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Messages - lalo

Pages: 1 ... 43 44 [45] 46 47 ... 52
Leagues Complaints / Re: cfc avoiding
« on: October 06, 2010, 07:31 PM »
Close this thread Chicken, no more drama needed.
We love ya <3!  :-*

Leagues Complaints / Re: cfc avoiding
« on: October 06, 2010, 03:46 AM »
Funniest post ever. If you're not complaining then what the hell are you aiming with this post? I think you had a poorest attitude due you didn't let us to change our t17 since we replied that game 3 or 4 times and we were really tired of that scheme. Actually we did pick t17 because of the points and because if we have picked rr you would be grumbling about it. It is kinda funny to see you later saying that we didn't pick a rope scheme coz Oldsock was there when we previously had an easy victory in wxw.
We would be called spammers if we have posted here everytime we disagree with certain attitudes of certain players.

EDIT: We didn't play any funner after that t17, don't let your imagination fly that far chicken!

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #89: daicup
« on: September 30, 2010, 04:47 PM »
lalito, aver si dejas unas rimas para empezar esta copa xD

Te las dejo, para que veas que no soy tan tonto y pendejo

Daicup la llamaste y vos nube la cagaste, no seré tu novio, emo, puti sin clase
Bofo merece ninguna mención, y el Shui como siempre en la noche de mandilón
Al Auto lo dejo perplejo con mis movimientos, en elite lo hago tira
y le bailaré en el juego como la pinche Shakira
O como Beyonce, le muevo el culo a mi DJflow,
le enseñaré mi magia y lo mandaré luego a Hogwarts a comerse mi vara con grasa
Y aquel puto Oky, un veterano, le lanzaré mis nades con mi grueso palo
O sin disimulo, NvM pasará a esta copa a entregarme el culo
Así que tengan cuidado, ganaré esta copa y de paso les parto el ano

Eso es todo, ya me despido con un suspiro dejé mis clases de literatura en el olvido
No hay métrica... figuras, sentido ni nada, pero nube vos sos siempre una puta cagada.

Tryout / Re: I want to get into the clan !
« on: September 29, 2010, 09:03 PM »
<33333333 m0nk!

Off Topic / Re: is it just me?
« on: September 27, 2010, 05:40 PM »
or have the forums been rather dead? seems like each day when i come and read the forums there is hardly any new posts... that sux!! the forums entertain me...

can somone please open either a big debate thread, a thread about sex, drugs, or rock and roll... or.... somthing.. jeez :X so bored! :D

There`s only one solution to the problem: let Doubletime back to the forums!

Owned =)

+1 for Doubletime, F4st and Ropa.

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #39733, Reported by Peja
« on: September 25, 2010, 05:12 PM »
[ x ] been playing on 17" CRT since 2001 :D

I've been playing on 14'' CRT since I was born xD.

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #39554, Reported by Chicken23
« on: September 23, 2010, 08:06 PM »
Then I'll quote some of the posts to arrange POs against cfc with dates:
Hello people, we're well aware about the games we have to play and we'd like to begin with CF first. We're trying to arrange a date in cfc's forum among ourselves, and we will let you know as soon as possible when cfc can.
We're still waiting for date/time suggestions from cfc/ps.
We are discussing it in our private forums, will get back to you asap Randy :)
After discussing 7 days in your private forums, you finally came up with some suggestion:
This friday at 21 gmt CF?
we agreed on it, but at the the specific date there was just lalo around, so you couldn't play, while we were there with all people needed to play. I mean, why do you discuss 1 week for a date where ONE person shows up? And then you blame me that I dont care, lol.
Certainly we were there at that time. I was with Shui and I only saw you logged on wormnet, so I assumed your clan couldn't play in that moment. You didn't pm me that day either, but I was talking with Shui, he wasn't hide. Actually we were so bored that we played some clanners with PS, so don't come here saying I'm a lier, you can see this game  #37921 and if you use a translator you can read when I was chatting about this matter with shui.
I think both clans were there at the time setted, but none of us pm'd the other clan. Just a communication problem :P.
Nevertheless, I agree with the time scheduled by D1 we shouldn't have more problems from now on, so any arguing about who is and who is not right is useless.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #39523, Reported by DaRiOxD
« on: September 21, 2010, 04:31 AM »
[zipcode`doH] fingers cold like icecube

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #39131, Reported by ArtiC
« on: September 17, 2010, 06:56 PM »
lol Dead, I think I made fun of you all a lot more  ;).

Off Topic / Re: !seen Script added to Wormnet & GameSurge
« on: September 09, 2010, 08:38 PM »
OMG TiCPU is back, but as I can remember you could do more things with TiCPU such as, leave messages to certain player and other features that I can't remember right now :(.

+1 for you Gal <3

Doh, this friday at 21 gmt?

I can't come home earlier, just from 21gmt, the same goes for Shui, Flow and other cfcs. Could you suggest a date then? after 21gmt, on weekends or whenever you want :)

Monday 6am GMT sounds perfect to me :D, thursday at 21gmt is also good for me.

CF how about monda at 21 gmt now? :(

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #37801, Reported by Dead
« on: September 03, 2010, 06:49 AM »
Nice map Crash, it should be so fun to play the same map over and over  ;D.

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