June 12, 2024, 11:02 PM

Game #97177, Reported by Almog, Viewed 1005 Time(s)

Classic #24
January 14, 2012, 08:38 PM
Below Average 1447 in BnG before the game. Gained 71|59 points
Veteran 1904 in BnG before the game. Lost 21|59 points

Game Rate
4 / 5
Total Members Voted: 1
Players history
1 - 2
10 - 11
4 - 6
40 - 78
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 61 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 5.44 KB, Downloaded 17 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[CF-Ray] hf
[CF-Random00`ea] hf
[ckc`surgeonb2b] fun
[Reindeer`mm] hf
[ckc`almog`ea] map seemed better in map editor
[Reindeer`mm] rofl
[ckc`surgeonb2b] yah
[ckc`almog`ea] u wanna change?
[ckc`almog`ea] i dont mind, up to u guys
[CF-Random00`ea] lets play :)
[ckc`almog`ea] alright
[ckc`surgeonb2b] !
[Reindeer`mm] play strong all... your performance may or may not get you my vote for best bnger ;]
[ckc`almog`ea] who are u btw? :p
[CF-Random00`ea] avi
[Reindeer`mm] im shyguy
[ckc`almog`ea] aha
[Reindeer`mm] no
[Reindeer`mm] im shyguy
[Reindeer`mm] ask me a question only shyguy would know the answer to
[ckc`almog`ea] lolz
[ckc`surgeonb2b] why hes shy
[ckc`almog`ea] when did u ask me to join mm?
[Reindeer`mm] long ago when we were first starting out
[ckc`almog`ea] LIE
[ckc`almog`ea] not shyguy
[ckc`almog`ea] =)
[Reindeer`mm] that is not a lie
[ckc`almog`ea] well if it's true I dont remmemer it :p what was the last time u asked me?
[ckc`almog`ea] xD
[Reindeer`mm] i dont remember
[ckc`almog`ea] heh
[ckc`surgeonb2b] ;p
[CF-Random00`ea] come on avi, you can do better
[Reindeer`mm] but you killed me for bronze in the hysteria tourney with that nade
[ckc`almog`ea] I'll tell you, avi
[ckc`almog`ea] when u got in prison shyguy asked me to join
[Reindeer`mm] hahahaha
[ckc`surgeonb2b] yay
[Reindeer`mm] i have avi's letter right here
[ckc`almog`ea] lolz
[Reindeer`mm] i dont think he ever ordered me to ask you to join lawl
[Reindeer`mm] i remember we asked you to join a long time ago when ckc was inactive
[ckc`almog`ea] lol @ "ordered:
[CF-Random00`ea] gj
[ckc`surgeonb2b] tx
[ckc`surgeonb2b] yay
<<ckc`almog`ea>> can I shoot?
ckc`surgeonb2b..ckc`almog`ea: 5 sec mb
ckc`surgeonb2b..ckc`almog`ea: maybe
[Reindeer`mm] i dont take orders from avi, but i would have if it was his prison wish
<<ckc`almog`ea>> any spots u suggest?
ckc`surgeonb2b..ckc`almog`ea: just the next hole left
[CF-Random00`ea] :O
[ckc`surgeonb2b] oi
[ckc`surgeonb2b] n push
[ckc`surgeonb2b] aw
[CF-Random00`ea] gj
[Reindeer`mm] anyone play settlers of catan perchance
[ckc`surgeonb2b] tx
[ckc`surgeonb2b] no.
[CF-Random00`ea] nt avi
[Reindeer`mm] how can i prove that i am not avi
[CF-Ray] log in tus, say something on shoutbox
ckc`surgeonb2b..ckc`almog`ea: ok so mine hide sux ass
[CF-Ray] like Hey CF and CKC!
[Reindeer`mm] ok
[ckc`surgeonb2b] gg
[ckc`almog`ea] vn
[CF-Random00`ea] gg
[ckc`almog`ea] gg
[ckc`surgeonb2b] t
[CF-Random00`ea] vns
[Reindeer`mm] vns, i missed it though, but it looks like you plopped him
<<ckc`almog`ea>> u pwn
ckc`surgeonb2b..ckc`almog`ea: ugh maybe lucky ;P
[ckc`surgeonb2b] n
[Reindeer`mm] ns
[CF-Random00`ea] n
[Reindeer`mm] i did the shoutbox challenge btw
[CF-Random00`ea] ye, didnt know you have access to shyguys account
[CF-Random00`ea] n man
[CF-Random00`ea] you own
[ckc`surgeonb2b] t lol
[Reindeer`mm] :(
