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Topics - FoxHound

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Cups and Tournaments Games Comments / Game #238482, reported by FoxHound
« on: September 26, 2023, 12:35 AM »
I just discovered that I made Windows (the screen) get upside down in my last desperate move in this match. I was lucky that in my very last turn I just needed to use blowtorch. It would be complicated if I inverted the screen earlier. Now I know how to fix this: CTRL + ALT + Arrow.

Schemes / Playing time information for schemes
« on: September 08, 2023, 09:12 PM »
I was thinking that the schemes should receive information about Playing Time either on the wiki, or here on TUS.

If you buy any Board Game it has a Playing Time information on the box. It's important to know this before playing, because sometimes the Board Game takes 6h or more to end. So, if you don't have much time or if people just don't want to spend so much time playing, people can play a party game or a board game that takes less time, like 30 min or 1:30h.

So, I think this information would be useful for players to know the average duration of the schemes before they play and this could be on the Game Setup template on the wiki, or something similar on TUS scheme articles. And to do this, we would need data. And TUS probably has a lot of data about the schemes.

It is good to play a game without being frustrated thinking that you want to leave because the game took much longer than you expected, but you don't want to be a quitter. If WA will receive ranks, accounts or Match Making, I think informing the Playing Time to people would be great.

EDIT: Not only the average should be informed, but the minimum game duration and the maximum game duration.

Of course it all depends on the map, but this could be present as an information too. Some maps take 40 minutes, others 20 min. Maybe each map could have information about playing Time, at least the classic ones.

Cups and Tournaments Games Comments / Game #238154, reported by FoxHound
« on: September 07, 2023, 09:02 PM »
That was a very long game, but I enjoyed a lot playing it. Jago is a great player, I confess I passed from two hard parts copying his moves. The fact that the scheme doesn't have the Angle Cheat Glitch makes it more interesting to play, since you really need to think to make the worm fly straight up. HHG and Minigun are way more useful and baseball bat is less OP. However, the scheme becomes way more difficult and takes much longer than if the Angle Cheat Glitch was allowed, like in original Driver.

Maps Comments / Map #20619, Mad Scientist's Race by MorfixProton
« on: September 03, 2023, 09:13 PM »
Very interesting map. It is not on scheme ideas yet, I'll add it there later. This is actually a new variant of RR: Checkpoint Tower Rope Race.

Maps Comments / Map #20608, Kradie's Big RR Trump Mugshot by Kradie
« on: August 27, 2023, 06:50 PM »
Kradie's mugshot
Posted his face
On a rope race

Shitting right now
Donald Flush

Files Comments / File #2896, Catle Hassle Terrain Generation
« on: August 15, 2023, 02:22 AM »
I'm worried about the situation in Argentina, October will be a tense month. I hope this doesn't interfere much on JSG's works, because his terrains are amazing.

If you took the scheme Korydex modified from the original Driver scheme to turn it to Time Trial for the challenge and changed to 20 seconds again, being the only modification, I have to inform you that you actually uploaded the exact same scheme as the original Driver scheme by sbs, but changed its name to "Duo Race" because that is a name that you prefer to call it. When someone upload sbs' scheme to the platform it may be considered duplified by this scheme that has a different name and don't credit the original author, instead, people may think that it is your scheme, specially while TUS still doesn't have an authorship field for schemes. To be honest, I never upload any scheme that was not made by myself here, because I don't want to be seen as its author, what happened with me many times. I thought for example that Goku Battle Arena was created by TOMT, because he is the uploader, and I wrote that on the wiki scheme article, until pavlepavle corrected me, because he is the author. And this is something that always made me very sad about TUS: not having authorship for schemes. People may think that the most famous schemes of the platform were made by Warg for example, which probably never created a scheme, or at least released a scheme, and doesn't understand much about scheme making.

This is something very recurrent: I think all of your schemes are modifications to the original schemes. The original schemes are never fine, you always modify things, sometimes great modifications such as the ones of your variant of K2S, but sometimes there's almost no difference from the original or the version looks worse, but you create a new one for a cup. I think sometimes is just nice to credit and recognize the schemes other people thought a lot to create them.

PS.: I know that the original scheme was not ported or updated to 3.8, and is still in the old RubberWorm scheme format. Lupastic's scheme file has Extended Scheme Options settings, but there's nothing that is new - except Worm Selection settings that are exclusive to 3.8 - compared to the original scheme, I believe.

Seems very similar with Rowy, a scheme available in HostingBuddy, it was hosted on 10 WO events and many TUS cups. I didn't test it, though. Maybe is different.

I played really, really bad for a final. Damn, I didn't use select worm when I should. I made several mistakes. There was a round I simply got stuck with the rope on all my attacks for many turns. Argh. Kaleu played very well, he deserved to win. Honestly, most of the times we play together he wins, but sometimes I win against him, specially if he is tired.

This idea is just a really small detail, but I think that maybe if it's not too hard to implement, it would be better.

When there's a bo5 match of a cup and there's a disconnection, it could have some icon near the replay button evidencing that the replay about to be downloaded was a game that was played for the match, but there was something wrong with it: someone disconnected, or it was invalid because players didn't respect the rules, but they were reported for documentation and historical reasons. This way it exposes the games that people potentially disconnected in purpose or not, what is more fair in my opinion, and at the same time if someone that will download the games see that it's an invalid game, this person don't need to watch it if the person is not interested to see an invalid game.

There could be also information about 2 replays that represent the same match, for example: someone disconnected and players decided to rematch and start from the same spot they were on the race before the network drop. These two replays are actually the same round, but in two different replays. So, these replays could have some symbol or floating text when a pointer is at them, demonstrating that both replays are from the same round/game.

I think that the custom medals of TUS are beautiful and sometimes it's not possible to see their details, because they are too small. It would be nice to be able to click on them to expand the image or see the original big one with all the details. The same goes for Scheme icons. The only concern about this idea is that maybe this will occupy too much space of the TUS server, but since the activity is not as big as it used to be and now I believe that people grew up, have a job and can help donating and contributing to TUS, I think this would be cool. People would appreciate much more the custom medals they have and will struggle much more to earn more custom medals, and people will try to make more custom medals, because they are cool.

Wow, for who was saying "GG, you will win" all the time MarCello fought bravely against Mega`Adnan, who beat Lupastic and Kaleu. MarCello managed to win one round and was very well on the third, despite two crucial mistakes in the end. He could have won. Glad to see you played your match.

Bug Report / [SOLVED] Incorrect Challenge Title (number)
« on: June 19, 2023, 10:48 PM »
I noticed there's something wrong with the title of Kirill's new mission. It is the mission number 13, but on some parts it says it's mission number 12. I attached some images to show what happened.

Bug Report / [SOLVED] Doubled text
« on: June 14, 2023, 02:46 AM »
Hi, I'll attach an image that shows the problem. It's not a bug, I think, it's a doubled text. The same text present to proceed groups button is displayed for the deadline button.

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