May 02, 2024, 10:00 AM

Game #63825, Reported by f0rest, Viewed 654 Time(s)

Classic #19
April 03, 2011, 08:52 PM
Absolute Beginner 1036 in BnG before the game. Gained 40|38 points
Absolute Beginner 1000 in BnG before the game. Lost 38|38 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
2 - 0
2 - 3
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 95 time(s).
Game Awards
Brazil IlAiGnOkDAY has nominated this game for Luck of the season (Addional note)
Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, PNG, 92.26 KB, Downloaded 68 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] se matem
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ironico
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] tem um passaro
[f0rest`b0r] hf
[f0rest`b0r] and gl
[f0rest`b0r] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] se fik na boca dele
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ele te come
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] pq eh uma minhoca
[f0rest`b0r] em 6min mato voces dois
[f0rest`b0r] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] piada idiota a minha kk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] HAHA
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] 6 min
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] vai zuando
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xP
[INF`-TheGods] naum esqueçam das rules ein
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] pq so vai poder zuar agora
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] :P
[f0rest`b0r] af
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] flei
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] x`
[INF`-TheGods] ageitar a mira e daí atirar
[f0rest`b0r] vais e mata
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] testando
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
<<INF`-TheGods>> tem q ageitar a ira apertando exemplo bazoooka tu tem q ficar apertando f1
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] 4 sec da nao
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] várias vezes é rules
[f0rest`b0r] gj
[INF`-TheGods] LOL
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] vo me mata nao
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xP
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] rule eh
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] remirar
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
<<INF`-TheGods>> aff quase q merda
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] O.o
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] sim
[f0rest`b0r] rolfmao
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] filha da mae
[INF`-TheGods] sai dae
[INF`-TheGods] tem q ter strategic nese scheme
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] merda de passaro
<<INF`-TheGods>> ia ser boa
[f0rest`b0r] wind
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] olha o vento
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] sacanage
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] eu amo esse vento
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] nulo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] fdp
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kkkkk
[INF`-TheGods] saí dae depois com o maçaricoo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] so ne mim
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xP
[f0rest`b0r] ta
[f0rest`b0r] pego o de cima entao
[INF`-TheGods] LOLz
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] lol
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] eu gosto de usar viga
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] mas aki da nao
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ta tenso
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[f0rest`b0r] :X
[Madden`bOr] nt
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] eh ano novo?
[INF`-TheGods] ]??????????
[f0rest`b0r] t
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] q merda
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] wtf
[INF`-TheGods] nossa q exagero
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] foi sem qre
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] eita porra
[INF`-TheGods] start the game now
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ?
[INF`-TheGods] to falando pra mim isso
[f0rest`b0r] aww
[f0rest`b0r] nt
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ah
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] digitando pra si msm
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] o.o
[Madden`bOr] was aiming for other worm xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] hehe
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] just in me
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] :P
[INF`-TheGods] haushaushau esqueci do tempo da granade
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] eu q exagero depois
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] sacanagem
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] agora qse
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] pqp
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] uma hora vai mto
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] otra hora poco
[INF`-TheGods] maelhorandooo
[INF`-TheGods] ^^
[INF`-TheGods] XD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] flei q nao so bom nisso
[INF`-TheGods] nem dá nds
[INF`-TheGods] só diversão manolo
[INF`-TheGods] meu primeiro clanner
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] eu to ligado
[INF`-TheGods] oh resto eh nois
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] mas se divertir assim fik tenso
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xP
[f0rest`b0r] vamo 3rd wxw?
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] esse eh meu 3 ou 2 clanner
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] um pouquinho menos daívai
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] haha
[INF`-TheGods] daí vai*
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] wxw
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] nem rola do jeito q eu to agora
[INF`-TheGods] WxW eu ahushaushahsua
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] filha da mae
[INF`-TheGods] q pesadelo do carai
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] vai tentamos
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] q q voc fez???
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] veras
[INF`-TheGods] q merda
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] se ele nao atak aki
[INF`-TheGods] q ajuda voc deu a eles cara
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] vc nao sabe o q eh
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xP
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] entao nao reclama antes
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] eh meu esqma
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] aff
[INF`-TheGods] q merda
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] uia
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] sai demonio
[INF`-TheGods] ae vou tirar aqle toco e já era
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] sim
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] se tira akilo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] fode eles
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xd
[INF`-TheGods] perfect
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] noss
[Madden`bOr] nn
[f0rest`b0r] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] agora
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ve
[INF`-TheGods] nooooooo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] eh um esqma
[INF`-TheGods] ahsuhaushaushua
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] mas tem q arruma
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xP
[INF`-TheGods] haushaushuahsua ilárioooo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] vai ver o hilario
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] XP
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] sorte do demo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] olha o vento
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] pff..
[f0rest`b0r] weee
[INF`-TheGods] q massa
[f0rest`b0r] xd
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] esse eh um corno
