June 03, 2024, 03:32 AM

Game #41654, Viewed 179 Time(s)

Classic #16
October 18, 2010, 07:59 PM
Beginner 1088 in Team17 before the game. Gained 53|53 points
Below Average 1398 in Team17 before the game. Lost 53|53 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 1
11 - 14
9 - 15
104 - 157
Information Game scheme: Team17
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 30 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 10 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[ps`Rocket`PH] hf
[ps`Uber] hf
[Spaazi`TdC] hf
<<ps`Uber>> gl hf
[Dulek`ps] hf
<<Dulek`ps>> I go study a bit after and I come back later
[Dulek`ps] nice first weapon
<<ps`Uber>> aqua
[Dulek`ps] :)
[ps`Uber] hah bastards!
<<ps`Uber>> well play this first ? xD
<<Spaazi`TdC>> soz didnt hide
<<ps`Uber>> ill bow spaazi down here
<<Dulek`ps>> I mean after this game
<<Dulek`ps>> not now lol
<<ps`Uber>> hahaha xD
<<Spaazi`TdC>> vnt
[Dulek`ps] nt
<<Spaazi`TdC>> f@#!ing yes 2 aquas
[ninjaTdCamel] t
<<ninjaTdCamel>> ye
<<ps`Uber>> well hello
<<ps`Uber>> tele cant climb that
<<Spaazi`TdC>> they got aqua too
<<Spaazi`TdC>> scheme duplicate weaps
<<ps`Uber>> tele anfd block
[Spaazi`TdC] You got aqua too. This scheme repeats weaps?
<<ninjaTdCamel>> cratee?
<<ninjaTdCamel>> with chute
[ps`Uber] dunno but all crates we got had aqua..
[ps`Uber] rofl j/k
[ps`Uber] xD
[Dulek`ps] weird, coz no moles yet, Uber
[Dulek`ps] xD
<<Dulek`ps>> bow him
[Spaazi`TdC] Its rare
[Spaazi`TdC] 2 aquas between 4-5 cr8s
[Dulek`ps] just pure luck
[Dulek`ps] don't blame scheme :P
[Spaazi`TdC] :p
[ps`Uber] ops
<<Dulek`ps>> I block
<<ps`Uber>> ok xD
<<Spaazi`TdC>> Leave me hhg
<<Spaazi`TdC>> just fp
<<Spaazi`TdC>> n1
<<ninjaTdCamel>> t
ps`Uber [6 girds left ps]
[Dulek`ps] yes
[ps`Uber] we know spaazi
[ps`Uber] xD
[Spaazi`TdC] not me
[ps`Uber] haha i know.
[ps`Uber] was me
[Dulek`ps] 'sneaky sneak'
<<ninjaTdCamel>> tele to crate?
[ps`Uber] freaky iky
[ninjaTdCamel] huh
<<Spaazi`TdC>> its urs, ill make them waste girds
<<ninjaTdCamel>> hm ok good:D
<<Dulek`ps>> bow?
<<ninjaTdCamel>> jjaja ok
<<Spaazi`TdC>> fp again?
<<ps`Uber>> he would <<<
<<Spaazi`TdC>> YEASH
<<ps`Uber>> bow u over there
<<ps`Uber>> go crate first
<<ninjaTdCamel>> our pile sucks
<<Spaazi`TdC>> i know soz, it was because of barrel :|
<<ps`Uber>> gj
[Dulek`ps] I dealt dmg to both?
[ninjaTdCamel] ye
[ps`Uber] last yes
[Dulek`ps] ok
<<Dulek`ps>> axe husky?
<<ps`Uber>> ya
<<Spaazi`TdC>> reaxe?
[ps`Uber] ehehe
<<Spaazi`TdC>> n1
<<Dulek`ps>> dyna worms 2?
<<ps`Uber>> ya do it
<<Dulek`ps>> flame thrower husky?
<<ps`Uber>> im not sure he will stay here
<<Dulek`ps>> hmm quite hard to kill
<<Spaazi`TdC>> lets kill shieeeeeeet and then use scale?
<<ninjaTdCamel>> mayb
<<Spaazi`TdC>> or hhg >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?
<<ps`Uber>> ill wait for 46 and do stomehting xD
[ps`Uber] rofl 45
<<Dulek`ps>> why didn't u manipulate with aim while firing? :D
<<ps`Uber>> cause then he would go over or under
<<Spaazi`TdC>> we need a kill atm
<<Dulek`ps>> but had possibility of bigger dmg
<<Dulek`ps>> even tho it was more risky
<<ps`Uber>> well wouldnt kill anyways. and 30 or 10 isnt really important :p
<<Dulek`ps>> it could kill :)
<<Spaazi`TdC>> n1 :(
<<ninjaTdCamel>> hope he kill huskydog
<<Dulek`ps>> what now?
