<lalo>> si tiene hacha jodiste
<<cfc-daima>> abri en la cereza
<<cfc-daima>> para mi
[mm`Mablak`b2b] so... you're into writing screenplays I take it
<<cfc-daima>> o abri a avi?
[ShyGuy*mm] yeah
<<cfc-daima>> tiene qgastar cuerda si kiere hacerme algo
<<cfc-daima>> viga
<<cfc-daima>> ke puedas subir a ambos lados
[ShyGuy*mm] the last exorcism was so good on so many literature levels
<<cfc-daima>> bien
<<cfc-daima>> ahi q ir por avi
<<cfc-daima>> viga
[ShyGuy*mm] good irony, foreshadowing, characterization, juxtaposition
<<cfc-daima>> era mejor
<<cfc-daima>> podes leerme si keres
[ShyGuy*mm] plot twists, of course
<<lalo>> te leo, tengo pineado el chat xd
<<cfc-daima>> xke no pones viga
<<cfc-daima>> GIL
<<lalo>> no s�� soy tonto? xD
<<lalo>> venite!
<<cfc-daima>> IDIOTA
<<cfc-daima>> xD
<<cfc-daima>> mira
[mm`Mablak`b2b] I'll juxtapose you
<<cfc-daima>> kiere q vallamos x ellos y los jodamos
[ShyGuy*mm] lol
<<cfc-daima>> mira
cfc-daima..lalo: en tu turno vas a poner viga para q pueda subir yo
<<cfc-daima>> si
<<cfc-daima>> no
<<cfc-daima>> noooo
<<cfc-daima>> si chikita
<<cfc-daima>> q yo pueda subir
<<cfc-daima>> XDDDDDDDDDDDD
<<lalo>> oka oka xD
cfc-daima..lalo: mis instrucciones, si , no, si XD sos re pendejo
<<lalo>> he hecho todo bien no jodas xDDDDDD molestosa
<<cfc-daima>> los jode
<<cfc-daima>> donde la dejo
<<lalo>> pon holy? xD
<<cfc-daima>> eso?
<<lalo>> uh miedo dale
<<lalo>> bien avi solo jode
cfc-daima..lalo: bien
[mm`Mablak`b2b] gg >:0
[lalo] gg
[cfc-daima] D:
<<cfc-daima>> si abre nomas tele
<<cfc-daima>> >>
<<cfc-daima>> arriba manzana
[mm`Mablak`b2b] don't
[ShyGuy*mm] ;o
[ShyGuy*mm] run
<<cfc-daima>> holy???
<<lalo>> abro la viga?
<<cfc-daima>> lo tiraaaa
<<cfc-daima>> bien en la punta q decis
<<lalo>> oka
[cfc-daima] si
<<mm`Mablak`b2b>> or HHG
[wreckz*mm] gg?
cfc-daima..lalo: dale
[ShyGuy*mm] hhg
[wreckz*mm] gg
[ShyGuy*mm] go crates
[mm`Mablak`b2b] Was just saying that
[mm`Mablak`b2b] gg
[cfc-daima] gg
[lalo] gg
[lalo] u gonna host up?
[cfc-daima] buena che
[wreckz*mm] i g2g
[wreckz*mm] bye

Author Topic: Game #39724, Reported by daiNa  (Read 479 times)

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Game #39724, Reported by daiNa
« on: September 25, 2010, 03:30 AM »
uhhh man!! my head was not in this game, was on the phone most of it.. and my mind was elsewhere, shyguy refused to play tho :| gg none the less.