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Messages - biscuits

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TUS Discussion / Re: Ropers Only League - Read please =)
« on: March 16, 2016, 06:23 PM »
Now this looks more like a personal taste league, remove shoppa to add this zar shit for money? No thanks, I don't like

There's no reason for shoppa to be in the rope league since it's in Classic. It was just an idea. I'm asking for everyones opinion, which is why I think a poll should go up so we can see vote results. And money isn't even what this is about, spleen mentioned something about adding a prize pool if need be and I just backed him up saying I would help with that if people wanted that.

This is solely for the purpose of having fun man.

TUS Discussion / Re: Ropers Only League - Read please =)
« on: March 16, 2016, 05:38 PM »
I still think we should set up a poll so we can all vote on something to be done. It seems like people actually want some kind of change. Although change isn't always a good thing..... you know the saying, if it ain't broke... don't fix it... but that's why I'm just seeing if a rope league can be added into the side of things so the TUS Classic scene stays how it already is but it just branches out for the ropers who still play... I wouldn't even mind offering to pay for a prize pool for the ropers like spleen mentioned, I'd help contribute with that.

I agree, I would rather keep classic how it is. That is why if a roper league is set up I think the schemes should be slightly different to those already in tus classic, like ZaR, Wxw with health crates, big RR, etc. Just so that a) it doesn't sap activity from classic league, and b) doesn't create a situation where people are doing deals with each other to get higher ranking in whichever league they are prioritising. (Happens all the time in TEL, and happened in TRL wxw too, where people say "you report tus I report tel/trl"... it sucks imo).

Totally agree with this. Keep the TUS Classic scene around, add the rope league with the following schemes allowed to be played: TTRR/WxW (agree on playing the WxW zook only or with full weapons), Roper, ZaR Roper (No Cave ZaR), and maybe Big RR? Remove shoppa from it and leave it in Classic.

Anyone like that idea?

TUS Discussion / Re: Ropers Only League - Read please =)
« on: March 16, 2016, 05:24 PM »
I still think we should set up a poll so we can all vote on something to be done. It seems like people actually want some kind of change. Although change isn't always a good thing..... you know the saying, if it ain't broke... don't fix it... but that's why I'm just seeing if a rope league can be added into the side of things so the TUS Classic scene stays how it already is but it just branches out for the ropers who still play... I wouldn't even mind offering to pay for a prize pool for the ropers like spleen mentioned, I'd help contribute with that.

I think it would be pretty neat and possibly keep some wormers to stick around... I know when I stopped playing in Season 47-48 (shit, I've been registered to TUS since 2009 and I first started being active playing games in I think Season 45?) it was mainly because I was tired of opponents not wanting to play rope schemes and always picking ground, or I wouldn't even get any points off beating someone in rope... But I also stopped playing due to inactivity with work, etc... which in April I will start to become less active as I have been this month of March, hence why I think a rope league that is just for fun and doesn't mean anything (point wise etc) is a great idea so people who can't play that much or don't have the time can just come on and still play a game or 2 competitively of a scheme they like.

TUS Discussion / Re: Ropers Only League - Read please =)
« on: March 16, 2016, 04:38 PM »
I support a ZaR league as well.

For the record, Team17 isn't a modern scheme.
It has widely Improved since Senator's update of the scheme.

Multiple leagues would divide people though.

All of those in favor of a ZaR league, I don't think that would be necessary really. Leaving the rope league as TTRR/WxW/Roper/ZaR (instead of Shopper, but you can include Shopper as well just for total newbs) would be fine and just pick ZaR as your scheme choice vs your opponent. The only thing I would say is that leave Cave ZaR out of it.... just the default ZaR scheme would be nice to have included, you know... 2 island maps... 12s and no chute/zook only. It'd be a nice way to let opponents decide if they want to play somebody in a normal roper or a ZaR, or just choosing to play a TTRR/WxW. Definitely would be cool.

TUS Discussion / Re: Ropers Only League - Read please =)
« on: March 16, 2016, 04:28 PM »
Disable clasic league and open 2 new leagues:

Rope league :
Ttrr, roper, wxw, shoppa, Tower/big rr
Defaults league:
Elite, hysteria,  bng, team17 and aerial or normal

It is kind of a good idea... because the stats of people who only play rope schemes is going to be worse than if they just played rope games... cause they lose ground games, ya know? Same goes towards ground players who play rope games and lose them... cause it's not their thing...

