Leagues > Leagues

Game #41065, Reported by Chicken23


<<Chicken23CKC>> hit whoever u find easiest or has next shot to keep pushing thme
<<oldsoCKC>> k
<<Chicken23CKC>> pushes ftw. makes it harder to keep an angle n shot etc

I like how you use my tactics now :P You should do that when i'm playing though instead of the infamous "Kill Komo and win" Tactic everyone seems to be using lol :D

Took people years to realise I was doing pushes on purpose lol.

Anyway, good job CKC :)

P.S - The map sucks indeed lol, one of the worst i've seen, I woulda restarted to be honest :D

Actually it's not a mysterious new-ish technique to push people in BnG. I've always been playing by that principle lol. :D

That's just what I wanted to say, that's not something exclusive, lol, it's just common sense I think.


--- Quote from: darKz on October 13, 2010, 06:35 AM ---Actually it's not a mysterious new-ish technique to push people in BnG. I've always been playing by that principle lol. :D

--- End quote ---

Yeah but I mean like 5-6 years ago, so that isn't "new-ish"


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