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Messages - King-Gizzard

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You mention in your post that you're a well funded project. According to your site, your plan is to 'mint' 8,888 images of war snails which will then fund marketing and the development of the game.  If you're well funded why can't you do that now?  What's to stop you completely abandoning the project after raising the money in NFTs?  It sounds to me like your business is in NFTs, not gaming. It doesn't sound like you have any game dev experience in the team. This could easily be a scam if, as I expect, no one is refunded should you walk away.

For me personally it's at odds with gaming because the NFT economy becomes the priority and focus... if people lose interest in NFT's what becomes of the game?  Also I don't personally like the NFT space, in it's worst form it's a borderline scam.

Agree that Team 17 have overly milked the franchise, it's sad to see...

This NFT venture makes me more sad.  I'm glad T17 backed out of the NFT space when they received the negative feedback. 

General discussion / Re: The beginning of the end?
« on: January 31, 2022, 06:57 PM »
I see the module as a fun new way to play some schemes and if it doesn't tickle your pickle, there's the turn-based option.  It's always great to see new innovations like this.  But I see MonkeyIsland's point on real-time for schemes where land is destroyed or worms interact.  The game state has to be deterministic on all machines down to the pixel.  With it being peer-to-peer, no machine holds the authoritative game state so I imagine the game speed would have to follow the laggiest player? I'd love to see it implemented though :)

General discussion / Re: The nizikawa Appreciation Thread
« on: January 28, 2022, 12:48 PM »
We're lucky to have someone with these wizard skills improving the game who also engages with the community and releases source code.  Awesome stuff.  Thanks for all of your work Nizikawa.

Files Comments / Re: File #2462, Trippy
« on: January 24, 2022, 10:46 PM »
Thanks Wormsters :)  Final update added today

Files Comments / Re: File #2415, Halloween
« on: October 23, 2021, 03:29 PM »
I've tweaked the grass to make this more cow friendly :)

Files Comments / Re: File #2229, Terrain Creation Guide Files
« on: September 11, 2021, 09:33 PM »
The files are fine.  The black is transparent in the game.  Worms uses an indexed palette with the first colour set to black to represent transparency.  All details are in the guide.

Wormkit Modules / Re: Private Module
« on: September 10, 2021, 12:02 AM »
If whatever can be done manually is considered an unfair advantage, I don't think mods should then be created that do that automatically.

For example, some players manually change their water gfx to make it transparent so they can see exactly where the land meets the water.  If just one player does that, I'd consider that a form of cheating (they have an advantage, however small, over everyone else).  If everyone does it, that's technically fair but it's also just dumbed down a part of the game.  A mod could be created for that but I don't think it should be.

I feel the same way about knowing opponent worm order from the start of the game.  That's a dynamic within the game scheme that should work as intended.  Knowing just your own worm order is different because it's information you already have available to you and I imagine most people won't need / use it.

Wormkit Modules / Re: Private Module
« on: September 09, 2021, 02:18 PM »
I'm not sure there's anything special about 3.8 (over 3.7) in terms of loading custom modules.  The ability to develop and load your own modules goes back to 2006 (and before if someone 'hacks' the game or creates their own loader).  Obviously a lot more community modules exist now and IMO we're much better off for it.

Of course there could potentially be modules blatantly used for cheating, but then there's grey area stuff which probably isn't worth arguing over.  'wkRemapKeys' and 'wkFKeyRearrange' may give an advantage to a player because it makes them more efficient with keyboard controls and weapon order - while their opponent may not be aware of them... would you want to remove those modules from league/cup games?  A module that reminds you of your own worm order? I don't think it's that big a deal personally.

Wormkit Modules / Re: Private Module
« on: September 09, 2021, 01:26 PM »
From what I can see it started as an external tool released in 2006 by CS.  Back then you'd run 'WormKit.exe' rather than 'WA.exe' to load the game with wk*.dll modules.  From WA v3.7, this functionality was officially integrated into the game.  My understanding is that Team 17 need to approve all updates by DC/CS before release. The update documentation can be found in the WA install folder.

Wormkit Modules / Re: Private Module
« on: September 09, 2021, 12:31 PM »
Would Team17 even get involved/care?  I'm assuming they approved the WormKit framework when it was created so they were fine with the idea of modding.  It would probably land with Deadcode to determine what (if anything) to do.

Wormkit Modules / Re: Private Module
« on: September 09, 2021, 12:10 PM »
As you say, a coder could quickly knock up a module that privately displays all team worm order in-game, weapon use and more besides, without detection. Chances are, over the years someone has already done this kind of thing and used it privately or shared it between friends/clan members.

I think it's great that there's a mod framework in WA and there has been some amazing work. But I see the predicament with cup/league games. I think it should ideally be a level playing field; the same agreed setup on all sides. Even things like using transparent water should be consistent IMO.  I'm not saying these mods shouldn't be used in cup/league games, but their use should be set out by the organisor who may very well allow certain modules, to save having to memorise / write things down for example.

To your question, and the problem... enforcement. It's all on trust at the moment. It would need a technical solution to allow participants and organisors to verify mod use, likely in the form of an official update. It may not be infallible, but enough to get the desired result if implemented well.

General discussion / Re: oldsock appreciation thread
« on: September 08, 2021, 11:19 AM »
This was epic! What a boost to the community!  It was really good to have Deadcode on the stream too and seeing TA in action.

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkWormOrder v. 1.0.0 released
« on: September 04, 2021, 01:35 PM »
While I am aware you can extract information from a replay file, is it possible to do it during an actual game, or only after?

From what I can see the game locks the replay file whilst playing as it needs to write to it in real-time.  The OS will throw an error if you try to open the file mid-game.

But there are other ways to get the opponent worm order, in about 10 seconds with no programming knowledge and leaving no trace.  If people REALLY want to cheat like this they'll find a way but these things come down to trust and hopefully respect for competitive play.

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