[ckc`surgeonb2b] 6
[ckc`almog`ea] :(
[ckc`surgeonb2b] oi
[ckc`surgeonb2b] ouch
[ckc`surgeonb2b] t wind
[ckc`almog`ea] Two beggars are sitting side by side on a street in Rome, Italy. One has a Cross in front of him; the other one is holding the Star of David. Many people go by, look at both beggars, but only put money into the hat of the beggar sitting behind the Cross.
[ckc`almog`ea] The Pope comes by. He stops to watch the throngs of people giving money to the beggar who holds the Cross while none give to the beggar holding the Star of David. Finally, the Pope approaches the beggar with the Star of David and says, "My poor fellow, don't you understand? This
[ckc`almog`ea] This is a Catholic country; this city is the seat of Catholicism. People aren't going to give you money if you sit there with a Star of David in front of you, especially when you're sitting beside a beggar who is holding a Cross.
[ckc`almog`ea] In fact, they would probably give more money to him just out of spite." The beggar with the Star of David listened to the Pope, smiled, and turned to the beggar with the Cross and said, "Moishe, would you look who's trying to teach the Goldstein brothers about marketing!"
[ckc`surgeonb2b] ;X
[Reindeer`mm] hah... hah?
[CF-Ray] lol that one is funny
[Reindeer`mm] who are the goldstein brothers
[CF-Ray] just a typical jewish name
[ckc`surgeonb2b] ns
[Reindeer`mm] so the guy with the cross was a jew too, and they were just fooling people?
[CF-Ray] yes XD
[Reindeer`mm] clever... i guess xD
[ckc`almog`ea] pft
[ckc`surgeonb2b] wow
[ckc`surgeonb2b] nt
[ckc`surgeonb2b] brb
[ckc`almog`ea] o_o did it sit?
[CF-Ray] sitter?
[ckc`almog`ea] whats the definition for sitter? :)
[CF-Random00`ea] 0.25 s afaik
[Reindeer`mm] .25 of sitting i believe
[CF-Ray] there are thousands, in my book, that was a sitter, but if I remember correct, on TUS, it has to sit for more than 0.25 sec
[Reindeer`mm] is what is a sitter
[CF-Random00`ea] 3 guys all saying the same
[CF-Random00`ea] gotta be true then
[Reindeer`mm] hah
[ckc`surgeonb2b] yah
[CF-Random00`ea] though how do we know if this shot was?
[CF-Ray] just wonder if that was 0.25 or not
[CF-Random00`ea] we cant watch replay yet
[ckc`surgeonb2b] it was less
[ckc`surgeonb2b] ;)
[CF-Ray] only if someone quits
[CF-Random00`ea] why you skip?
[ckc`almog`ea] well.. lets keep on playing, and if u somehow manage to live until we have 45hp you can win?
[Reindeer`mm] i could look if someone is gonna be on snooper
[CF-Random00`ea] this doesnnt make sennse
[CF-Random00`ea] would be cool, shy
[Reindeer`mm] so just keep skipping
[Reindeer`mm] till i tell you?
[Reindeer`mm] uh oh
[ckc`almog`ea] I dont think it's gonna change anything
[ckc`almog`ea] I can hit myself
[ckc`almog`ea] and get over with it
ckc`surgeonb2b..ckc`almog`ea: crash will play second game
[CF-Random00`ea] k
[Reindeer`mm] that's very thoughtful
[ckc`almog`ea] thought I think it was a vgs and non-sitter ;)
[ckc`surgeonb2b] n
[CF-Ray] it was lame, Almog :
[CF-Random00`ea] ye, a vgs needs to be hard to execute
[CF-Random00`ea] and you shot wasnt ^^
[ckc`surgeonb2b] hah
[CF-Random00`ea] there were a lot of places were it coulda bounced and hit
[ckc`almog`ea] what was lame ray?
[ckc`almog`ea] I think it was kinda hard shot
[CF-Ray] it was a lucky shot :)
[Reindeer`mm] oooo drama
[ckc`almog`ea] then how can it be lame?
