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Messages - Senator

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Leagues Games Comments / Game #208140, reported by Senator
« on: April 19, 2016, 06:34 PM »
Free win approved. Reason: avoiding.

Leagues Complaints / [SOLVED] Avoiding
« on: April 19, 2016, 03:10 PM »
17:25:21 pbc`Asbest`LR: NOT FRAUD, NOT SPAM! I JUST WANT TO INVITE MORE PLAYERS, BECAUSE TUS LEAGUE IS DIEING! Who want to play this league? register and lets play! It takes 5 min to register. There is overall prize 300$ in classic league. WITHOUT ANY PAYING! Tus classic/tel/tus free want to play anyone? llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll HE AФEPA, HE CПAM! Я ПPOCTO XOЧУ ПPИГЛACИTЬ БOЛЬШE ИГPOКOB, ПOTOMУ ЧTO TUS ЛИГA УMИPAET! Ктo xoчeт cыгpaть ли

17:26:06 Senator: hi
17:26:16 pbc`Asbest`LR: ho
17:26:18 pbc`Asbest`LR: hi, man
17:26:22 pbc`Asbest`LR: i want to ask you
17:26:28 Senator: me tus
17:26:33 pbc`Asbest`LR: there is avoiding rule on tus, but it doesn't working
17:26:34 pbc`Asbest`LR: right?
17:26:54 pbc`Asbest`LR: as far as i know, that post by franz was working earlier
17:27:00 Senator: it is working
17:27:07 pbc`Asbest`LR: you sure about it?
17:27:11 Senator: yes
17:27:19 pbc`Asbest`LR: and MonkeyIsland say the same?
17:27:22 Senator: yes
17:27:35 pbc`Asbest`LR: alright then, i will not ask in chat anymore
17:27:40 Senator: let's tus now
17:28:09 pbc`Asbest`LR: i wrote that copy paste before i made clear than this avoiding rule is working
17:28:45 Senator: let's tus?
17:30:28 pbc`Asbest`LR: you asking me tus? no thanks. because im playing only with newcomers now

Can I report a free win?

Leagues Complaints / Re: Game to delete
« on: April 19, 2016, 10:27 AM »
BTW: You can remove both of the game, the game is invalid.

Why do u want this game to be deleted? You won it.

Leagues Complaints / Re: Game to delete
« on: April 19, 2016, 10:22 AM »
Yeah the game dropped and it was far from over. Nature1 has made so many false reports recently that it's safe to delete the game. WxW was his pick though so he could request a RM.

MI could move this thread to the right board.

Leagues General / Re: Leagues overall reset poll
« on: April 19, 2016, 10:05 AM »
For example, someone may have played just BnG and even won one game but he is still total noob in other schemes.
sen i see what you did there, no need to troll me


I would just like to fix the problem that u can get too many free points (~40 per scheme) from noobs. For example some people got good points from those South Africans when they started playing tus (they played against each others so they won some games too). Imo the point difference is not big enough if I get +70 for beating dibz in WxW and someone gets +40 for beating a noob (who has 1000 points but is actually a 800 points player). That's why I suggested lower base points (+20/-20) for beating a guy with few games. The system shouldn't give or take full points until a player's skill level is known.

What if we have like 2 newcomers losing their all games? Will they run out of opponents if they don't play against each other? ;D It's rare that someone plays against several opponents and loses his all games, though. Maybe it can happen if we have like two iMacG5's :D

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #851, Balanced Team17 Cup
« on: April 19, 2016, 08:05 AM »
The three-way ties messed our schedule :p

Still waiting for these rematches

spleen17 vs BoolC
spleen17 vs mae

WhiteRqbbit vs z0rk
Kradie vs z0rk

I'll proceed the groups as soon as the tie breaks are done. No one will advance from group 1 if u haven't played more games by then.

Leagues Complaints / Re: game 207972
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:56 AM »
Attach the 2nd replay where u or he dropped again :p

Leagues General / Re: Leagues overall reset poll
« on: April 18, 2016, 10:36 PM »

Ah u meant 5 games in total in your first post, not 5 games against each newcomer.

It needs to be complicated to cover all situations xd

For example, someone may have played just BnG and even won one game but he is still total noob in other schemes.

Leagues Complaints / Re: game-208025
« on: April 18, 2016, 09:21 PM »
The game is void. He didn't report the BnG loss against u so he seem to know that the loser doesn't report anything. The other games _might_ be just wrong replays so need to check them out.

Leagues General / Re: Leagues overall reset poll
« on: April 18, 2016, 03:55 PM »
A game limit makes it harder for new players to get games under their belt. For a returning pro it would be hard to qualify for PO.

I totally understand the concern about them not having enough people to play though, so maybe you could allow returning players to request their restrictions to be lifted after reaching a certain amount of games/points.

Could be actually automatic, like this way:

If a player has played 50 games or less overall, his seasonal game limit is 5 games per player. Once he has played 50 games overall, his game limit is normal 15 games per player. The new player would need to play at least 9 more opponents during his 1st season before he could play against the 1st noob-basher again. After 50 games it should be less rewarding to bash him more.

Combine that with lower base points for the first 10 games or so in each scheme and the noob-bashing days are gone 8)

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #207985, reported by Asbest
« on: April 18, 2016, 09:52 AM »
Agreed with raulsa. This is an awful map for Shopper (sorry Kaleu!). When do people understand that Shopper is not about roping? In a map like this u can't even make any moves with the weapons, let alone pile worms. Boring as raulsa said.

This new guy raulsa reminds of biscuits btw :D

Leagues General / Re: Leagues overall reset poll
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:35 AM »
Is it better to limit the number of games against new players or reward noob-bashing with less points? A game limit makes it harder for new players to get games under their belt. For a returning pro it would be hard to qualify for PO.

Could the base (standard) point be +20/-20 instead of +40/-40 when your opponent has played a scheme less than X number of games? For the new player the base points would still be +40/-40 so he could reach his actual rating level quickly.

Also, there are people who are still considered noobs even after being registered to TuS for many years...

That's irrelevant though if the system checks the number of played games as MI said. Or u mean some people are considered noobs even after playing dozens of games? In that case their overall rating is low and u don't get many points for bashing them..

Leagues Games Comments / Re: Game #208043, reported by Asbest
« on: April 18, 2016, 08:09 AM »
5 mins ago from #ag

pbc`Asbest`LR> Lukz, I said to sbaffo and mae will repeat to you. When i will get my form back, we will play

That's avoiding and it's not allowed according to the rules. Just post a complaint with appropriate proofs (screen shot/chat logs) and you can report a free win.

Leagues Playoffs / TEL Playoffs #25
« on: April 17, 2016, 06:51 PM »


Almog (1) vs NiCo` (8)
reN`s (4) vs MaStEr (5)

Spoon_head (3) vs style (6)
vesuvio (2) vs WhiteRqbbit (7)


Almog (1) vs reN`s (4)
vesuvio (2) vs style (6)


Almog (1) vs vesuvio (2)

Final deadline: Wednesday 2016-06-22 (14 days)

Use this thread to arrange your games. Let us know if you can't play before the deadline. No response by the deadline = disqualification.

Leagues Playoffs / Re: Classic League Singles Playoffs #49
« on: April 17, 2016, 06:44 AM »

Bry4N (5) vs Senator (8)
sock (6) vs Lukz (7)

Semifinals deadline: Sunday 2016-05-01

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