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Messages - TheWalrus

Pages: 1 ... 281 282 [283] 284 285
komo is the goat bnger in the goat clan.
haters gonna hate

Ok, I actually didn't get that one lol...
goat = greatest of all time

TUS Discussion / Re: Past clans
« on: July 09, 2011, 05:12 AM »
and 27 years old.. holy crap, time flies. Anyways, came across this on a quick google for myself, nostalgia over, cya!
holy shit, its erod.  :)

Gaming Central / Re: Achievements
« on: July 09, 2011, 05:09 AM »
walrus still got mw2? u get to 10th prestige online legit? me and a friend are in the process of doing it for my mates gf. we're upto 9th prestige now, and usually prestige in a week of hardcore playing. its cow face 91 if u ever want a free for all or two anyway.
I got World at War, im a 10th prestige + in that game, and im still in first prestige for Black Ops.  Got rid of MW2 a long time ago.  Im getting MW3 for sure though.

General discussion / Re: Where are the WO 2011? :/
« on: July 08, 2011, 06:21 PM »
call me uninformed, but what is the worms olympics?

General discussion / Re: The I'm back but not really back thread
« on: July 08, 2011, 06:20 PM »
walrus, you have hitman on AIM? is he interested in coming back to w:a? i wondered what ever happen to him... he is the reason i came to w:a...  he came to w2 for a short time, and he was actually a good roper, surprised me and i gave it a shot... cuz oldskool w2 would just call w:a guys newbs... kinda like we do now to that new worms game thats out.. i forget the name.... but yeah, i never gave it a shot until hitman came over.. would be cool to see him on AG again.. HiTMaN :D
i don't think hes going to be coming back, from what i gathered in our conversation a few days ago, hes not interested in play worms anymore.  its a shame but there are a few that feel that way.

General discussion / Re: Nice Weapons Tricks ;)
« on: July 06, 2011, 11:23 PM »
pretty vanilla tricks, but most people have never seen these so +1 rep for not being too lazy to make videos like me!

This is less sarcastic than you think: go get wasted tonight.  You can piece your life together in the morning.

Gaming Central / Re: Achievements
« on: July 06, 2011, 11:06 PM »
I rest my case. You don't need to be the god of the worldwide ranks, but completely finishing 50 games is worthy of praise IMO. I don't have a single game fully finished  ???

Btw, lol at?:
i have more time lately because im going to school full time
more time @ school full time rather than 55 hours a week at old job ;)

Gaming Central / Re: Achievements
« on: July 06, 2011, 09:37 PM »
I guess what also makes me not care is the fact I've hardly come past level 5 in most games. I guess achievements are nicer for people who play the game a zillion times and have already done the basic mission.

Those are some very impressive stats Walrus. You got a life outside worms/gaming?  :o
its actually not that amazing in retrospect.  I've had the console since launch (2005) so 6 years of whoring.  I have 45,000 gamerscore, there are many people on that site that have 400,000+ gamerscore.  i have more time lately because im going to school full time, and thats what ive basically been doing instead of worms ;) heres the sites leader:
he has 505 completed games to my 50

Gaming Central / Re: Achievements
« on: July 06, 2011, 06:56 PM »
if you are talking about w:a single player....uhm nope (TeamEd)
he isnt talking about worms, man.

And I am an achievement whore, HHC.  I have all the achievements for about 50 games on xbox, my gaming profile is here:
I go out of my way to get all the achievements, its like crack to me.  It's like my first time playing worms, I had to get gold medals on all of the challenges before i went online.

TUS Discussion / Re: Hello strangers
« on: July 05, 2011, 05:24 PM »
f00kad00k = fizix?  Maybe.  I think.

And how do i get ahold of you kron

General discussion / Re: The I'm back but not really back thread
« on: July 05, 2011, 05:24 PM »
Anus, do you have my msn name?  I want to login to my account but I don't remember my username, I definitely remember the password.  I'm pretty sure I had you on my MSN list back when.

Tech Support / Re: Little help with wormnet...
« on: July 05, 2011, 05:23 PM »
Hey mimik, i definitely remember you, from UNI and maybe OTB?  We used to play together in '00.  Anyways, good to see ya.  And for the record, I remember you as an american.  Anything less would be a travesty. 

Gaming Central / Re: Your Top-5 games for the PC
« on: July 05, 2011, 03:57 PM »
1. WA
2. Duke Nukem 3d
3. Links Golf
4. Command and Conquer Red Alert

As you can see my computer doesn't run anything that was made after 2000, lol.  I don't really play games on it anymore.

General discussion / Re: The I'm back but not really back thread
« on: July 05, 2011, 03:32 PM »
I still have my very old AiM accounts where I added everyone from WACL league through AIM, should be about 400 addies or something. I will just post the addies here if anyone wants to contact them.

Ok nevermind, can't get my pw to work.

Or did they change something with the login? (I used Aim.Express)
I thought the same thing, until I tired a bunch of other passwords and one finally worked.  The login is the same.

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