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Topics - Ray

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 23
Leagues Games Comments / Game #231536, reported by SIBASA
« on: February 19, 2023, 03:30 PM »
Deadcode's Old Woman launched at 13:50, doing exactly 55 damage with the marginal help of a mine was so satisfying.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #229197, reported by VoK
« on: November 07, 2021, 08:09 PM »
Nice comeback Vok!

ea / EAC website available at new domain
« on: November 02, 2021, 09:32 PM »
Thanks Random00 for bringing this piece of history back online!

Off Topic / I was wrong
« on: September 23, 2017, 09:50 PM »
Also feel free to come back anytime and post "I was wrong" threads. ;)
So how is everyone doing? :) Three and a half years went by and I started thinking a lot about this game and the community lately, so I figured I'd pop my head back in a little, maybe catch a game or two!

Leagues Games Comments / Game #197691, reported by Ray
« on: September 05, 2015, 10:17 PM »
I personally feel very bad about games like this. I know that this is a league, people are playing for points and rewards, and I do care about my overall ranking, which is sort of my legacy. But sometimes, you just want to play a nice game and this kind of behaviour and lack of sportsmanship makes that very difficult unfortunately.

It's okay to hate a scheme, I have quite a few on my assassination-list (looking at you, Hysteria), but just say it before we both pick, that's totally fine. But to call it "gay as f@#!" and then just quit thinking I'm happy with the points...

Championship 2015 / EAC 2015 - Preparational Friendlies
« on: July 22, 2015, 07:49 AM »
Looking at the current league tables and the names who signed up for EAC 2015 so far, I assume most of you haven't played in a while. In case you'd want to get in shape, there is TEL, but we all know it's difficult to find a game.

I was thinking that we could organize a couple of events, tournaments possibly, to get ourselves back in shape a little. Doesn't have to be tournaments, can be just an agreed upon time when hopefully many ea members would show up and we could do some free-for-all.

Please, if you'd be interested in this and you feel you could put away 1-2 hours some days for this purpose, reply to this thread and we'll see what happens! ;)

Leagues Games Comments / Game #175556, reported by Ray
« on: August 24, 2014, 12:49 PM »
Absolute Worst Turn of the Season at 10:37.70.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #175544, reported by Berria
« on: August 23, 2014, 11:38 PM »
Best weapon ever at the end! Surrender.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #175529, reported by Ray
« on: August 23, 2014, 09:27 PM »
Amazing draw at the end of the first game, at 24:42.

Leagues Games Comments / Game #172114, reported by Ray
« on: June 21, 2014, 12:47 AM »
Want to see a really bad game? Watch this! It's like watching Titanic 2 or one of those D level movies. :D

CF / I hate "I quit threads".
« on: February 12, 2014, 02:02 PM »
I have decided to "officially" put myself into a retired status. As you could all see, I haven't been playing this game at all except from EAC and a few casual games every now and then, so this can't strike as a surprise. I must say that due to the lack of time on my hands and a serious lack of motivation made me realize that I just won't ever be playing professionally again. And we had that CF comeback thing which was unfortunately a huge failure, so there's that too.

I really miss this game, the competitions, the people, but that flame isn't there anymore and there's no point trying when that's gone.

I have to say a huge thank you for everyone, the friends, the competitors, the haters, the weirdos, the drunks, everyone.

I have a huge personal thank you to say to MonkeyIsland. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have my career right now - ironically, the one that drives me apart from this community and you as well - and for that I owe you for the rest of my life. I never would have made it without your guidance and patient help, you taught me not only the ways of our industry but also how to be a better person. Thank you!

Another one goes to Random00, who helped me develop and maintain a professional attitude towards anything really, helped me become better at what I do and always challenged me to be better and to drive to be a better me. The amount of fun we had together playing is beyond anything I would have ever imagined that I would experience in this game and I hope we will hang out. Thank you!

You are all special to me, take care of yourselves.

Leagues General / New rules
« on: December 07, 2013, 06:13 PM »
Where can I find the new rules of the Classic League schemes? Seems like the page here does not list the schemes with updated descriptions.

Also, I am not certain about any of the rules pages either, including game number limitations, required number of games to qualify for Playoffs and now that I think about it, all the other criterias for that. I really haven't been following what was going on around here so if someone could point me to a relevant topic I'd be grateful.

ea / EAC website idea
« on: September 22, 2013, 05:45 PM »
Can we add a percentage data to the prediction game table? Some sort of data that can compare two players with not equal number of played games.

I guess the formula would be number of played games times 3 - because that is the maximum amount of points one is able to collect - and you have to divide the collected points by that number.

That data would give me almost 50%, which is actually the second best, Dulek is leading with 51%. :)

Championship 2013 / EAC 2013 - Prediction Game
« on: August 10, 2013, 07:03 PM »
Am I the only one who's so amped about the prediction game, so much, that I start a topic about it? :D

Man, the standings are so tense, 67 points for the top 3 and even SPW on the 5th place is with 63, man... now I'm really nervous about it, because if I can't win the championship, at least I should get this one right. ;D

Maybe we could use this thread to like share our predicting strategy with each other? Maybe. I'll start, you guys copy me!

I personally (when I'm not doing it in the last 10 seconds) go through each player's TEL and TUS Classic statistics, looking for recent games, looking for breaks, trying to figure out how active they are in the leagues. I compare the statistics of the two players based on experience, recent games and believed knowledge (where I think they are on an imaginary ladder) and games against each other. I usually take playing style into account - for example, I consider myself a sort of a darksider, I like defensive gameplay, I like hiding and waiting out, but there are very aggressive players also, or intermediate players, like chuvash, who take this scheme in a totally different way.

Then I compare their current standings on EAC and TEL (if any) and current streaks, who they played against with what results and judge the outcome after that.

Considering that I'm leading the prediction game with HHC, I think this is a good strategy. :)

How do you predict? Just by guts or do you have any routine by which you make your predictions? Did I just give away the winning formula? :D I doubt, anyway, really good race we are having this year!

The Brag Board / [BnG] 5 second grenade
« on: July 24, 2013, 12:07 PM »
Watch at 5:10.


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