<<ps`Uber>> shiiet
<<Dulek`ps>> kill husky or cr8 with shiiet?
<<Spaazi`TdC>> thats what they r sayin
<<ps`Uber>> kill crazy
<<Spaazi`TdC>> LIVE
[Dulek`ps] lol
<<ps`Uber>> lol
<<Dulek`ps>> I wanted flamethrower spaazi
[Dulek`ps] lol again this bug
[Dulek`ps] wtf
<<ninjaTdCamel>> just punch him?
[Dulek`ps] already third time
[Dulek`ps] we're THAT luckty
[Dulek`ps] lucky*
<<Spaazi`TdC>> cow!
<<Dulek`ps>> flame thrower fencrazy?
<<ps`Uber>> not sure. cause then husky dmg u
<<Dulek`ps>> oh yea
<<Dulek`ps>> nvm my idea
[Dulek`ps] 5 left
<<Spaazi`TdC>> tele <<?
<<ninjaTdCamel>> ye and u rope kill 80
<<ps`Uber>> kill husky
<<ps`Uber>> or wait
<<ps`Uber>> they will rope for me
<<Spaazi`TdC>> dunno how with his position i cant cow
<<ps`Uber>> come and block over here
<<Dulek`ps>> ?
<<Dulek`ps>> who
<<ninjaTdCamel>> hmm
<<Spaazi`TdC>> just gird him may be?
<<ps`Uber>> ye just kill huksy
[Spaazi`TdC] f@#!
[ps`Uber] lives
<<ps`Uber>> they rope for me now ;S
<<ps`Uber>> but was a shit situation
<<ninjaTdCamel>> lets see whats in the crate
<<Dulek`ps>> yeh
<<Dulek`ps>> I had to choose u or me :D
<<ninjaTdCamel>> huh
<<ps`Uber>> indeed
<<Dulek`ps>> sry
[ninjaTdCamel] crate
<<ps`Uber>> nah np
<<Dulek`ps>> but look, it's ok
<<Dulek`ps>> he's not gonna rope
<<ps`Uber>> ya
<<Dulek`ps>> tele ur worm
<<Dulek`ps>> we need 2
<<ps`Uber>> ya
<<Spaazi`TdC>> EQ :|
<<Dulek`ps>> with once sd weapon will be hard anyway
<<Dulek`ps>> one*
<<Spaazi`TdC>> Gird down?
<<Dulek`ps>> against 4
<<Dulek`ps>> 3*
[ps`Uber] 5 for u also
<<Spaazi`TdC>> more down?
[ps`Uber] now
<<Spaazi`TdC>> more down?
[ps`Uber] if u do that gird
[ps`Uber] xD
<<ninjaTdCamel>> why more down?
<<Spaazi`TdC>> cause they got aqua
<<Spaazi`TdC>> i'm dead maybe
<<ninjaTdCamel>> he can aqua me too
<<Spaazi`TdC>> but im 81
<<ps`Uber>> hide good so they cant ss u
<<Dulek`ps>> gird?
<<ninjaTdCamel>> hps doesnt matter that much now
<<Dulek`ps>> cr8?
<<ps`Uber>> ye go there
<<ps`Uber>> ill come and gird for u
<<ps`Uber>> over there
<<ninjaTdCamel>> mayb scales?
<<Dulek`ps>> k
<<Spaazi`TdC>> I could tele kill?
<<ninjaTdCamel>> where?;O
<<ninjaTdCamel>> wont kill
[Dulek`ps] 4
[ps`Uber] 4
<<ninjaTdCamel>> we got 2 aquas
[Dulek`ps] first!
<<ninjaTdCamel>> them r enough to kill 2 worms
<<Spaazi`TdC>> tele kill Not a big deal?
<<Dulek`ps>> make a long gird so I can take both cr8s
<<Spaazi`TdC>> he would fall <<
<<Dulek`ps>> ok
<<ninjaTdCamel>> too risky;O
[ps`Uber] and 4 for us
<<Dulek`ps>> three*
<<Dulek`ps>> xD
<<ps`Uber>> no man. 4
<<ps`Uber>> we used 3
<<Spaazi`TdC>> Gird <<<<
<<Dulek`ps>> so I can take three cr8s I meants
<<Spaazi`TdC>> ?
