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Messages - DarkOne

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dt / Re: Who already got the shot?
« on: May 06, 2021, 09:35 AM »
As time moves on, covid pass will branch out to other digital mediums; bank, paypal, visa, passport, and so on. It would be basically a digital/biological passport. Why not get a chip in your neck then? Does this sound far fetched? Crazy?

You are misinformed on the medical aspects of this pandemic.

I can respect your disagreement on the way this pandemic is currently handled. I think you're flying off the cuff on your future prediction, but I won't pretend I can look into the future myself.

I cannot respect your opinion on vaccines because it is woefully misinformed and dangerous. This type of misinformation is the reason polio is still not eradicated and there are still plenty of people suffering as a result of childhood infection well into their adult life because of it. Look up what post polio syndrome is for more information.
Tbh, the fact that they are talking about vaccination passport for events is because of this type of misinformation leading to people not getting vaccinated.

This misinformation therefore leads to a longer effect of the pandemic and therefore longer lockdowns, longer restrictions etcetera. In other words, by spreading misinformation, you are the cause of your own fears coming true.
Vaccinations work. Time and time again, they prove themselves to work. What the hell do people need to know before they start believing basic facts?

dt / Re: Who already got the shot?
« on: April 28, 2021, 11:17 PM »
to "validate" my opinion for D1: i work in health care.

To "validate" your opinion to me, you just need to be right 😀
I know Germany has less cases than the Netherlands, my countrymen aren't great with following guidelines.
We have about 1150 ICU beds here, 814 of them are occupied by people with covid currently (or rather, a lot of people here are rather shit at it).
25÷ of ICU beds occupied in germany atm, which is not nearly the percentage we have here, but it still can limit the amount of regular emergencies hospitals can handle.

I had the AstraZenica vaccine myself (first dose). Millions of people were vaccinated with it and the amount of serious complications is around a hundred-ish. In Norway, 5 people got thrombosis after 135,000 people had their vaccination. The odds here are slightly higher than the lifetime risk of being struck by lightning.
Daily covid death toll in germany is about 200, quite steady recently.
These numbers are all quite readily available to anyone, no need to work in the medical field for that.

dt / Re: Who already got the shot?
« on: April 28, 2021, 07:59 AM »
If you don't want to be right about the medical side of your argument, then I have good news for you!
You are way off the mark.

Policing is not a medical issue. Worldwide, there are some worrying things going on, for sure. The temporary restrictions due to covid are not one of them imo. They will go away once people get their vaccinations.

dt / Re: Who already got the shot?
« on: April 27, 2021, 10:57 PM »
Kradie, can you stop having opinions on medical topics? I don't think I've ever read more bullshit about my line of work. It's interesting that you chastise people about being afraid about a disease that is still filling up hospitals, but then you won't take the vaccine because you are afraid because of a few cases. I know Norway wasn't hit that hard, but you should learn how statistics work.
I'm glad to see other opinions in here about the vaccinations, though.

Off Topic / Re: Covid-19 Vaccine
« on: January 01, 2021, 07:48 PM »

Yeah, chicken, been working as one since late 2008, working in radiology since 2011.
My part of the country was relatively spared, but I got buddies who work in parts that were hit hard. It's strange to see people go 'oh, it's not so bad' when even for me, a significant part of the workday today was covid-19 related

Off Topic / Re: Covid-19 Vaccine
« on: December 29, 2020, 05:08 PM »
A 99.7 % survival rate is not a pandemic.

You are correct. Survival rate has nothing to do with the term pandemic. Covid-19 is still a pandemic, though.

I'm glad that covid isn't having as profound an effect in Norway, that does nuance your choice for not going for a vaccine somewhat. But then, you are okay with the restrictions that currently apply in highly populated area like Oslo:

The measures in place in Oslo are summarised below:

All indoor events are banned.  The only indoor social activity allowed is gatherings in private homes, where there can be up to ten people, if infection control measures are complied with.
Weddings, confirmations and other family gatherings where there are more than ten people are not allowed.
All businesses where cultural and leisure activities take place closed, except libraries.
Cinemas, theatres, playgrounds, gyms, sports and swimming pools closed.
Grass roots sport (breddeidrett) and leisure activities for adults banned.
Bars banned from serving alcohol.
Restaurants can stay open but without serving alcohol.
Passengers and drivers in taxis must wear face masks.
Shops and malls must ensure the number of customers does not prevent two-metre social distancing being maintained.
‘Red' level at upper secondary schools and adult education, with reinforced infection control measures and smaller groups.
School grades 8-10 (ungdomsskole) also at the ‘red' level of restrictions used by health authorities for schools.
Face masks must be worn on public transport where it is not possible to maintain a social distance of 1 metre.

