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Topics - avirex

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2v2 / The Oxygen is not enough
« on: April 24, 2014, 12:26 AM »
please feel free to comment on eachother games, schedules meetings, spam, talk shit, or post porn here...

and any other team wanting a thread to discuss things with, open your own in this location, with your appropriate team name.... sorry everyone cant have private forums, maybe that will be something in the fture.

he just wants the drama....

first time tita hosted he took forever to put his team in, and then took forever to light... i said i was in a hurry, he found it funny...

someone lagged out when we finally started, i think it may have been tita.. or maybe asbest, not rly sure, that is besides the point.. it was no1s fault really... but when tita rehosted... asbest did the same exact thing...

the more i asked him to hurry, and team in, the more amused he became, he is a f@#!ing child...

i was just about to leave, because i did not have time to play his games, but before i could.. tita got sick of him aswell, and just booted him...

his own mate even apologized to us, and said he does not know what is wrong with him, he acted like a child...

not to mention, this was OUR pick.. dunno where he gets off posting free wins, he just wants the drama.

News/Teams / SIGN UPS OPEN - Short time only!!
« on: April 21, 2014, 10:58 PM »
Johny has made it clear in a separate topic, that he has been inactive for 2 weeks, and may not be coming back soon... im not sure why he signed up, if hes inactive.

the sign-ups are open- anyone interested in filling in a position, feel free..

also, if any team has a concern they have a mate that will not show interest, or just totally inactive, please post here, or PM me... and we can discuss possible swaps... your reasoning must be justified, i will be the final judge on if the member is booted (not liking a person is not reason enough) also, if other members of your team feel the same way, it will make the decision easier...

this is not a first come first serve basis, being johny is not a top all arounder, i will not be filling his spot with someone like barman, or dainub, its just not realistic, it will throw off the balance of the teams..

but that does not mean higher skilled players should be discouraged to sign up, if a top player asks to be removed, or is decided too inactive for the team, you could get the spot..

so again, anyone interested in possibly filling in for others, please sign up now...

ps: filling out the rating form is not necessary at this time.

News/Teams / still no games have been played???
« on: April 21, 2014, 10:52 PM »
what seems to be the problem? is it just a lack of activity??  i guess so...

i have been in AG a couple times, with some team mates, and we were just unable to find an opponent team...

if anyone has any ideas to help games be arranged, or increase activity, please share.

anyway.. im going to make another thread, please read.

News/Teams / ***IMPORTANT****
« on: April 20, 2014, 04:12 PM »
i have now made the teams, 4 teams of 8 players...

i have merged 2 teams together, being i think most teams were pretty fair to start with, so easy easy enough to just merge 2...

now you should all have better chances to find a mate, and find another team to compete with...

all other rules, and structure applies, please read here****important****-24172/

i think its important for everyone to know, this is a knock-out structure, you can choose one scheme to knock out, and you opponent team can also choose 1 scheme to knock out... then you make your picks according to the knocked out schemes...  you can knock out your opponents best scheme, or simply a scheme you hate... you do not have to knock out a scheme if you do not choose too, but your opponent will still have the right to do so, if they wish to...
have fun

Leagues Games Comments / Game #168616, reported by avirex
« on: April 19, 2014, 05:23 PM »
greatest bng come back in a while!!!

HuSH is mad ;D whats new? :D

News/Teams / name your team
« on: April 19, 2014, 03:36 PM »
each team, A, B, C, etc can name their team, any member from the team can give a name, its not too serious, its just a label!!  rather then reporting as "TEAM A"

so please, someone take the initiative to label their team. thnx

News/Teams / All participants please read!! ****IMPORTANT****
« on: April 18, 2014, 11:40 PM »
this is a 2v2 team game, much like clanners.... by now, you should all know who is on your team, if not, check here

so, the idea is to find your mate, then search for a 2v2 game vs other teams in AG...

maybe "2v2teamz anyone" or something similar...

all in-game rules, and schemes are identical to TUS, with one addition...

when you find a team that agrees to play, you each can cancel out one scheme.

