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Messages - Prankster

Pages: 1 ... 52 53 [54] 55 56 57
Mappacks Comments / Re: Mappack #42 by Ramone
« on: September 16, 2010, 01:29 PM »
woohoo, vn maps again, thx Ramone!
Punx not dead ;D

LMFAO lales!! xDDD
that surely will win a prize at wse lol, epic!!! :DD

The Brag Board / my best shot so far! :)
« on: September 15, 2010, 12:20 PM »
4s double bank transfer trapshot lg :D

a2b - addicted2bng / Re: too much funners?
« on: September 13, 2010, 09:58 PM »
btw, a2b isnt a private league (until you like bng :)), and it's free to everyone in every schemes to make a community/own league..

I didn't get this but to me it looks like you said a2b is for all schemes? Even though we all know it is BnG only though right? lol

i think u misunderstood! i mean b2b/a2b is can be seen as an idea, or an example. ofc this is only for bng, but if someone likes the idea, he/she can make a similar league for any other scheme.

a2b - addicted2bng / Re: too much funners?
« on: September 13, 2010, 03:38 PM »
Sad it only touch a2b members, but nice to hear there is still this kind of players. :)

you quite disappeared from a2b, Abnax! if u miss the fun, come and play with us, like few days ago :D

btw, a2b isnt a private league (until you like bng :)), and it's free to everyone in every schemes to make a community/own league..

a2b - addicted2bng / too much funners?
« on: September 12, 2010, 10:39 PM »
funny, Abnaxus noticed in his topic about how he misses the fun on wormnet, that a2b is a bit inactive.
i just realized that i played a lot with u in the past few days, but those were mostly 2v2 and 3v3 funners  :)
i really enjoyed those games, but usually after them i dont have time to play for the league, lol hah  ;D

i know im not making a straight point, i didnt even want to, but if anyone has got anything to saz, let it out!

a2b ne1? :)

The Brag Board / Re: 5 sec max bounce back bounce gap transfer (:D)
« on: September 12, 2010, 03:04 AM »
thx guys :)
Komo, i know its not "official", but it can describe a shot well
btw, it wasnt on LG :P :)

thx for those games too, i enjoyed them a lot, good to see how b2b is getting active! (i remember when i just began to like bng, and then i first heard about you from Ray, and next day i met Ramone or Obscure (dunno who was the first), and actually asked them to restart a2b again :D. but shit, i still lose more games than i should! eh, couldnt be only an accident that GreeN and i set the same soundbank.. :D)

laughing my f@#!ing ass out!! perfect aim m4ni4c, lol xDDD

The Brag Board / 5 sec max bounce back bounce gap transfer (:D)
« on: September 11, 2010, 09:48 AM »
@ 12.30
plz fastforward, because the whole game is a crap, except this shot :)

a2b Playoffs / Re: Season 3 - Semi Final 1 - obscure vs KoreanRedDragon
« on: September 06, 2010, 09:28 AM »
u'd better hurry because i'm getting my skillz back, what i lost over the summer :)

The Brag Board / Re: WA Movie - The pwoer of BnG
« on: September 04, 2010, 02:25 PM »
it lags at me as hell (even @ 360 :D), but its my pc's fault. very nice vid anyways ("pwoer of bng" lol :D), i love the names of the shots :D. they could be named after ppl :D (ie. 5smb "bunnyhopp" is KRD's favourite shot).

i think the music fits, tho it's not my style either :)


I don't know what you mean by this lol...
=Random is from Germany ne1?

yeah that's it, wf! for tonight, i even took care of alcohol supply :DD

a2b Tournaments / Re: a2b Weekly Tournament Results - Week 10
« on: August 28, 2010, 04:01 PM »
gj guys! and sry for not playing in the finals.. i had to reorganize my next day in the middle of the night because of some lazy idiot..

wee, so good! i was sad when i looked at the tonight's wo schedule, and then i realized that there is a2b tourney! D:

Schemes / Re: schemes for begginers?
« on: August 17, 2010, 05:00 PM »
im surprised, nobody mentioned mine madness or bow and arrows! those are fun, anmd quite easy games too, and not so pointless as comet dodging or surrender race :D

also, as some of u already said, i liked shoppas at beginning too. roping was the most fun!

some more games which can be played in an easy way, and still gives some experience: burning girders, tower race (better not too big ones), holy war, super sheep race, and all "normal" games, like mole shopper, intermediate (modified scheme!), elite, team 17, etc.

beginners can look after schemes here or at, and play what they find nice :)


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