[f0rest`b0r] gj
[INF`-TheGods] ahsuhsuhaushau
[INF`-TheGods] lentamentemente
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kkk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] tira o toco
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] awt
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] o otro toco
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ^^
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] vo tira
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] naum tirei o q eu qria mais tirei um haushaushau
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] sepa
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] sim
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ae
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] da tempo ainda
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] CTF eh esqueme oficial pra um clanner?
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] menos tempo e eu tirava o toco
[INF`-TheGods] aff pow baixa gravidade nisso entaum fik mais fodástico haushaushaushua
[f0rest`b0r] uhum
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] sim
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[f0rest`b0r] nao
[f0rest`b0r] nao
[f0rest`b0r] ops
[f0rest`b0r] ctf nao
[INF`-TheGods] eita
[INF`-TheGods] viu
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ufa
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] salvo a gride
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] q merda a tus fresca do carai
[f0rest`b0r] wind
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ae
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] bem no toco
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] vlwz
[INF`-TheGods] aff um poco mais q merda q eu to fazendo to com edo de mandar muito forte mais agora foda-se
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] :O
[INF`-TheGods] vou ir de tudo quanto eh geito pode crer
[INF`-TheGods] jeito*
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk]
[INF`-TheGods] isso
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] por mto poco
[INF`-TheGods] quse
[INF`-TheGods] q emrda
[INF`-TheGods] merda*
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INF`-TheGods] -.-'
[INF`-TheGods] '-.-
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] .-.
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`-TheGods] u.u
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] '-'
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] f@#!
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] amem
[f0rest`b0r] g
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] cotinua o gride
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[f0rest`b0r] xD
[INF`-TheGods] ; *
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] aiiiiiiiiiii
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`-TheGods] haushaushaushsua
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ah
[INF`-TheGods] q hilárioooooooooooooo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] melhora pra vc atak
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] fodeu
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] fdp
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] para com isso kk
[INF`-TheGods] thanks vento vlw msmooo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] haha
[f0rest`b0r] hauuahhau
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] se errar
[Madden`bOr] lmao
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] eu ri
[f0rest`b0r] iaehueuihiaeu
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] nice
[INF`-TheGods] isso
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] LOL
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] certeiro
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] nuss
[f0rest`b0r] boa
[INF`-TheGods] aleluia team urruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] os kras tavam com 200 ainda
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] hashuashusauhsa
[INF`-TheGods] só por essa me alegrei
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] mais vento nulo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] nao
[INF`-TheGods] blz podemos perder a vontade agora
[INF`-TheGods] ^^
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] fuuuuuuuuuu
[INF`-TheGods] isso frakin
[INF`-TheGods] olha essa
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] vai
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] viu q massa
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] asuhhuashuas
[INF`-TheGods] ahushaushaushuahsua
[INF`-TheGods] ahsuahsuhasuhai
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] olhei
[INF`-TheGods] euri juito de vdd agora
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] mas nao vi nada
[INF`-TheGods] ahsuahsuhasahsua
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kkkkkkkkkkk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] olha o nice
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] LOL carai
[f0rest`b0r] f@#!
[INF`-TheGods] q bagaça loka
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] very nice
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] qse msm
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] boa
[INF`-TheGods] manolo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] :?
[INF`-TheGods] isso sim eh um almost^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~~
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ops
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] final fail
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[Madden`bOr] awww
[INF`-TheGods] apelão hasuahsuhasuahu
[f0rest`b0r] nt
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] FDP
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] mas ele eh corno msm
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kkkkk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] usando ate o kike maximo
[f0rest`b0r] 5s
[f0rest`b0r] so com kick max
[f0rest`b0r] ou lg
[INF`-TheGods] aff nem fiz isso neh?
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] nem vi
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[Madden`bOr] n
[f0rest`b0r] t
[f0rest`b0r] go win fast
[f0rest`b0r] hauhuhua
[INF`-TheGods] vlwe pelo nem vi me ajudou demais voc nem imagina sériow
[INF`-TheGods] ^^
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] o merda
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] a barra solto
[INF`-TheGods] haushaushaushuahsu
[INF`-TheGods] euri muito de vdd
[INF`-TheGods] haushaushauhuahsua
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] serio
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] eu nao vi o q vc fez
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`-TheGods] sério vei de vdd
[INF`-TheGods] msmoo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] fui faze um treco rapido
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[f0rest`b0r] awewwww
[INF`-TheGods] LOLzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] lol
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] sai do toco
[INF`-TheGods] agora a saravai
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] ]ahsuhaushaushau
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] agora sara vai
[INF`-TheGods] f@#!
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] haha
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] qse
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] eh meiorei
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] hehe
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] agente falando q nem jeca
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kkk
[f0rest`b0r] :X
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] fodaaaa
[INF`-TheGods] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] veras
[INF`-TheGods] nuss
[INF`-TheGods] boa
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kkkkkkkkkk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] vlw
[INF`-TheGods] alah perfect
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ^^
[INF`-TheGods] loko
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] granada com lg
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] eu gosto
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] *-*
[INF`-TheGods] adogo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] aiii
