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Messages - DarkOne

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TUS Discussion / Fair play?
« on: January 01, 2010, 08:16 PM »
'lo there,

I'm posting here cause of something that's been bothering me. It started out in the sheeprace cup (you can check the thread there, starting off with PiNK's post regarding FaD.
Now, if it just stayed with that, then that's just a one-time deal, everybody makes mistakes and the situation was corrected. No harm done.

But it's not a one-time deal. It's categorical manipulation of games and frankly, there's no place for that in W:A.
I have no problem with people playing W:A competitively at all, but if you're can play this game in a fair way, then I'm going to have a problem with that.
If TUS values fair play even a bit, then this kind of behaviour should not be accepted! Games should be decided by whoever has the best ideas and/or skills inside the game, not by whoever can cheat and lie their way out of losses or who can piss off their opponents best.

I for one have had enough of people like FaD that gladly make use of other people's hard work and give nothing but trouble in return.
Despite having hosted tournaments for RRkit and WMDB, despite having modded playoffs for fb, despite being a mod at TCB, I've never before met any wormer cause this many problems in just a few games. I have no intention of putting up with crap like this anymore though.
TUS is such a great site with so many challenges, leagues and resources and it would be very sad if people like FaD get the chance to f@#! things up. I for one, will not be a part of TUS any more if mods/admins don't take a stand against this kind of behaviour.

So what's it gonna be?

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #17: cHAKKmANs Bungee Cup
« on: January 01, 2010, 07:01 PM »
We did rematch, sir! (replay attached. Have a look at it! You may want to include the chat :))
Since I didn't think it was a done deal yet, I didn't report anything

edit: I had the first turn that game, I believe, but I'll check

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #17: cHAKKmANs Bungee Cup
« on: December 31, 2009, 07:04 PM »
Chakk, what's the ruling on drowning? Does this end the match or does this mean a rematch is required?

If a rematch is required, I want you to take a look at the replay of the final game. FaD in any case refused a rematch from the places we were at (good sportmanship considering he was rewarded a rematch despite not deserving it in the second game, don't you think?).

TUS Discussion / Re: Tus Game Awards
« on: December 31, 2009, 01:01 PM »
Worst backfire seems like a good one as well. I see this differently from worst shot ever, since that would be a screw up like hitting your own worm where your opponent isn't even close.
worst backfire would be a shot that's (almost?) a complete success, but something unexpected happens that'll cost you HP

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #17: cHAKKmANs Bungee Cup
« on: December 30, 2009, 11:58 PM »
It doesn't matter who starts in the rm, though. I started the game and FaD had the last turn knocking me off, so we've had an equal amount of turns.

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #24: Racing on the moon
« on: December 30, 2009, 03:17 PM »
Good, good! :)
I sent those people a pm to get things started, but my fingers are itching to replace at least one of them with Flori (since he seemed more eager!)

I mentioned you, cause we have to play our games and I had IRC on in AG for a long time while you never messaged me

General discussion / Re: Worms Showcase 2
« on: December 30, 2009, 12:34 PM »
I did, sir :)

Cueshark has informed me 3 people have signed in addition to the 12 that already did, so yay for that :D

A showcase without Madden would be incomplete! get to it :)

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #24: Racing on the moon
« on: December 30, 2009, 07:36 AM »
The olympics (and generally, christmas holidays, really) were the reason I had not yet set a deadline :)
However, the olympics are not a 24/7 deal (in practice, that is; nobody likes every scheme) so I would still urge people to try to arrange their games :)

LGTT games don't last too long, do they?

Beer! Get active!

TUS Discussion / Re: Tus Game Awards
« on: December 30, 2009, 07:30 AM »
Worst. Shot. Ever.

Nonetheless, I think this idea could work well within TUS considering the amount of games per season here!

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #24: Racing on the moon
« on: December 29, 2009, 03:55 PM »
I suggest using the PM function of the site now, though, considering activity hasn't helped out so far :)

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #17: cHAKKmANs Bungee Cup
« on: December 29, 2009, 12:33 PM »
Hi, we stumbled upon a problem in our game, chakk, I'm hoping you can help out.

FaD won the first game, no problem with that one.

Now the second game (I attached the replay): Here's a breakdown (you can check for yourself, of course)
  • I started the game
  • First notable point: 9:30 - I accidentally block the pathway. FaD asked me to skip turn (rightly so!) and so I unblocked the path and skipped turn.
  • Second notable point: 14:20 and onwards - FaD accidentally knocks me off the block. This is where the problem kicks in and I'll need your judgment! I assumed that since he knocked me off, I was allowed to teleport back up, so I did.
  • Third notable point: 16:30 - This is where I consider play to resume with switched turns; i.e. After my teleport, I consider we've had an equal amount of turns to get where we were. FaD races on and finishes in 2 turns, I finish in one.

So here are my arguments (I urge FaD to do the same)
  • I teleported because my worm was knocked down. If I had screwed up the bungee, I would of course have finished the race the normal way.
  • FaD clearly thought my teleport was unfair considering his reaction to it. However, it was not a problem for him that I skipped a turn earlier on when I was blocking him
  • If my teleport was legal, then it also should not have cost me a turn. This would mean that play should resume with FaD's worm below the last jump and mine on top, while it's my turn.
  • FaD continued to move his worm despite me clearly not moving while trying to resolve the issue and it was in fact *his* turn when play resumed (hence switched turn in the notable points list)

FaD's opinion is that this game is void, yet mine is that this game is a win for me.
Sorry for all the trouble, chakkman, but I'd rather have this problem resolved before continuing my match with FaD.

Needless to day I will adhere to any decision you make, but I hope a simple motivation will go with your decision :)

General discussion / Re: Worms Showcase 2
« on: December 29, 2009, 11:35 AM »
Alright, we've got 12 people so far, but since we can't wait forever, we're going to set a deadline!
Thanks to all the people that sent in replays :)

The deadline is set for March 1st 2010, so if you want in and you haven't sent anything yet, get to it! :)

As far as I know, you're the first to think you can just skip a checkpoint (cause that's what it is, really)

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #17: cHAKKmANs Bungee Cup
« on: December 23, 2009, 08:06 PM »
FaD, please check your PM inbox more often or have a snoop on n AG :o
I have night shifts for the remained of this week, which means I have to go to work at around 10PM

edit: I actually found him, but just after messaging him, he left the channel without saying a word :o
Please get in touch with me, FaD

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #24: Racing on the moon
« on: December 21, 2009, 02:12 AM »
I wouldn't mind :) Plenty of those at the moment though :o people need to get their games played (me amongst those!)
Time to activate the PM machine

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