[CF-Ray] okay, I'm out of chat, lol
[CF-Random00`ea] you call that drama?
[Reindeer`mm] BnG dRaMaAaAaA
[CF-Random00`ea] nah, not yet
[Reindeer`mm] it is close
[ckc`surgeonb2b] stop it
[CF-Random00`ea] and I doubt there will be drama
[ckc`surgeonb2b] ;p
[CF-Random00`ea] game wont last long enough prolly :D
[Reindeer`mm] ooooo random00 lays out a prediciton
[Reindeer`mm] predicition
[ckc`almog`ea] heh
[Reindeer`mm] prediction
[CF-Random00`ea] oh yea
[CF-Random00`ea] :D
[Reindeer`mm] *
[ckc`almog`ea] wtf
[CF-Random00`ea] peppermint tea, weeeeee
[Reindeer`mm] nt
[CF-Random00`ea] nt there
[ckc`almog`ea] n o_O
[ckc`surgeonb2b] t ;p
[Reindeer`mm] was that lg?
[ckc`almog`ea] Yep
[ckc`surgeonb2b] aye
[CF-Random00`ea] ye lol
[Reindeer`mm] how scary ;)
[ckc`almog`ea] lol
[ckc`almog`ea] wee
[ckc`almog`ea] neee
[ckc`almog`ea] ah cool, 4s allowed
[ckc`almog`ea] Oops, I opened the drama talk
[Reindeer`mm] rofl
[ckc`surgeonb2b] kurwo
[Reindeer`mm] dramaAaAAaaAaAa
<<ckc`almog`ea>> I know u can 4s him ;p
<<ckc`almog`ea>> they do it, u can too
ckc`surgeonb2b..ckc`almog`ea: hah !
[ckc`surgeonb2b] yay
ckc`surgeonb2b..ckc`almog`ea: last try
<<ckc`almog`ea>> im gonna 4s, tell me if I got the right aim
<<ckc`almog`ea>> aff
ckc`surgeonb2b..ckc`almog`ea: yay
ckc`surgeonb2b..ckc`almog`ea: finish him. im wasted
<<ckc`almog`ea>> he's hiding like a slut
ckc`surgeonb2b..ckc`almog`ea: !
<<ckc`almog`ea>> shoot the land plz
<<ckc`almog`ea>> or 4s him ;p
[ckc`surgeonb2b] yay
[ckc`almog`ea] finally
[Reindeer`mm] oooooooo
[ckc`almog`ea] f@#!ing shit
[ckc`almog`ea] lol
[ckc`almog`ea] close
[ckc`surgeonb2b] ;p
[Reindeer`mm] anyone play league of legends
[ckc`surgeonb2b] cmon
[ckc`almog`ea] heh
[ckc`almog`ea] bl
[ckc`surgeonb2b] oh
[ckc`almog`ea] nasty lands
[ckc`surgeonb2b] gg
<<ckc`almog`ea>> finish him!!!!
[CF-Random00`ea] gg
[ckc`almog`ea] gg
ckc`surgeonb2b..ckc`almog`ea: fok
[CF-Ray] gg
[ckc`surgeonb2b] gg
[ckc`almog`ea] gg
[Reindeer`mm] gg
[CF-Random00`ea] gg
[ckc`surgeonb2b] later guys
[CF-Ray] gg
[Reindeer`mm] im gonna get going
[Reindeer`mm] goodluck

Author Topic: Game #97177, Reported by Almog  (Read 956 times)

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Offline Chelsea

Game #97177, Reported by Almog
« on: January 14, 2012, 09:08 PM »
10:05 vn nade by Surgeon and Random00 plooed :D
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 09:13 PM by Chelsea »

Re: Game #97177, Reported by Almog
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2012, 09:38 PM »
nice job surg

Offline Albino

Re: Game #97177, Reported by Almog
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2012, 01:14 PM »
hi MS

Offline Husk

Re: Game #97177, Reported by Almog
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2012, 03:46 PM »
n [:

Offline surgeon

Re: Game #97177, Reported by Almog
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2012, 02:24 PM »
It was my moms shot actually...but she says THX !

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Game #97177, Reported by Almog
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2012, 04:36 PM »
Haha, I love it when ShyGuy says "I done the shoutbox challenge" as if he completed his task and all proud, classic xD

And then lol, Almog, great joke I liked that xD

Awesome shot masta ziom, and very very nice game, you played very well xD