Idk. We should put a poll up of what to do.

TUS Discussion / Re: Ropers Only League - Read please =)
« on: March 16, 2016, 12:47 PM »
TuS is indeed the longest running main-wa-league based website for WA, many regard it as the most successful, but what makes it a success? Well that's up to each visiter.

For me it's the best WA website, but not the best league.

If you ask me, the 3 scheme leagues were better, and you could argue the Singles/Clanners were even more active back then, making them more successful.

There was less avoiding back then, maybe because serious players had enough spare time to practise 3 schemes, unlike now where there are 8, it's kinda overwhelming for most players, people can literally spend years to get good enough to compete with the best.

Roper / Elite / BnG - The 3 original main league schemes, the true classics.

Team17 / TTRR / WxW / Shopper / Hysteria - The following up main league schemes, kind of modern classics.

Do we really need 8 schemes? Personally speaking i'd love to go back to the original 3 schemes, I know that will likely never happen but it's pretty cool to have participated that way before.

Yeah Komito, I totally agree with that lol. 8 schemes is kind of crazy, but I guess it's all there by demand. Hell, Shopper is such a pointless scheme man, I honestly don't know how anyone enjoys playing that competitively. lol. I totally remember the olden golden days where BnG unanchored/anchored was very popular, roper and elite only. Shit, when I first got into W:A when it first came out I remember all I did was BnG but I wanted to get better at roping, so I did, after years, lol. But yeah, no other scheme was played really.

Time to time people forget that the TUS league was not my idea. Many of its rules are the community's decision which formed over time. The same goes for the 15 games limit. The objections for 15 games limit are valid. But the abuse probability of not having one is much higher.

Having a rope-based league is not bad, but for it to work I must disable Classic league. Otherwise a portion of Classic league players may move to Roper-league. Also having a rope-based league demands a ground-based league as well. Which brings up the idea, we could disable Classic league and start two separate leagues instead?

Another idea is to host a rope-based league with TRL. (yes TRL supports multi-schemes per season)
It's not that biscuits' idea is bad, because it isn't. 

But at this point, TUS singles is at about 1/3 activity of what it was a few years ago.  This season is a good spike upward from recent seasons, but not nearly enough to necessitate a new league.  IMO this could only worked during seasons 20-30 or so when activity was at its' very highest.  Rope league would pull activity like biscuit's (he's played 250 games or so in classic) from an already activity challenged league.  I just want TUS to thrive and survive, when in reality we might have already seen it's half life.  Sustaining activity long term should be the league's biggest goal, and I think MI has that in mind when shutting down certain leagues. 

I think the best solution is support for a rope based TRL scheme, and let activity in the TRL season be proof for a bigger need of a rope only league.  Mi has always been fair in this aspect, prove to him a need exists, and he has been accommodating to that need.

Thanks for the reply Walrus. Appreciate the backup on my idea being good. As far as TUS Classic league is concerned and clanners, I wouldn't be leaving Classic, it would just be nice to have an alternative rope league where I can just play rope games and not have to worry about my opponent picking a ground scheme. I'm sure others would feel the same way. I'm pretty active on this game as I came back, and just because I've played 250+ games doesn't mean anything, I'm trying to be an active member of the community and help keep the league alive by playing TUS. As you can see I randomly disappeared in Season 47 and 48 without even saying anything, but I hope to not do that again. And if that does indeed happen, I will let people know (not that anyone cares)

TUS Discussion / Re: Ropers Only League - Read please =)
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:18 AM »
TRL would be open if it was popular enough. TRL #25 was WxW and only 110 games was played (no playoffs). Roper or TTRR could do better though. Time for TRL TTRR?

Maybe it should be possible to play for overall rating after a player has reached the season limit with someone (like 15 extra games for overall rating). You wouldn't gain/lose any points for season rating from the extra games.
That's actually a really smart idea Senator. Just play for overall rating and not for season points, kinda like a funner but you're at least getting something out of it and not losing much. But what my idea of TRL is.... is that your not subjected to playing just the 1 rope based scheme for that season... you can pick from all 3, adds more diversity to it. Doesn't make it as stale.

