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Topics - DumbBongChow

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
WoSC / Our Introduction and Goal
« on: July 14, 2011, 09:09 PM »

Welcome to Warehouse of Scheme Creations (WoSC)! Our community is for people who are interested in schemes. We strive to create any new, fun schemes that can be creative, deep, and unique. We also focus on creating schemes based off from another schemes and fixing existing schemes to make it even better. Since popularity of scheme does not reflect how good the scheme is, we try to promote schemes that are unpopular as well. We create art designs, make videos, alter maps, and use PX program as well now to supplement various schemes! If you love to host, create, promote, and give criticism and suggestion to various schemes, you are welcome to join this community! Here we share ideas in unity to help Worms Armageddon players to enjoy pack loads of different kind of games in WA!

WoSC Website
(Click the Scheme Database to check and download our up to date schemes.)

WoSC Videos

(Note that some other irrelevant videos are there.)

Some of Our Schemes at Worms Knowledge Base
(Note that most of our schemes at that site is outdated.)

WoSC / Application for Tus and Our Forum
« on: July 14, 2011, 09:06 PM »
This community is especially made for people who are interested in different kind of schemes. In order to join this community, one must contribute from least one of the following lists.

1. Creating Any Playable Schemes
2. Promoting, Spreading, and/or Playing various schemes, especially ours and underrated ones.
3. Fixing Existing Schemes
4. Giving any helpful suggestion and criticism about schemes.
5. Contributing on any art, design, and/or video to this community.
6. Helping this forum to be active and productive, not through spamming!

Also we do not discriminate people based on race and country people live in, but we do prefer to recruit people who have basic english skills. We are actually quite interested recruiting people with different cultural backgrounds and from different clans. Lastly, all members have to be friendly, courteous, and we do not any accept cynical and/or unfriendly people regardless of talent.

Schemes Comments / WxW scheme, By Rok
« on: July 14, 2011, 01:38 AM »

Schemes Comments / DabbleAndFidget scheme, By LeTotalKiller
« on: July 13, 2011, 08:16 PM »
I noticed there have been a problem with the update for the Dabble and Fidget especially in the tournament. Talk to lacoste and Lex about the latest scheme version of this. If you already have the latest version of this scheme, update this uploaded scheme by altering game and weapon options that matches with latest game version or something.

Cups and Tournaments General / Cup #247: QuickdrawCup
« on: July 13, 2011, 03:12 AM »
Got what it takes to be a quick minded, skillful player?
Come join Cup #247: QuickdrawCup!!!

This scheme deserves much more attention, and it needs to played more often! Why? It's because it has very deep gameplay, and skill makes different in game outcome, not luck. 8)

If my snooper account, WoSC-Gamehoster, happens to be on, people can msg to me for some QuickDraw match to get idea how this game works! ;) (Note that it'll be tough if I'm busy or in game already.)

So join up at sign up date and hf everyone!!! :D

[IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Cup will be closed and reopen due to setting problems.]

TUS Discussion / Tus Logo, "The Ultimate Site"
« on: July 07, 2011, 08:30 AM »
I found this site very interesting to begin with, and one of the part is the site template style. By default it changes automatically, but the problem is that some template don't match well with the logo (located on the centered top). I believe the solution to this is to have varying style for the logo to make this site even better looking (already quite flexible by the way). The Logo needs to be more on top and separated from the action bars as well (Home, Calendar Forums, Groups, Leagues, and etc.)


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