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Messages - lolicon-guy

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Announcements / Re: WormNET Service Updates
« on: January 04, 2021, 06:01 PM »
Hm, yeah, I always wondered why telecow is a thing at all. Let alone getting a proper explanation on what is it. Thought Hysteria had no rules?

Promotion Project / Re: "Put your password" campaign
« on: December 23, 2020, 10:08 PM »
Well then I have a question. If this didn't happen nearly as often before, why it became a thing now?

Promotion Project / "Put your password" campaign
« on: December 22, 2020, 11:25 PM »
I'm tired of these guys that want to host their private games but can't have the decency to add a password to it. Whether HB's way for setting a password is confusing or not, it still happens for DirectIP/WormNAT2 games. On top of that, the hoster may be afk long time, and kick you out many minutes later. In fact, joining an OPEN Shopper in #PartyTime or #RopersHeaven is a no-go anymore. And some have kept on doing this shit for maaany months. Yes they know I have told them.

Any ideas to convince them to stop wasting my time?
Latest case: WormNAT2-hosted "shopper" for FD.

Off Topic / Re: Investiments on Stocks!!!
« on: December 22, 2020, 12:30 AM »
I find this topic highly inappropriate for a Worms forum. ::)

I know Kradie but like i said at the start of thread this post was made to adults and my friends so i dont know what you are doing here lol.

You f@#!ing bite between asshole and balls.

Don't you think you need to calm down? :P :P

Off Topic / Re: Investiments on Stocks!!!
« on: December 21, 2020, 03:15 PM »
I don't know much about stonks, but I know it's possible to program bots to automatize the deals.

Off Topic / Re: Things you Love/Hate in your Country.
« on: December 15, 2020, 06:44 PM »

  • Funny, unique and featured language
  • Due to the territory it's possible to find all kinds of climates
  • We tend to see upper-countries as cooler and unscrupulous-minded (like robots) sometimes. Wait wat
  • I'm sure I'm missing something


  • UN's govt using our govt as facade
  • Population being outright replaced due to UN (that'd be a long topic for other time)
  • Can't use funny language in its complete form until you turn 13
  • General culture has only downgraded the last 20+ years, and everyone turned crazier since 18/10/19
  • lgbt-philic and excessive feminism (may seem like a good thing at first, but after it crossed the minimal "respect" line it begun doing more harm than good)
  • Everything surrounding you including the media now invites you to hate yourself and your peers
  • No matter how good Chile could ever "TRY" to stand, still happens to be in LA
  • I'm sure I'm missing something


Off Topic / Re: Technology
« on: December 14, 2020, 11:54 AM »
Hm, to be fairly honest, I have yet to live the "whole family disconnected" cliché. It's not just this ad, but I keep being bombarded with this "everyone stuck in phone during lunch" scene, which simply doesn't seem to happen IRL...? Or maybe my family is different.

The tech and graphic design and everything combined indeed may work like a drug, and indeed I've sacrified a large part of my time in a PC, but by 2020 I simply not feel that same hype anymore. For me now it's yet another source of inspiration and tool for artistical purposes. And while I might ocassionally have no option but to hurry some work for a given deadline, I wonder why would anyone give up playing with their dog when they're not tired.

Dependency to technology isn't the same as dependency to drugs or alcohol, I got grounded without PC for long times during teenhood, and I don't remember any weird abstinence symphtoms lol. I got my first phone very late in life too. I've grown with a PC next to me, and I can tell it done less damage to me than my dad did.

If this much technology didn't exist today, I'd spend my time on mechanical machines, drawing paintings, or fill an entire library with alchemy books to study/practice.
With the current technology, I can put better imagination and achieve fast results with written mechanisms, make a whole animation let alone tell a story through it, and any information has never been so easy to access (granted you know how to find it)...

That said, I don't think anyone intends to be egotistical with their pets nor leave them behind on purpose; but it would be so freaking cool if they understood our technology... anyone can dream lol

EDIT: Things as they are, the technology has worse quality and goals than years ago. Nowadays it's little to no "real" charm behind manipulative design too. I'm quite retro indeed, I don't own "modern" gaming consoles, but man, the only time I tried some FIFA or PES game in a PS3 (not sure which), there's so many menus, so much text, so LONG so MANY loading times, holy shit. Perhaps the game's base was being tested in a different console and it happens to be a pseudo-port or something like that. But who would complain these days when it's YOUR fault when an unnecessarily heavy PC game needs a stupidly powerful system to run, all so games can still be made under shitty conditions and shitty code. I wonder just how much horsepower gets thrown to the trash can these days. This is, of course, not a critism to interpreted programming languages (or any in general, even plain C adds a bit of overhead compared to plain Assembly), but Yandere Simulator is far from being the only offender here. Disney Universe played like shit in my sister's old PC... but the Wii version worked just fine in Dolphin, same PC.

