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Messages - TheWalrus

Pages: 1 ... 223 224 [225] 226 227 ... 285
iNf / Re: I can join ???
« on: May 10, 2013, 06:02 AM »
How can you deny a man with six thousand five hundred twenty two games played?

Off Topic / Re: Cop clan and page :)
« on: May 10, 2013, 12:56 AM »

Leagues Complaints / Re: General COWing?
« on: May 09, 2013, 06:11 AM »
Yes but game can be voided because of a cow by mod discretion.  So not a sweet deal because d1 probably wont let you keep the win if you try this and win the game.

General discussion / Re: Who has played WA the most?
« on: May 09, 2013, 06:03 AM »
I have over 9000...replays

heheh ^.^
lol this kid thinks hes guatemalan :D

FAW / Re: Happy birthday FAW
« on: May 06, 2013, 03:25 PM »
Dub-C will be along to give you guys his best momentarily.

TUS Discussion / Re: KEY REMAPPER
« on: May 06, 2013, 03:22 PM »
Who is the pimp that f@#!s hoes and then posts video of it on the fos forums?

TUS Discussion / Re: KEY REMAPPER
« on: May 05, 2013, 08:44 PM »
You won't complain if avirex comes to your house and murders you? :o I'm confused.

Also:  hi spider :)

Off Topic / Re: Hello again, chaps.
« on: May 05, 2013, 08:42 PM »
got no idea who you are, OFC i have only been active 6 months out of the last 8 years.  You can add me on XBL if you want there is a few of us wormers that play, novicane, custick, mystikal, okeytokey, wooka, and a few others i cant remember right now.

My XBL tag: IrishBeatdown

Off Topic / Re: worms never die!
« on: May 05, 2013, 08:39 PM »
hey luz.....worms never dies, but ps did.

TUS Discussion / Re: KEY REMAPPER
« on: May 04, 2013, 06:45 PM »
I am dropping this, its pointless to try and convince.  I could explain that the momentum of swinging and lifting arm and knee simultaneously results in more upward kinetic energy, but people would stil argue.  I'm sure we can all agree that Ropa can't dunk, though.

TUS Discussion / Re: KEY REMAPPER
« on: May 04, 2013, 12:25 AM »
So heres the deal, I think I know what happened here.  Originally, Anubis said this:
That's like saying people that use both feet to jump in basketball (because you can jump higher with it than with 1 foot) are worse than people that only jump with 1 foot.
That simply isn't true, there is no argument, you can jump higher with one foot.  I don't need to google anything or look up any records to clarify, it is just common sense.  That is why in dunk contests and high jump, where the object is to leap as high as possible, the person takes a few strides before taking off from one foot.
However, I am thinking Anus was talking about standing vertical jump, where you are at a standstill, just probably forgot to clarify that in his first post.  Again, common sense dictates that when stationary, you can jump higher and more explosively when using two feet. 

In closing, if you think that the maximum height a human being can jump, while running or otherwise is best achieved off of two feet rather than one, I can't help you.  You are beyond the help of reason. 

Gaming Central / Re: Grand Theft Auto [V]
« on: May 03, 2013, 10:02 PM »
San Andreas was my favorite also.

It was the customization I'm sure.
Either this or being able to ride bicycles in the hood.

TUS Discussion / Re: KEY REMAPPER
« on: May 03, 2013, 09:58 PM »
I do, can you answer my question now please.
He's inferring that you can jump higher off of one foot than two, physically demonstrated best by a basketball layup, which is absolutely and unequivocally correct.  Anus would know this if he watched basketball.  Which you should, Kai.

On this novella of a topic, everyone using a script like this should be hunted down and caned.  Except Anubis, he already has had 10 years of backlash under his belt.
You are wrong, I used to be a basketball addict, why would I make an analogy off of something I have no idea about. In my teens I was religiously performing jumping exercises to push my vertical jump.

Two feet will push you off the ground higher. Jumping has everything to do with your legs. Hence why players rarely jump off one leg for a jumpshot, because they need the elevation using both feet to get up higher. They only take one step jumps when they need that extra step to get to the basket for a layin or dunk.

Here is a video with Gerald Green, currently (to my knowledge) the player in the NBA with the highest vertical jump, look at his jumping technique:

and now read this little copy from wiki about vertical jumps, it explains why you jump higher with both:

An important component of maximizing height in a vertical jump is attributed to the use of counter-movements of the legs and arm swings prior to take off, as both of these actions have been shown to significantly increase the body’s center of mass rise. The counter-movement of the legs, a quick bend of the knees which lowers the center of mass prior to springing upwards, has been shown to improve jump height by 12% compared to jumping without the counter-movement. This is contributed to the stretch shortening cycle of the leg muscles enabling the muscles to create more contractile energy. Furthermore, jump height can be increased another 10% by executing arm swings during the take off phase of the jump compared to if no arm swings are utilized. This involves lowering the arms distally and posteriorly during the leg counter-movements, and powerfully thrusting the arms up and over the head as the leg extension phase begins. As the arms complete the swinging movement they pull up on the lower body causing the lower musculature to contract more rapidly, hence aiding in greater jump height.

As you can see, to maximize height you will need to perform actions which are impossible to do while running and jumping off one foot.

Btw @ Wally/van: Let's not further derail this thread with basketball I just had to reply to this because it was quite an insult to me to believe I have no idea about b-ball/vertical jumps. xD
Anus, you are losing it man.  If this were true high jumpers would take off from two feet.  They do not.  If this were true long jumpers would take off with two feet.  They don't.  Either they havent been informed that they can jump with two feet and jump higher and longer, or you have been grossly misinformed.  And btw this thread needs derailing, and if we can make it about basketball, all the better.

TUS Discussion / Re: KEY REMAPPER
« on: May 03, 2013, 11:33 AM »
I wonder how many great ropers of the past need to join in this discussion to beat the evil that is Komo delusion.

We've got joe now, anyone got jmo's number?
why do we need jmo's number when we have the #1 jmo impersonator right here ;D

TUS Discussion / Re: KEY REMAPPER
« on: May 03, 2013, 05:25 AM »
On this novella of a topic, everyone using a script like this should be hunted down and caned.  Except Anubis, he already has had 10 years of backlash under his belt. 

Anubis is the anti script.
Now he is, but I gave him about a full year of shit back in the day for using a script.  After that we became buddies  :-*  At least he finally came clean with it, most people have to get caught in the act first.  You know who you are.  Hell, Anubis got a hell of a lot more shit for cheating back then than people get now.

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