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Messages - Camper

Congratz DC, well played.
Won the hu3 caralho porra buceta cup!
TdC / Re: Happy Birthday Culiao Wolf
December 19, 2024, 09:07 PM
hb putito
Off Topic / Re: Mug shots / Post your face !
October 18, 2024, 11:32 AM
Quote from: deejay on October 18, 2024, 01:19 AMrecent pic of gf and I at a music festival <3

dj david guetta are you?

nice pic porra!
Hello guys,
This cup is part of a series of cups that we will have for people in Brazil.
I know you like the proposed scheme, and want to participate.

however, in this cup we have a BRL cash prize.
Therefore, we had a conversation in our BRhu3hu3 group and decided to allow foreigners to enter, under one condition.

Anyone who wants to participate in the cup will have to make a donation towards the prize.

So, if you're still interested, just reach out :D
Quote from: Kradie on September 19, 2024, 11:56 AMThere was a moment in time when I loved playing clanners but then I got burned out and made bad decisions. I wish I didn't but it did happen.

If I ever made a clan again I wouldn't wish to be a leader, maybe help get people together, but in the end I'd rather be the guy you call on.

I already know some people that ''Could'' be interested in making a clan with me. But even so, we wouldn't be strong enough in most schemes.

A clan needs at least 2 strong players to keep the morale going. On top of that, it requires the lower level players to keep playing. At least this is how I see it.

I am not the best around anyway and I never cared much for competitive play except for cup games. But I did enjoy clanners now and then.

But in general when it comes to clan games it will be the same people battling the same people. This could change if people loosen their loyalty to their clan. It's not like the end of the world. But then you could be thinking ''So if I leave my clan, I would STILL battle the same people!''. True, but you would have helped a new clan to rise and there could be new people in that clan too.

Anyway that's my thoughts.

Cups are more fun for me overall.

just join a clan already done. ICB, ps, CKC...
hey Niv!!

When we were playing, season 31 was already over. So this is for s32
Leagues Playoffs / Re: TRL Season 33 Playoffs
September 15, 2024, 12:16 PM
ae porra
Leagues Playoffs / Re: TRL Season 32 Playoffs
September 05, 2024, 11:14 AM
Hey bro, how you doing?
Quote from: Perdunok on September 03, 2024, 11:38 AMEveryone is welcome to join!

Not me, seems like.

Registration is forbidden for you.

Noob, You dont know how to shot the comets
Quote from: MonkeyIsland on July 27, 2024, 06:01 PMI like the idea of rejecting one scheme :)

Yes, banning one or two schemes each will allow for greater balancing, as Stylez said.

In my opinion, this will increase the adherence and interest of less skilled players in playing leagues.
Quote from: Senator on July 26, 2024, 10:03 AMRopers have similar disadvantage when they don't get to pick first. Someone could only pick artillery schemes (BnG, Hysteria and Aerial) or strategic schemes (Elite, Intermediate and Team17).

I agree though that you should be required to win different type of schemes in a playoff series. I've suggested before that you could only pick:

2 of BnG, Hysteria, Aerial
2 of Elite, Intermediate, Team17, Shopper
2 of TTRR, Roper, WxW, Big RR

This way you'd need to win 2 x artillery and 1 x strategic, for example. This should also make playoff series more enjoyable to watch. More variation and closer series.

Yes and no...

Even if you are an expert in land-only schemes, it is an advantage, but not a certainty.
Different from a TTRR or BIGRR. Which is a 100% sure win.

Most specialist rope players who play in the league are good/average or even great in ground schemes.

One suggestion is to play ALL schemes, but each player can ban one or two schemes each.
That would make it more fair.