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Messages - knightz

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General discussion / Can somebody help me plz?
« on: September 26, 2016, 11:46 PM »
Hello guys! how's yall doing?
Long time uh?

Yeah, its being long time my last visit here 'coz work, life bla bla.

I want help because today, i tried to run and sign in wn and something unexpected happened and i got this message trying to log into wn by game/Great snooper.
I don't even know if wa got any new patch to run the game or not and at the moment i am running it at Windows 10.

Could somebody try to help me log in?


TUS Discussion / Re: slk Board, please!
« on: June 08, 2015, 11:14 PM »
Oi Leroy.

TUS Discussion / Re: slk Board, please!
« on: June 08, 2015, 08:57 AM »
You DO have a board:

Actually I know that we have this board and nobody use it.
I was talking with the guys via whatsapp and you can delete it or just let it as garnish just in case they decide to ask for a new slk board :D

Leagues General / Re: Standings
« on: June 07, 2015, 11:05 PM »
can do it yourself in your profile:


Hello spw, i tried and still doesnt work.

What drugs are you on knightz?!

The drugs i'm on is called Oil & gas beneath the sea if you know what i mean xD

Leagues General / Re: Standings
« on: June 07, 2015, 09:28 AM »
It doesn't work because we're in the second half of the current season. At the start of next season you can reset.!/

Ah okay MI, I just read that link. Just couldn't understand very well. actually I didn't have time to read at all.

Thanks buddy.

Leagues General / Re: Standings
« on: June 07, 2015, 04:32 AM »
Hello spw, i tried and still doesnt work.

TUS Discussion / Re: slk Board, please!
« on: June 07, 2015, 04:24 AM »
I don't really know why we do have a board here. lol

Leagues General / Standings
« on: June 06, 2015, 08:56 AM »
I don't this this is the properly section in the forum to talk about that or if i should send an private message to you MI/D1.
Sorry About that.

Could one of you reset my overall standings? I would like to start over again.

Thanks you guys.

Leagues General / Re: Mods for leagues
« on: May 14, 2015, 08:55 AM »
"if I cannot be a full Hells Angel, then at least let me be the official motorcycle mechanic for now? Ii can whip your bikes into shape and help people!... oh, and i can do other duties, such as grab the gang beers, suck dick, and clean all the puke from the bathroom urinals too!"

I rly laughed at this shit lol

I think both Komo and avi would do a good job as moderators. However they would have to be able to work well as a group with Darkone and MI, and I'm not so sure about that.. MI has reserved his right to chose his own staff and people should respect that. An alternative is to start up your own league to compete with TUS. I think it could be healthy to have two competitive leagues to sparkle up things a bit again, though as a community we benefit having one league in a more longterm perspective

Thumbs up for you Crazy.
I agreed with ya mate! WOuld be perfect if we have another league to play and become more competitive . Don't get me wrong MI.

Leagues General / Re: asbest
« on: May 10, 2015, 04:18 AM »
Peja u forgot that Asbest used to avoid everyone, so i don't think he'd deserve another chance.

and he used two spaces.... aka cannot play original worms..
I use 2 spaces, does that makes me a cheater? I guess no, so stop it.
Yes it does, noob.

Lol, ofc not. I do not use 2 spaces but saying that people that use 2 spaces is the same thing that u say that ppl that playing finger rolling is cheater isn't it?

About the Asbest, know I remember who was him.
Few days ago I hosted ttrr for fun and just him joined up, that's fine, i didnt recognized him 'coz i've been away for too long anyway.
I rly thought he was twistah ( sorry dude to confuse ya ). Just asked him who was him and he friendly answered me "I'm Asbest".  Didn't conviced me at the moment at all lol.

Since i remember there is more people that i banned in tus, im not sure, not even if "we" free people can see the banned list. i dont care too much about that 'coz if people are banned that's because they did something not allowed and should be penalizaded. But i dont see any problem in let he plays TUS again and see how he acts with people for a while and check or open a poll if he can or not read forums again.

Avirex, maybe he just insults you 'coz u did something against him that u dont recognize but i dont like you either and i dont insult you , see the difference? people can changed their mind. xD j/k =D

Baffo, what u mean when Asbest used to avoid everyone? Doing what?

slk / Re: Heeyyy!
« on: April 13, 2015, 03:50 PM »
What the f@#!!! xD

slk / Heeyyy!
« on: April 11, 2015, 03:19 PM »
Hello guys! Hows ya going?
I see you ask someone to make a forum for us! Still need to be perform ^^
Nice to see that!
I see all that we are out of PO this month uh? what happened?
Well, working my ass off xD
Cya !

Regardz, Knightz

l3x / Re: Welcome Luishero
« on: March 20, 2015, 11:42 PM »
What the f@#!?
Wheres dev? :(
 Now that i back, nobody wants to talk to me :(

l3x / Re: Welcome Luishero
« on: March 18, 2015, 03:41 PM »

l3x / Re: Hello!
« on: March 18, 2015, 03:35 PM »
Heyyyy huskkkky! long time buddy!

Hey nico! Yeah, I remember that! I missed u 'coz we didn't play that day, but it's ok, we play next week!
Yeeh of course lets play we all together! o/

ps: I don't remember if i am leader or not anyway, "it doesn't matter" to me 'coz i dont have time to play at all.. =/
being active 14 days inactive 14 days. that's really sux..

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