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ashuashusah
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ae]corno erro
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] HAHA
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] HAW
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] HAW
[f0rest`b0r] chinga ele nao
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] oia
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] passa raspando
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] to zuando
[INF`-TheGods] aff merda se num tivesse akilo imagina
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] nao eh xingo de vdd
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] ui chinga ele naum pq
[INF`-TheGods] eh zueira
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] flando
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] me metendo chifre
[INF`-TheGods] i ficaram iradôes
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ah
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] qse
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[f0rest`b0r] 7s
[f0rest`b0r] ia
[INF`-TheGods] vou usar strategic das fodas agora fik vendooo
[f0rest`b0r] ahuahuhuahua
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] KKKK
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] sim
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] hashuas
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] vo ver esssa em juba
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] 5 sec
[INF`-TheGods] fik de boa oiandoo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] sara vai
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] eh oq?
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] dança
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kkk
[INF`-TheGods] viu?
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] huasuhasuhashuas
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] q porra?
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ....
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ssahas
[INF`-TheGods] agsuahsuahsuhasuhaushau
[INF`-TheGods] hushaushasbuashuahs8apç aev nrnc37poc
[f0rest`b0r] chupa assim
[f0rest`b0r] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] mereceuk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`-TheGods] aff acabou minha risada de vdd agora fudeu o bang
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] come uma bola ae
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] XD
[INF`-TheGods] sai loko
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] vai mar
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kkkkkk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] pega a bolinha o golfinho
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kkk
[f0rest`b0r] nice
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] to olhando agora
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] XD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] lol
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] chupa um saco
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] q agora vc ferro
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] eu sei
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] k
[f0rest`b0r] lol
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] NO
[INF`-TheGods] agora naum to zuando mais
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] FUU
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] lol
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] fik vendoo essa merda agora
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] agora q a gente qse morre
[INF`-TheGods] sim]
[INF`-TheGods] naum tem otro jeito
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] pegadinha do malandro
[INF`-TheGods] ui merda de pássaro kil you bird ahushaushahsau
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] mas se nao fosse o cu desse PASSARTO MALDITO
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ia
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[Madden`bOr] oh man
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] o nipe
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[Madden`bOr] what a waste :'(
[f0rest`b0r] :x
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] waste
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] o juba wasta melhor
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[f0rest`b0r] vo te mata
[INF`-TheGods] aff naum acreditooooooooooo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] nao creio nisso
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] agora fude
[INF`-TheGods] e eu creio?
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] u]
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] olha ae
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] fude
[f0rest`b0r] :x
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] u
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] NOSS
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kkkkk
[f0rest`b0r] sabia que fez cow
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] agora vai
[f0rest`b0r] ta mto perto
[f0rest`b0r] hauuhahuahua
[INF`-TheGods] calma naum coloquei ali minha worma pra fude
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] juba
[INF`-TheGods] ty
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] o seu buraco eh de grande ajuda
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] para de falar juba pls
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] malz
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ^^
[INF`-TheGods] eh Juboy ou juninhooooo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] mas pega
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] to flando q nem o chaos
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`-TheGods] caps é fera neh
[f0rest`b0r] muda o angulo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] lol
[f0rest`b0r] muda o angulo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[f0rest`b0r] muda o anglulo
[INF`-TheGods] aff magavilhas
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] LOL
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] a tensao
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kkk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] pausa no ar
[INF`-TheGods] caos*
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] O.O
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] boom
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] salvo pelo toco
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`-TheGods] aff vou ter q sair vai logoooo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] agora via porra
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] pqwp
[INF`-TheGods] nooooooooooo
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] pqp
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] pqp de barra
[INF`-TheGods] ui qse eu
[f0rest`b0r] mais forte um pouco
[INF`-TheGods] lokooo
[f0rest`b0r] uahhauhua
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kkkkkk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] nem em
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xO
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kika +
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] acerta o shaggg fag
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[f0rest`b0r] muda o angulo PORRA
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ele mudo
[INF`-TheGods] isso
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] 1 grau ue
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xD
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] kk
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] ja eh uma mudança neh
[INF`LinkDay-CwC] xP
[f0rest`b0r] tem muda pelo meno uns 45
[f0rest`b0r] drop?

Author Topic: Game #63825, Reported by f0rest  (Read 658 times)

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Game #63825, Reported by f0rest
« on: April 03, 2011, 09:01 PM »
HEY, AXLSTEFANON DONT PLAY THIS GAME, AND, FOREST LAG THE GAME, so, why win? cause have more than us? its not cool...

Re: Game #63825, Reported by f0rest
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2011, 09:05 PM »
If you want to make it a complaint: https://www.tus-wa.com/forums/complaints/

We won't handle problems unless there's a post in the complaints forum about it.