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Messages - Spenner

Pages: 1 [2]
Promotion Project / Re: Promotion to the public ..! But ...
« on: June 09, 2015, 04:42 PM »
Intimidation and straight up not feeling welcome is a big part of people not branching out. A huge barrier for people is not knowing HOW to engage in new things especially if met with rules they have not learned.

If there was a convenient way to get people to join games named something like "Roper tutorial" or any hosted game for the nature of teaching newer players something, that'd be nice.

I try to vocalize about the less basic schemes that provoke mastery (roper, ZaR, TTRR, etc), and although I'm new to roping in general, it's not that hard to get shopper players to try new things once communicated to.

Joining shopper games and inviting them to play is an easy way to get more attention. You cannot wait in a hosted game of Roper and wait for fish to bite-- many who enter cannot even rope (randoms who mistake it for a Normal match or something), or already have had plenty experience with the scheme.

I'm sure this is an echo of many other voiced opinions on this site, but alas, I am a noobie here. Just my two cents. I'll do what I can to get roping more attention and therefore potentially more people wanting to play together/eventually clan ;)

Off Topic / Re: new game :D
« on: June 02, 2015, 03:52 PM »
My gf and I are hooked, thanks assholes  ;D this is a very fun game. Too bad lag is becoming more of an issue in some games. But that won't stop me~

Off Topic / Re: Drawings
« on: May 31, 2015, 02:04 AM »
Pizza, love your style. Do you graffiti and shit aswell? Your drawings just reflect it.

First post... but I saw an art thread, this feels correct.

Spoiler! View

Pages: 1 [2]