<<ps`Uber>> ah lol
<<Spaazi`TdC>> oky
<<ps`Uber>> pray for sd weaps xD a patsy is fine.
[ps`Uber] 3 left for u
<<Dulek`ps>> even tiny missile
<<Spaazi`TdC>> ye
<<ninjaTdCamel>> use scales
<<Spaazi`TdC>> not now
<<ninjaTdCamel>> ;O
<<ninjaTdCamel>> its useles very soon
<<Spaazi`TdC>> ok ill see
<<ninjaTdCamel>> now he can kill our 1hps with bad touch
<<Dulek`ps>> blow torvh?
<<ps`Uber>> make a gird at the end
<<ps`Uber>> ye ok
<<Spaazi`TdC>> but we can tele kill with 1 worm 1hp
<<ps`Uber>> beware of ss push
<<Dulek`ps>> yea ;/
<<ninjaTdCamel>> we dont need to tele kill man
<<ninjaTdCamel>> we got 2 aquas
<<ninjaTdCamel>> 3 rofl
[ps`Uber] Oo
<<ninjaTdCamel>> im gonna mayb ss next
<<Spaazi`TdC>> yeh
[Dulek`ps] 3 girds left for us too?
<<Spaazi`TdC>> kill Not a big deal
<<Dulek`ps>> ok, u go sg?
<<ps`Uber>> i knew it was short ;) ya
<<ps`Uber>> sneaky sneak
<<ps`Uber>> f@#! they kill uy
<<Dulek`ps>> shit
<<ps`Uber>> or me
<<ps`Uber>> i guess u
[Spaazi`TdC] upp
[Spaazi`TdC] ok
[Spaazi`TdC] n1
[ps`Uber] gg ;/
<<Dulek`ps>> rope and take my cr8s?
[ninjaTdCamel] t
[ninjaTdCamel] gg
<<Spaazi`TdC>> vn
[ps`Rocket`PH] gg
<<ninjaTdCamel>> t
<<Spaazi`TdC>> ill just gird I think
<<ninjaTdCamel>> or ss
<<ps`Uber>> f@#! this Oo
<<ninjaTdCamel>> ss
[ninjaTdCamel] lol
<<Dulek`ps>> he has another aqua
<<Dulek`ps>> f@#!ers
[ps`Uber] u have another one?
[ps`Uber] assholes
[Dulek`ps] :d
<<ps`Uber>> gg then ;/
[ninjaTdCamel] yeas lol
[ninjaTdCamel] gogooo
<<Dulek`ps>> lol sweet
<<Spaazi`TdC>> too risky
<<ps`Uber>> still f@#!ed
[ninjaTdCamel] maaan
[ninjaTdCamel] roflmao
<<Spaazi`TdC>> no stress nc calm down
[ninjaTdCamel] what was the risk?xd
<<Spaazi`TdC>> we got 3 worms
<<Spaazi`TdC>> I could get over you
<<Dulek`ps>> go further
<<Spaazi`TdC>> i couldn't
[ninjaTdCamel] just ropexd
<<Spaazi`TdC>> no stress
<<Dulek`ps>> bit too late rofl -,-
<<ps`Uber>> ye ;/
<<ninjaTdCamel>> im not stressing;o
<<Spaazi`TdC>> lol yeh
<<Spaazi`TdC>> there's no hurry
<<Spaazi`TdC>> go for it
<<Dulek`ps>> yees!
[Spaazi`TdC] ffs
[Spaazi`TdC] nc
<<ninjaTdCamel>> xD
[Spaazi`TdC] fcking told you
[ninjaTdCamel] omfgomfg
<<Spaazi`TdC>> ;)
[ninjaTdCamel] im dumbbb
[Spaazi`TdC] told u
[Spaazi`TdC] no f@#!in ghurry
<<Dulek`ps>> misisle spaazi?
[ps`Rocket`PH] n
[ps`Uber] t
<<ninjaTdCamel>> now just rope
<<Spaazi`TdC>> yeh
<<ps`Uber>> my hp is bugging me lol
<<Dulek`ps>> lol more aquas?
<<Dulek`ps>> if yes
<<Dulek`ps>> what a joke
[ps`Uber] u have another one?
[Dulek`ps] lmao
[Dulek`ps] what a f@#!ing joke
[ninjaTdCamel] i wouldnt waste last one xD
[ps`Uber] haha xD
[Dulek`ps] f@#! off

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