Really, you've got to laugh at this...

In the space of 2 hours, 5 different people have replied with 5 different ideas.

It's nice people are creative and innovative but I mean come on...

Wouldn't it be better to simplify TuS instead of this charade?

Reset EVERYTHING, watch the acvitity ;)

That would actually be pretty cool, lol... reset everything and make ground league and rope league? Haha, but I don't think that anyone would follow through with that m8. I could be wrong though. Maybe we should add a poll to this thread to see what decisions we can come too? As I said I don't mind being in charge of the league and I'm sure a few people wouldn't mind MOD'ing it.

If only there was a way to advertise TUS when new schoolers log into wormnet :P

TUS Discussion / Re: Ropers Only League - Read please =)
« on: March 16, 2016, 09:43 AM »
Time to time people forget that the TUS league was not my idea. Many of its rules are the community's decision which formed over time. The same goes for the 15 games limit. The objections for 15 games limit are valid. But the abuse probability of not having one is much higher.

Having a rope-based league is not bad, but for it to work I must disable Classic league. Otherwise a portion of Classic league players may move to Roper-league. Also having a rope-based league demands a ground-based league as well. Which brings up the idea, we could disable Classic league and start two separate leagues instead?

Another idea is to host a rope-based league with TRL. (yes TRL supports multi-schemes per season)

Well I don't think getting rid of classic league would be a good idea, that's kind of what is keeping worms alive, lol. Dividing everything into 2 separate leagues (rope and ground) would probably be a bad idea since this game isn't as active as it used to be, and it seems like their are more ground players around then ropers these days, hence why I suggested a small league/group for us ropers lol.

I think the TRL route would be a good move MI, with TTRR/Roper/WxW as the 3 schemes to pick from.

TUS Discussion / Re: Ropers Only League - Read please =)
« on: March 16, 2016, 06:07 AM »
well.... things becoming inactive and abandoning them is why something... fails... lol.... at least keep it stay in times of no one playing. if it's always there, people will eventually find out about it. I wouldn't even care if I'm playing the same person 20 times in a row, it's for fun anyways lol.

I just think that people who come online to play warmers (which are retarded cause you can warmup by just roping a rope race, roper or wxw) are wasting their time doing that and getting noobies in their games half the time or no one joining. It's like trying to get a rope game going and you have 3-4 people join your game, team in and light up right away with no idea what's going on. At least with a rope league, or group, even with a few amount of players in it, it would still be organized and available for those who know what their doing to get some games in that they enjoy the most with this game.

Idk. Who cares about the activity of it all. Just make it present and there so it gives people a chance and some hope. Just cause something isn't being played non stop doesn't mean it shouldn't exist.

TUS Discussion / Re: Ropers Only League - Read please =)
« on: March 16, 2016, 12:45 AM »
theChipmunk - You would have noticed that if you looked at my TUS Profile m8  :P lol

And it's more-so about just having the league be fun, regardless of how many players there be, even if there are like a dozen max... some people just dislike ground schemes so I thought it would be a nice move to make not necessarily a league but just a ranked/standings based "group" if you wanna call it of ropers who like competing against each other... for points and a rank system, I don't know. Doesn't have to happen I just thought it'd be cool.

I don't see where availability/activity would be an issue though. Clanners still go around... and it's what like 3 clans that play now adays? That being the clan I'm in (420, hell... it's only dibz and myself playing right now cause sbaffo is inactive), TdC and cFc... I see no other clans playing, maybe l3x here and there... so... if clanners still go down... why can't this go down? I don't see why availability/activity would cause problems. The group/league would be there, if people don't play, they don't play... if they do they do... but it's there for the luxury of it.. well.. being there, lol. There's been many occasions where at least 5-6 ropers are in #AG but we can't play each other because we are max'd out on games in TUS Singles... when I know for a fact we would love to wxw/ttrr/roper or something. That's why I stated about not having a game limit cap, just having it be a fun league/group. Idk.

And I'm not complaining about the point system in TUS Singles. In fact I'm not complaining about anything. I just think it's retarded that you lose X amount of points on a scheme that you don't even play and players earn like 7-10 points on schemes they like and prefer over people that don't like it, it's almost like a waste of time playing the TUS game. lol.