Example: Team A: Cancels Hysteria, Team B: cancels TTRR, all other schemes are open to choose from!! and there are plenty to choose from, so lets not bitch about it!!!

its is not necessary to cancel out schemes if you do not wish to!! if your team is open to any scheme, they do not have to cancel one out, but the other team STILL has that ability.

also, DOUBLE OR NOTHING IS ACCEPTED< AND ENCOURAGED!!  but only if both teams agree

they system will be 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw 0 for a loss (in the case of a draw, both teams decide on only one person to report please)

otherwise winning team should report.

reporting should be filed in the reports section of the forum, and be something similar to this...

"team A: dibz, sbaffo wins vs TEAM G: avirex berria in ttrr"

you can post multiple wins in the same thread, just please, try to keep things as neat, and organized as possible, being everything will be handled through forums.

replays are not necessary, but should be saved in the case of a complaint...

i will give everyone a team name, such as "TEAM A" "TEAM B" TEAM C"  if you would like to change the name of your team, and its encouraged, please open a thread, and be sure to tell your opponent what the name of your team is prior to the games ending...

any questions, PM me, or post here.. thanks

LET THE GAMES BEGIN :DDD you can start ASAP. find your partners, and find a match. thnx


News/Teams / April 2014 teams
« on: April 16, 2014, 03:26 PM »

Ae Team

Murder Click

The Oxygen Is Not Enough

The MILF squad

***teams are final!!!!

***games are open!

this was a double report... sorry

dt only won 1 roper vs che...

plz delete the second roper win, thanx

Leagues Games Comments / Game #167643, reported by avirex
« on: April 06, 2014, 10:09 PM »

oh yah, and nino is back too ;D

late report.. sorry.. this game belongs after....

edit: just noticed, there is no clan games from p3 in between, and there is no ttrr games from dt inbetween either....

so maybe its not worth changing??   same outcome regardless, ae?

dt / original military minds member is back!!!
« on: March 30, 2014, 07:18 AM »

razOr from original mm is back!!!

gotta welcome him to the clan!! been playing with him for past hour or so!! he sux so f@#!ing hard its not funny!! hahahah.. its been a good 8 years since he has played, but he wants to come back to worms, and make dt a website!! so.. as soon as MI accepts him into TUS, i would like to welcome him into dt

i doubt he will play clanners any time soon, if ever, by the looks of his skill lmao!! but, still nice to have an original member with us! ! 

2v2 / 2v2- Teams: Sign-ups are open!!
« on: March 30, 2014, 04:04 AM »
ok, for those of you who do not know.. im starting a 2v2 league.

After all interested participants sign up, me and a small group of other worms will split the teams evenly, of either 4, or 5 members...

once the teams are split, you have 1 week to practice with your team, and decide on a team name... if no name is decided, i will appoint one to you.

As of now, im not sure how the points system will work, or how long each season will be... but EVERYTHING will be handled on forums (2v2 team forums coming soon for league use only... you will NOT have personal forums for each Team) including, sign-ups, complaints, reporting, etc.

Ok, anyone who is interested in participating in this league, please prepare to take it seriously, and be semi active... i dont expect everyone that joins to play each and every day, but if your the type or person that only plays once a month, please.. this league is not for you!! thanks.

To Sign up, Copy and Paste this form, and fill it out, as fair and honest as possible.

TUS name:
Current Clan:
GMT: **

* - please, rate yourself, what you believe your skill level to be in each specific scheme, from 1-10.. 10 being the best, be as honest as possible

** - please tell me your time zone, how many hours +, or - your are from current GMT time.   (reference: )

***- rate your activity, 1-10  10 being very active!!!

Warning: any members that sign up with false representation of their skill will be removed from the league for the season... no questions asked... so be honest please! !

Warning: you may be put on a team with a worm you have a personal vendetta with, if you are not mature enough to handle that, please dont sign up.

General discussion / Thought boooobbbllleee
« on: March 28, 2014, 02:38 AM »
why do people use thought bubble? i see it a lot, when you mess up on rope, or any other reason...

even in ttrr's, Dibz got a great time in a recent challenge, but one part he did not get the exact swing he wanted, and used thought bubble....

T seems like such a hard button to press, if your in the middle of roping... do people actually press t? or do people remap the t to a closer key?? and why the hell do people use it? lol... i just cant understand it... anyone have answers?

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