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Messages - Plutonic

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General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.1
« on: August 07, 2015, 09:50 PM »
Ok, a new version is available that finally fixes up the colour reduction code so that the maps fit into the 64 colour limit (and look better too most of the time). Link and changelog updated in the first post.

If you want a smaller download with just the new EXE:

General discussion / Re: MapGEN v0.6.0
« on: July 29, 2015, 08:04 PM »
1. Ability to accurately change the number of colours would be really handy. For example now if you want to have 64 colours or less (no visual glitches), you have to do it yourself with Photoshop/other software.
2. Island maps with 2 or more islands, not just 1 big one.
3. Layered cavern maps
4. A way to have less complex, "asymmentric" and not so stuffy Island/Cavern maps, like the default in-game map generator sometimes generates.

1. Nice idea, I hadn't thought of putting in different colour levels. I will give it a try when I next get a chance.
2 / 4. Yeah, I found myself rather unimpressed with my islands while doing this update (I was sure they used to behave better...). I may look at re-doing the island algorithm at some point.
3. Yes! I started looking into this before but never got it to produce anything playable. If I get the islands improved I will give it another go.

I don't have the art skills required to make my own themes, and we already have all the WA/WWP themes done. It is however possible to add your own themes and mapGen will automatically pick them up. You just have to open up the Themes folder and add a folder with the next un-used number and set it up like the others. As long as everything is layed out like the included themes with images named with numbers etc. it should just work.

General discussion / MapGEN v0.8.7.2
« on: July 25, 2015, 09:28 PM »
Hey all,

Latest is now v0.8.7.2 and can be found here:

(Changelog updated for new versions)


* Fix issue with wkMapGen not being able to load custom settings with spaces in them.

* Fix a crash when generating very large caverns or islands.

* Complete re-write of Island and Cavern maps.
* Optimisations to image library.
* Switched to statically linked libraries. Removes the need for the Prerequisites, and should improve compatibility.

* Fixed up terrain edges being placed on "objects" in fort maps.

* Optimised SSR generator, reduces time for a fully complex map on my laptop from ~8 seconds to ~0.5 seconds.

* Changed the way that SuperSheepRace maps are generated, specifically how it goes about trying to fill the map area as complexity is increased. At maximum, it should now fill almost all of the available space.

* Fix an issue with RR maps not correctly placing the finish.

* Optimisations to a number of themes.
* Complete re-write of the RR generator:
    - Corridors are no longer as long allowing for more complicated areas.
    - Start and finish no longer have to be next to each other.
    - Added ability to force the start to the top left (mostly for huge maps where finding it can be tricky).
    - Added tick box for water, when set, there is no floor. When not set the floor is thicker so it can be seen.

* Stopped MapGen always using an entire CPU core at 100% when seemingly idle.
* Fixed an issue with the indimask editor moving the wrong colours.
* Added version number to the installer test.

* Fixed up waLV chunk saving, so the correct theme is used for the background.

* Add ability to save and load settings to specific files, and use them to generate maps directly from WA.
* Doubled speed of generating maps from within WA.
* Tweaked RR generation, added a Complexity slider, it does make a difference but its a bit subtle at the moment.
* Fixed up some possible crashes or mem-leaks during shudown.
* Maps now use indimask colours that make sense (either all destructable or all indi)
* Fixed extra duplicate enties in the palette messing up bg colours still.

* Made the first generation of any theme as fast as later ones.
* Fix up a number of bugs in the theme code.

* Reworked Roper using current island map for the base shape, and fixed hole placement so as to not cut the map up.
* Implemented complexity slider for roper.
* Increased SSR path size minimum to 60, as 50 was impossible to complete.
* Fix the shopper maze seed, so that it doesn't always generate the same map.
* Fix for the fort seed, so that you don't always get the same map.
* Moved fort over to using the themes, rather than the old brick textures.
* Fix for WfW seed, so that it doesn't always generate the same map when using wkMapGen.
* Fix when using wkMapGen to generate wfw to use a reasonable default complexity.
* Added options to reset all colours to a specific destructibility level.
* When a colour is selected, Page-up and down will move it between types.
* Store all data needed to re-generate a map inside the mGen chunk, not just the seeds.
* Use the users roaming data folder for settings storage, rather than the install path.
* Always use the full palette, even if the map doesn't contain enough colours. This allows for the background to be fully disabled.
* Fill unused palette with sky colours, to ensure the sky does not corrupt when removing the background.
* Re-exported some theme objects that had become corrupted.
* Re-added the Manhattan theme which had been missing for a while.
* Changed theme loading to not need the folders to be in numeric order, should allow adding of new themes more easily.
* Added some dialog boxes when errors are detected.
* Objects now pick in a fully random manner, rather than in a way that favoured the same objects.
* Objects will now always keep their bases embedded in the floor.
* Objects will no longer overlap each other.   
* Arches will no longer be placed where only one side is in the ground.
* Maps now generate 3 times faster than previous versions.
* Never use the disk for writing out temp files. (Apart from wkMapGen)
* Load all theme data once, when first needed, rather than ever time the map is generated.
* Removed a load of unnecessary image copying.
* Fixed memory leaks.
* Other misc optimisations.
* Re-worked wkMapGen code for easier maintainability when new schemes are added.
* Removed need for supported types to be in the registry when running wkMapGen.

* Fix for wkMapGen producing maps with 0 colours (whcih WA will reject)
* Reduced chance of sub-paths being rejected in SSR maps (makes them fill the space a bit better)

* New algorithm for SSR. I suck at SSR, so if anyone out there can let me know if it produces completeable maps it would be much appreciated!
* Added drop-down to allow selection of colour depth, defaults to 64.
* Changed width and height sliders to allow a min map size of 696x696 so people can make tall thin maps
* Changed width and height sliders to only allow selection of valid values (multiples of 8 etc) rather than fixing just before generation.

* Fixed an issue in the interpolation that could cause weird artifacts.
* Added a gap on each size of BnG maps to leave room for objects near the edge.
* Reworked object placement in BnG so that it is more likely to place all the objects.

* BnG bug fixes

* Added new Scheme: BnG
* Grass placement now multithreaded, should speed things up a bit
* Added version number to the about page.
* Added link to the wiki from the Help menu.
* Fixed bug with scheme selection when cancelling a selection.
* Time take to generate now shown. (no real reason, usefull for me :) )
* Lots of behind-the-scenes refactoring, to help going forward.

* New Island map algorithm, supports multiple islands.
* New cavern algorithm, supports multiple caverns both open sided and closed.
* Reworked the grass generation for all maps that use it so as to reduce overlap with other parts of the map and more closely fit the land.
* Reworked object placement, objects no longer fail to place in many areas that the used to.
* New interpolation algoritm, for all map types should be smoother.

* Updated to latest version of the GD library.
* Fixed colour reduction so that it produces less colours for the same quality of image.
* Maps now output with 63 colours (1 reserved for IndiMask).

* Fixed issue with maze shopper maps (and some others) crashing.
* Fixed issue with objects not spawning on the bottom and right edges of some map types.
* Fixed issue with the window not responding while a map was generating.
* Removed requirement to run the application as Admin before being able to use wkMapGEN (will need the new version of wkMapGEN).

I don't have a huge amount of spare time, but if there are any map types that you would like fixed up / made better etc. so that they are more likely to actually be used, then mention them here and I will check back every so often.

Hey HHC! I'm only here because KRD posted me the link, nothing to do with T17 forums going down. Really wish I had more time to play again. :-(

I just nostalgia'd hard. Realy weird.

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