Anyways, this thread isn't about about point systems, just seeing if the dream is alive for the ropers that are still around, lol. yeah, that's my 2 cents :P

TUS Discussion / Re: Ropers Only League - Read please =)
« on: March 16, 2016, 12:20 AM »

WxW sucks.


I hear you on that AduN. I enjoy WxW, so I can't really comment on that and I'm sure some people who do know/like roping would prefer WxW over a TTRR as they find TTRR a little on the difficult side of things, lol. But I think having all 3 schemes that are rope related would be very good. So one person picks a TTRR, the other picks WxW and vice versa :P

TUS Discussion / Ropers Only League - Read please =)
« on: March 15, 2016, 10:15 PM »
This is intended for the TUS Community who enjoys the rope aspect of worms & nothing else.

I know this has probably been suggested before, but... I'll give it another shot. Here me out:

A lot of us, both old schoolers and new schoolers, like playing just rope schemes of this game and at the same time, staying competitive with it. Ground schemes aren't for everyone, even if you try learning them. Some people just simply like playing rope games, and I'm one of those guys. I understand that TUS Single & Clanner games you have to play other players/teams picks, which is 100% understandable and I know what I'm getting into when I choose to play somebody.

So what I'm wondering and maybe suggesting is that maybe we can start a Ropers only league, kinda like how it used to be when this game was first released when #RopersHeaven was what #AnythingGoes is now a days. I wouldn't even mind being in charge of the league. I could take care of everything if need be. What this league could consist of is pure fun (obviously worms and TUS is all about fun in general but players like being competitive) but at the same time, it could still have a rank system etc. There would be no game limit caps on players (depending on how many are involved), there would be no prize pool for winning a season (who cares about that anyways), and it would strictly be Roper/TTRR/WxW. No shoppers or anything. No ground schemes, just the roping aspect of the game. I feel like certain players would enjoy this and maybe some new people.

I understand TRL is something of TUS, but it's rotated out every other season or something, I could be wrong. But... it should just be there in general. Many players reach their game limit on TUS Singles and can't play each other for like 2 months sometimes... so maybe just having a rope only league, players could just keep playing each other with no game cap, nothing but pure fun and getting their rope on, girl.

Idk, just an idea... all I see is people advertising in #AG for "TEL ne1" when it could be "TRL ne1" - Only seems fair. But if it can't happen, it can't happen. Just thought I'd put it out there. Like I stated, I don't mind being in charge or moderating the league. I'm sure we could get at least a dozen of people who would be interested in it.

edit: It's almost pointless playing TUS Singles against certain people once you reach a game cap with people that like playing you in schemes (for this instance, rope ones) where you can earn the highest amount of points possible off a win.... now it's like... okay you play someone just for your "TUS FIX" of getting a game in of a scheme that you like but you win what, 10 points because they aren't ropers? Than you lose a scheme that you hate, cause your opponent picks a ground scheme, you lose 35-40 points, on a scheme you barely play? It just makes no sense, I don't mind it it's just that I feel a rope only league for people who like roping would be very cool. There's no reason to have TRL or whatever it was called on a rotation for every season, just have it there 24/7 so people can just play wxw/ttrr/roper for fun but at the same time keep it competitive and have a standings system/rank etc but just have it be all about the fun and glory.



Files / Re: Great Snooper | 3rd chapter
« on: March 15, 2016, 07:36 PM »
Nice work mate!

If anyone is wondering on how to update - here's what I did... tried restarting GS and it asked me to update, I hit yes but it failed... so instead I just closed out of GS and went to the installation folder and ran Updater.exe and it worked. Cheers!

Cups and Tournaments Comments / Re: Cup #840, CaveZaR
« on: March 15, 2016, 06:16 AM »
Is there anyway I can get this annoying [1] out of my pending games list? I try hitting recount and it doesn't do anything.... says I still have a game with Dego with a deadline for March 1st... lol

Leagues Games Comments / Game #205988, reported by biscuits
« on: March 14, 2016, 09:15 PM »
Shot of the season maybe :o - 11:50 in replay, lol :o

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