June 01, 2024, 05:35 AM

Game #74251, Viewed 141 Time(s)

Classic #20
June 16, 2011, 12:13 AM
Absolute Beginner 1024 in Hysteria before the game. Gained 40|38 points
Absolute Beginner 990 in Hysteria before the game. Lost 36|38 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 1
5 - 4
3 - 5
10 - 16
Information Game scheme: Hysteria
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 37 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 1.67 KB, Downloaded 4 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[CF-darKz`b2b`] hf
[aNgus-Fub] awesome map
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] hf
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> hf
[Boro`FUB] hfhfhf
[Boro`FUB] vn map
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> wena
`6rW-AnGsT..GrW`DJ-M4R10: hola xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
GrW`DJ-M4R10..`6rW-AnGsT: hola mae xD
[CF-darKz`b2b`] its hysteria.. im not sure if the map even matters
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] uta xD
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] u.u
[aNgus-Fub] this scheme is too dumb
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> q wea dije darjk?
[Boro`FUB] ma che mappe e questa
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] wenaa
[Boro`FUB] f@#! map
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] ya lloran
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] lloren lloren
[`6rW-AnGsT] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[aNgus-Fub] aff
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> yo no los weebeos son de mi ex clan xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] bien
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] ya tan chingados
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] yo kiero hacer mi tiro con lg xD
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] jajaja
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] wena
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] tenés dos opcionnes
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] uta xD
[CF-darKz`b2b`] that's gonna take a while...
[`6rW-AnGsT] yeh
[`6rW-AnGsT] why mole isnt here
[aNgus-Fub] ye indeed
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] muxo
[aNgus-Fub] f@#!ing stupid scheme
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] callate
[aNgus-Fub] only neebs pay it
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] XD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] jajja
[aNgus-Fub] play*
[Boro`FUB] ma e la mappa che e na merda
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] weon lron
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] lloron*
[Boro`FUB] neanche 1 cm
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> toy q empieso a decir weas
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] nt
[`6rW-AnGsT] esque empiezana llorar xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] no fueran ganando por q ni dicen na
[`6rW-AnGsT] xd
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xDD
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> hace tira esa parte y yo la otra
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] naa xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] paemos turno men
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] jajaaj
[`6rW-AnGsT] o q Dx
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] la ultima
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] ctm xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] ah lol
[`6rW-AnGsT] x
[aNgus-Fub] vn
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] ajja
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] thanks
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] nice fly ctm
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] xd
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] surf*
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] x
[`6rW-AnGsT] xD
[aNgus-Fub] -_-
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] :O
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> pasa d e turno p xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] me dio miedo pegarme
[`6rW-AnGsT] carajo
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> aspamos de urnto?
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> ok
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> si o no ?
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> lo dej pasar xD?
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] nice+
[aNgus-Fub] in pieno
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> xD
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> bien xD
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] xd
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] aaaaaaaaaaaa
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] jaja
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] nos cagaron siiiiiiiiiiii
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xDD
[`6rW-AnGsT] oi
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> si pero nos cagaron xD
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> xD nosc agaron xD
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> ahora ataco?
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> ok
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> para q xD?
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> ya subieron
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD?
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> trata de plopearlo
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] tenia viento
[`6rW-AnGsT] no lo vi
[aNgus-Fub] crist
[Boro`FUB] aa
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] lol
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> keria subir xD
[Boro`FUB] dio merda
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> si tengo buen viento ataco? xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] de aabajo
[`6rW-AnGsT] o coctel
[`6rW-AnGsT] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] facebook
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] coctel?
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[Boro`FUB] ma non abbianmo mai vento
[Boro`FUB] e assurdo
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] nt xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] es absurdo dice ese wey xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] abrele
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> no atacaco xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] a dime antes
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] facebookx d
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] xD
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> es mentira del facebook es paa q ellos crean
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
<<GrW`Sebhita`DoF>> le abro?
[`6rW-AnGsT] pegale
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] ;/
[`6rW-AnGsT] mata
[Boro`FUB] minchia fai
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] na no wey
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] ctmmmmmmmm
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] mi mama me vino a wear
[Boro`FUB] ahaha
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] metele la zoka xD
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] jaja
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] xon lg
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] era al reves xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] si
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] XD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] no me mata xD
[Boro`FUB] il 58888
[`6rW-AnGsT] matalo
[aNgus-Fub] nah
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xDDDDDD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] ctmmmmmmm
[`6rW-AnGsT] Dx
[Boro`FUB] che idioti
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] siempre ago weaaaaaaaaaa
[Boro`FUB] ahaha
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] :O
[CF-darKz`b2b`] bl!!
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] siempre ago weaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] ctmmmmmmm
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] aaaaaaa
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] you pick is ?
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] fub?
[aNgus-Fub] is fateci un bocchino
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] wena
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] vale xD
[Boro`FUB] gg
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] gg
[Boro`FUB] devo provare
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] dale
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] ojo con el ojo
[aNgus-Fub] kk
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] la gosolina q ise yo xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] wena xD
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] uuyy
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] tiro maricon
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] uy
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] uta xD
[Boro`FUB] io non sono frocio
[Boro`FUB] ahaha
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] mtalo xD
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] xD
[aNgus-Fub] kk haha
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] apenas se ve la pelotaa
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] xD
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] ?
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] si apenas se ve xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] me pase xD
[CF-darKz`b2b`] gg :s
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] na xD
[Boro`FUB] si domani
[`6rW-AnGsT] xD
[CF-darKz`b2b`] lol
[`6rW-AnGsT] iba a tele
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] si xD
[Boro`FUB] ma che cazzo
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] xD
[`6rW-AnGsT] jaja
[Boro`FUB] bah
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] XDD
[Boro`FUB] hosta
[aNgus-Fub] dai
[`6rW-AnGsT] a volar
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] vaca
[GrW`DJ-M4R10] xDDD
[`6rW-AnGsT] dale cow
[GrW`Sebhita`DoF] q zaen xD

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