Not to mention the quarantine people need to be in for 10 days after entering Norway.

Restrictions like that obviously help combatting the spread of the virus. With a vaccine, taken by enough people, that type of restriction won't be necessary anymore.

To get back to the low mortality rate (which for covid is actually higher than what you're suggesting, even in Norway btw), it's a higher mortality rate than that for rubella, which we also vaccinate for. Main reason for that, is to prevent congenital defects if infections happen during pregnancy.

Off Topic / Re: Covid-19 Vaccine
« on: December 28, 2020, 10:16 PM »
I'm gonna take the vaccine when it's available to me.
I see what covid can do to people every day at work, even if it's a minority of people.

If you're at risk, you take the vaccine to protect yourself.
If you're not at risk, you take it to protect your family who's at risk and friends who are at risk (or their family).
The vaccine has an extremely low risk involved, less than crossing a busy street. Vaccines only work for the population if a high percentage of people take it.

If you're not willing to take an extremely low risk for the benefit of friends and family, you're not a good friend.

It saddens me when people say 'it's just the flu' and my reply is 'you mean the flu that raged across the world in 1918-1920 and killed millions?'.
The ICU in my hospital is half full of people who have a disease that, and I can't stress this enough, did not even exist a little more than one year ago. 100 years of science later, where we put people on the moon, eradicated some diseases entirely, and made it possible for people to talk to others across the world with a tiny device in the palm of their hands.
And yet, here we are, doubting everything science says despite its success story. People are just as dumb as in 1918.

Doesn't count the centiseconds, so wouldn't help with checking the times in the replay. Logs make that easier, though

Rules were written with the thought in mind that people generally don't read long text. Also, exhaustive text that covers everything will mean that by the time you finish reading, the challenge is over  :-X
Added bonus is that gray areas are entirely up to the discretion of the mod, who will use the same criteria while checking every submission.

TUS Discussion / Re: The return of TCB
« on: June 01, 2020, 09:13 AM »
Better late than never!

I don't see myself finishing the last challenges in this list, since I'm not really here anymore, so I'm uploading the last remaining challenges here. Should there be anyone wanting to host these challenges, they're welcome to do so.

Link! Click me!

Promotion Project / Re: Game commentaries - Requests
« on: April 22, 2018, 07:02 PM »
New batch :D Classic season 22, avirex vs r3spect (I think you know this one already, Wally :)) Classic season 23, CKC vs dt Classic season 24, K1NG vs Pastorcito Classic season 24, Kangaroo vs Prankster Classic season 29, Breeze vs Ray Classic season 29, barman vs undead Classic season 30, Savage vs Twyrfher
Attachment: Worm Olympics bungeerace final (3 way) between chakkman, myself and Taz

Promotion Project / Re: Game commentaries - Uploads
« on: April 22, 2018, 04:25 PM »
I mean being interviewed, silly :P But I know you gotta interview Mabs first
Can't replace you as the interviewer, buddy! Don't fix what isn't broken and everything :)

Promotion Project / Re: Game commentaries - Uploads
« on: April 22, 2018, 11:22 AM »
Wally for twitch interviews! :D

Files / Re: Worms MC: an all-round Worms movie creator
« on: April 22, 2018, 11:20 AM »
You're. Right, MI, I should've gone bigger  ;D

Files / Re: Worms MC: an all-round Worms movie creator
« on: April 21, 2018, 10:07 PM »
Rejections... rejections... you just dismiss the fact that I can't program anything advanced and code based and I AM the puppet you are playing with. Neither you want to make Worms MC nor accepted my story builds, shutting their original purpose and making them private in the process. And guess what: Don't want to make Worms software on your will = I'LL FORCE IT AGAINIST YOUR WILL!  Your so-called " encouraging" just makes me mad. And you don't want me mad, right? Get to the tradition that you created, you sleepy deads, or I'll force it, Specter style. You empty talk to me and then think "Oh no, don't call our site " The Ultimate Site of Liars Armageddon" , please." It's a tradition that you created, so you have to do it.

If I have an idea, like: 'Someone needs to shine my shoes.'
Does that mean you're going to do it? Shall I force it against your will?

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