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkKick38
« on: July 25, 2020, 09:47 PM »
Trolls can be banned if properly reported and verified. You can always send reports in PM to SheriffBot.

I don't believe you, Rafal should had been banned years ago, I insist. Ruining a game at the very middle is f@#!ing worse than trolling KRD or CyberShadow, and I know first-hand that the latter warrants at least half a year of ban. Do act.

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkKick38
« on: July 25, 2020, 09:44 PM »
Abusing the client-server model to kick players in-game is discouraged, with the sole exception of it being made clear to the player getting kicked and all other players in the game. If there is any complaint in connection to kicking tools from anyone on WormNET, the perpetrator has a high chance of getting banned without second thought.

Right, and will you finally ban the trolls then? That's the point of in-game kicking. It means we can finally get rid of them forever, as long as we host ourselves. Wish HB had it too. Because they will yell at the sky just to try to flip the bullshit

Wormkit Modules / Re: wkKick38
« on: July 25, 2020, 08:48 PM »
No and you may get banned from WormNET for proliferating solutions like that.


Announcements / Re: Worms Armageddon v3.8 Released
« on: July 19, 2020, 11:15 PM »
DeadCode and CyberShadow, thank you so much for revisiting the ranking system!!

EDIT: New bug in network stuff, HostingBuddy thinks I'm using a snooper xD

General discussion / Re: Let's talk about the ninja rope
« on: July 17, 2020, 09:50 PM »
See, I can give it a try, but in the meantime, I insist it feels like Billiards -> Snooker -> Pool. Agreed with the first one and it was already a pain. Can tell is an issue that goes from "can't be bothered to try something new" (which to me isn't a good thing) to "maybe I'm too old to master a game now" like back in teenhood, but I digress.

Announcements / Re: Worms Armageddon v3.8 Released
« on: July 17, 2020, 08:58 PM »
The update is unnecessary since the last time I played it. Can they just put the update to make worms world party compatible with worms Armageddon already? People are waiting for the update than this update.

OMG, WWP Remastered was a mistake!!!
... Yeah, actually and thinking well, it shouldn't had been a thing at all

General discussion / Re: Let's talk about the ninja rope
« on: July 17, 2020, 08:11 PM »
See, back then I already knew that playing online could be much more difficult than their offline counterpart, the first time I played AoE2 online I was literally defeated in just a couple minutes, even though I had no issue beating any campaign.
I got W:A sometime between 2008-2009, and I played every training, every mission, the whole deathmatch campaign, and I've unlocked the full wormage "twice". I had a strategy, some skill on ground control, and I thought I was ready to tackle on WormNET. I was completely wrong.

When I first joined WormNET back in 2010, it was like learning a whole new gameplay, because I had no option but to play rope games, and nobody would ever play a "classic" game. Any practice I had for a "classic" game was pushed far behind in my brain, and some things such as strategy became really rusty as I had to come up with something quick after touching every wall in a WxW. The learning curve was also more difficult than for a classic game, because the "rules" are only in our imagination so we got to learn them other friends we meet (after getting kicked or cow-ing to a bunch of haters who won't tell them) or read an external wiki.
So, Worms Armageddon effectively turned into a "rope" game in its own right, requiring a whole different skill set. People from WormNET made a whole new game (or games) over time, but W:A is required to "run them". And as I've improved my roping over the years, there's some missions I can't beat anymore unless I tried/practiced them again for a long time.

So, I've made an effort in learning a "new game" and I actually got some really good times on it, but... I don't know if it's worth it to change it again? I'd say I'm conflicted in this one, but I'm leaning towards no... isn't the typical rope already pretty damn difficult, taking MUCH time and effort to practice and master? It will have to be forgotten again

Announcements / Re: Worms Armageddon v3.8 Released
« on: July 16, 2020, 09:19 PM »
Man, with all this polish-up (if that's intelligible), I love every detail so far, but I miss seeing some /help for when you host by yourself, I think  :D . I mean it in regards of intuitivity, it was very difficult to know about /open or /ts for a newbie, it's not something you could learn through the game or its features/files on its own, you have to read the wiki or have a friend that knows.
I mean, you already made an interface to RubberWorm stuff, so why couldn't those commands be better accessable through Help bot? :X
No in-game kicking? I doubt it will be a thing in HB anytime soon then...

But I'm nitpicking here, smooth roping is damn priceless here.

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