June 03, 2024, 01:06 PM

Game #67194, Reported by lalo, Viewed 999 Time(s)

Classic #19
April 24, 2011, 06:29 PM
Below Average 1377 in Roper before the game. Gained 37|27 points
Beginner 1100 in Roper before the game. Lost 27|27 points

Game Rate
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Players history
1 - 0
3 - 1
2 - 0
8 - 7
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
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1920 x 696, BIT, 2.97 KB, Downloaded 11 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
<<rOx-MidN>> XDDD
[Phanton'rox] hf
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] FuNz
[dC`Crash] hf
<<rOx-MidN>> i think not
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: re ax prra
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: p0rra
[titahempxDc] gj
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] gj
[dC`Crash] ty
[rOx-MidN] lol
Phanton'rox..dC`Crash: I waited 5-6 days for a calnner every day I wanted to play,have not found no one , andwhen I spoke to the Sniper he told me that we could not lose , thatyou had to wait or single etc. ....
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: 0-0
[rOx-MidN] lol
dC`Crash..Phanton'rox: sniper is good boy
Phanton'rox..dC`Crash: ill knew
dC`Crash..Phanton'rox: he didn't understand me, i didn't tell him not to play clanners lol :D
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] nooo, se me va venir la sangre por la nariz Dx
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: first r0umd hard hidem
<<rOx-MidN>> why u kiked this hide =(
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: s0rry
Phanton'rox..dC`Crash: but I think he does not trust me
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: g00d cr8
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: =)
[rOx-MidN] ahah
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] uh
[dC`Crash] nd
[dC`Crash] xd
[titahempxDc] xDD
Phanton'rox..dC`Crash: that you understand me? when I spoke to him he did not play Clann want'd me because I thought we'd lose, he never trusted me
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: yeaaa
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: w0rked
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: =)
dC`Crash..Phanton'rox: but dC is not only sniper, there are other 8 members
Phanton'rox..dC`Crash: ill knew friend
[titahempxDc] crash is fantastic xD
[dC`Crash] xdd
[dC`Crash] u2 man
[titahempxDc] phantm , p0r q saiu?
[titahempxDc] d0 dc
[titahempxDc] are u crazy?
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] tita
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] pq vc escreve com o 0
[rOx-MidN] lOL
[titahempxDc] s0u cheater
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] lol
[dC`Crash] lol
[titahempxDc] XDDD
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] kkk
[rOx-MidN] afff
dC`Crash..Phanton'rox: u can always come back to us
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] o que ouve com seu o?
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] vc quebrou ele?
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] xD
Phanton'rox..dC`Crash: I love you, I'm sorry 'to the ~ u and tita, but I was tired of being rejected by the sniper, he a good person, but I had one foot behind him
[rOx-MidN] space is broken =(
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] lol
[dC`Crash] ns lol
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] :o
[titahempxDc] xDD
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] tou jogando melhor que vc hj mid...
[rOx-MidN] deve ta
[rOx-MidN] eu lhe disse q tava frio
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] mais eu tou frio tbm
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] só joguei uma partida quando acordei
[Phanton'rox] :D
[rOx-MidN] vc akbou de acordar?
[dC`Crash] LETS GO!
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] e dormi de novo
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] acordei tem uns 40 minutos
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] ou um pouco mais
[titahempxDc] ahhhhhhhhh
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] tut tut
[dC`Crash] aww
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: 3
[dC`Crash] my coldness
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: g00d
[titahempxDc] im c01d
[titahempxDc] XDDD
[titahempxDc] 1 years
[titahempxDc] 2 years*
dC`Crash..Phanton'rox: if sniper sorry you, you will come back ?
[rOx-MidN] -.-
[rOx-MidN] cr8s
[titahempxDc] ?
[titahempxDc] u are int0p hidem
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] f@#!
[titahempxDc] ;)
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: phew
[dC`Crash] asdsf
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: k
[rOx-MidN] omg
Phanton'rox..dC`Crash: I am very confused, I love to go back, but I think it is anti ethical ... remember when you pulled me from the DoH said that when zippo did not like me was very embarrassing
<<rOx-MidN>> i wake up now.. i am cold
[dC`Crash] gj
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: t
dC`Crash..Phanton'rox: ye i know I sorry for that man, I was a kid, i was playing only for win in doH
[titahempxDc] cr8
[titahempxDc] here
[titahempxDc] p1a
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] nah
[titahempxDc] ahhh
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] xd
[titahempxDc] xD :(
[titahempxDc] ahahhaha
[titahempxDc] its crash
<<rOx-MidN>> atack crash
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] n
[dC`Crash] asdf
[titahempxDc] this is crash
[dC`Crash] ty
[dC`Crash] :D
[titahempxDc] the 3ig p ayer
[rOx-MidN] ns
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: agaim?
[dC`Crash] hit him from left
<<rOx-MidN>> just piling wee can won
[dC`Crash] good xd
[titahempxDc] ty
[titahempxDc] :D
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] god
Phanton'rox..dC`Crash: Crash highly respect you, you're a great friend, tita know the time, but I think I'll need time, just walked in to this clan, all would be reckless about me ...
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] hey Matt
[dC`Crash] wee
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] how old are?
[titahempxDc] gj
[titahempxDc] crash? 13
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: xDD
dC`Crash..Phanton'rox: oki man
[dC`Crash] im 20
[rOx-MidN] f@#!ing shot
[dC`Crash] xd
[titahempxDc] 13 f w0rms
[dC`Crash] we pik elite?
[dC`Crash] ns
Phanton'rox..dC`Crash: you understand? I would be demoralized
[titahempxDc] yes
dC`Crash..Phanton'rox: ye i get it
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: with warmer i p1ay r0per 13etter
[rOx-MidN] hm?
[titahempxDc] what:?
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: ajjaja
[titahempxDc] 46
[dC`Crash] xD
[titahempxDc] c00f
[Phanton'rox] gj
[dC`Crash] nd
[titahempxDc] ty
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] go go pile
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] xdd
Phanton'rox..dC`Crash: why no hyst ?
[rOx-MidN] pff
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] gg?
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] no
[rOx-MidN] nah
[Phanton'rox] 48
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] hmm
[rOx-MidN] cr8s
[rOx-MidN] gg
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] gg
[dC`Crash] gj xd
[Phanton'rox] gg
[titahempxDc] XDDD
[titahempxDc] ty
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] gg
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: ki him p1s
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] :(
titahempxDc..dC`Crash: ki11
[rOx-MidN] g
[rOx-MidN] g
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] gg
[Phanton'rox] gg : (
[titahempxDc] :))
[dC`Crash] gg xd
[dC`Crash] join me
[ROp3Rz-rOx`] ok
[sCol2pUs-rOxD] ok
[titahempxDc] titaa win

Author Topic: Game #67194, Reported by lalo  (Read 315 times)

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Game #67194, Reported by lalo
« on: April 28, 2011, 01:12 AM »
Ma <3 :(