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Messages - Plutonic

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14
General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.2
« on: September 09, 2015, 07:46 AM »
Yup, I had a version ready for testing Saturday. Tried you on Sykpe, but now thinking that account might be a few decades out of date :D I have added the little floaty bits since then but not managed to re-upload it yet.

General discussion / Re: Surviving Examples of Sigworms
« on: September 06, 2015, 10:13 AM »
Yeah, I was playing then. Didnt play many league matches but was always on the forums for most worms sites back then.

General discussion / Re: Surviving Examples of Sigworms
« on: September 05, 2015, 03:52 PM »
Found one of mine... based on the name I'm guessing there are 2 left to find.

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.2
« on: September 05, 2015, 11:03 AM »
There are two save buttons, the one in the top right is for saving the settings for that scheme. To save a generated map you need to press the button under the map. It should open a window to select where you want to save it.

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.2
« on: September 05, 2015, 07:30 AM »
That's great, looking forward to testing it :D

I will try and get a test version to you today.

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.2
« on: September 05, 2015, 07:29 AM »
Great program. Could u add T17 and BnG?

You just need to open the rar file (I use winrar but others can open it) and copy all the files somewhere. If it won't run try deleting the dlls, they seem to causing issues so I will remove them from the next version.

General discussion / Re: What's yer favorite tree?
« on: September 05, 2015, 07:00 AM »
1, though now im upset as I seem to have fallen off the members list  :'(

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.2
« on: September 05, 2015, 06:55 AM »
Ok cool,
Well last night I added the gaps (though if its just to force object placement I dont strictly need it as I put them where I want!). As well as completely rewriting mapgens random number generation so I can support reseeding the objects (which now works,:-) ).

Guess I will add the floaty bits next and then work on making these options rather than random features.

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.2
« on: September 04, 2015, 06:19 PM »
Well, this is somewhat irrelevant I guess as no one will play underneath lol, unless 2 noobs play and they destroy pretty much whole map :D

Oh, I added it as loads of the maps you sent had it included so I figured it must have been something people used. Ah well.

Quote from: Komito
Ah so this is a problem then?

Not a massive problem, but it can be a bit of a pain as all the controls for the different schemes overlap in the editor!
It's also worth concidering how it will work with wkMapGEN, as it always uses the settings that you save out. If it is an option it becomes fixed, if it is left to be random then it will turn up.

It is probably a case that the interface needs to be able to handle a "keep this random" for each setting, something I will have to concider across the board.

Quote from: Komito
What do you mean by object 1st?

As in, !_!_!_!_!_! like you said before.

Quote from: Komito
Control over as much as possible would be ideal to be honest, of course it's your project, it's your choice :)

Fair enough, I would rather it be right and get used, than be mine and be ignored! If something isn't supported right now I can just look into adding it at some point.

Quote from: Komito
As I said, as much variety as possible would be better, as most people have a different taste in BnG maps, I personally always use -forest for competitive matches because after like 10 years of BnG experience and making maps I find it provides the most amount of useful and balanced hides, more is always better :)

Perhaps a mixture of different objects from different terrain themes along with multiple choices of terrain height/width/shape could be the future of BnG maps?

Well, I will start with making maps that you want, if others have a strong preference for a different style that we don't supportthey can come join in the conversation I have no issues with multiple algorithms (or option tweaks with in one), as long as I find the time to do it. ;)

Quote from: Komito
I just thought, if you would like to have a real conversation to discuss this intensely and exchange ideas while you work on it/test it, we could use skype or something? If that works for me let me know and I will PM you my skype details.

Would rather avoid skype if I can, mIRC tends to work fairly well for me. I tend to be working on this between about 9 and 12 each night (UK time) if you want to come on with some ideas.

I noticed a number of maps had gaps in the middle, is that something you want? What about the floaty balls above the ground?

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.2
« on: September 04, 2015, 05:59 PM »
Using Windows 8.1 Enterprise, please help?

Just delete the dll, its from my version of windows and apparently isn't compatible with some others. I added it as sometimes people dont have it, but if that's the case you will just have to go get the Visual Studio 2012 Redistributable from the MS website.

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.2
« on: September 04, 2015, 09:51 AM »
There is no reason that it cant support multiple types, it is already doing maps with or without caverns underneath.

The bigger issue is fitting options into the interface, I tend to have some that it will always do randomly rather than being selected to get around it.

 I can make it be object first, no problem, should it always be like that or just some times?

Lump width, height and spacing are already supported, but are just randomised. Would you need control over these?

Object reseed is a bit if a faff, but it can be done. We do it on forts, I will add it to list.

Multiple themes is an interesting one. There are a couple of ways you could do it.
We could make a custom themes for bng. Just make a new theme that has a mix of nice objects in it.
Alternatively, we could use some "special objects" that we select for the top of the lumps and then theme specific ones elsewhere just for flavour.

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.2
« on: September 03, 2015, 07:37 PM »
Yay! Glad you got it working! Ok, I will remove the DLL's from future builds if they can cause issues.

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.2
« on: September 03, 2015, 11:43 AM »
Marian: I think your best bet is to remove those dlls from the mapgen folder and go and get the Visual Studio 2012 Redistributable package. If that doesn't help let me know and i will build you a version that doesnt need them at all.

Komito: I haven't made a new version available yet, just uploaded some maps. Let me know what you think is missing or needs tweaking. I can always send you a test version if you wouod rather have a play.

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.2
« on: September 02, 2015, 08:07 PM »
Right, I think I have a workable first pass. It's not 100% but let me know if there are any glaring issues. (or if its just not right at all?!)

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.2
« on: August 29, 2015, 09:28 PM »
Damn, I'm at a hotel that is blocking IRC ports... typical!

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