Leagues > Leagues

Game #59670, Reported by shuuki

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--- Quote from: DC's in gamechat ---SnipeR`dC..nico`dC: trying to use autohotkey :P
<<nico`dC>> que es eso
 SnipeR`dC..nico`dC: fr
<<nico`dC>> zeh
SnipeR`dC..nico`dC: pero
 SnipeR`dC..nico`dC: es otro tipo
 <<nico`dC>> pq
SnipeR`dC..nico`dC: diferente
 SnipeR`dC..nico`dC: ^^

--- End quote ---

Let me translate dear sirs

SnipeR`dC..nico`dC: trying to use autohotkey :P
<<nico`dC>> what is that?
 SnipeR`dC..nico`dC: fr
<<nico`dC>> zeh
SnipeR`dC..nico`dC: but
 SnipeR`dC..nico`dC: another kind of fr
SnipeR`dC..nico`dC: it's just different
 SnipeR`dC..nico`dC: ^^

That's not another kind of finger roll Sniper, that's cheating. You're using macros in order to tap a way faster, and you're not even ashamed to tell it in a public game, how retard you are dude lol.
You're showing how lame and ridiculous may be some people, and don't come with the typical excuse that you're using 2 space keys that would be hilarious. Guys just take a glance at the replay lol.


Macros pffft, it's easy enough without having to cheat...

those zilians... >:( shame lol

so Maciej was right about Sniper..... I didn't belive.....


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