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Messages - Face

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Hello. Obviously, I've been inactive for quite a while and I don't really know what is acceptable nowadays.

Therefore, I'd like to know if what happened in the last turn of this game (playback at 22:25) was legit or not.

The thing that I am questioning is the way that r3spect resetted his aim before his last shot. His aim stayed in place for 10 seconds of turn and then he moved it by something about 3-4 notches up and then 5 or so notches down (he really only needed to readjust his aim by 1-2 notches to get me). I am not sure whether it was fair or not so that's why I am asking.

If it wasn't then please correct the result whatever the way you feel. If it was, then I will accept the explanaition and I will be happy that I've learned something, that in my opinion, significantly improves chances of winning.

I have absolutely no hard feelings. :)


Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Flex episode:

Missing two additional shitty episodes, although, if FB forums are still up then they are probably findable (not made by ropa nor flex I believe).

Everyone knows twistah. He even posted picture of his dick back in time, on different league forum (I don't remember which one it was, the one when MrE was stirring up a lot of shit).

These 200 bad luck replays are mostly awesome.

This is what I have:
- around 70 replays from RRKit finals
- around 200 bad luck replays (but they were collected by me and Wiz both and he was going to make a movie with them so I don't know if it would be fine with him, I don't even know if he plays anymore)
- around 10 000 replays of my own games
- 7 comic strips, mostly ropa, but one is from flex (still, missing at least 3 other I remember)

General discussion / Hi
« on: December 08, 2011, 10:01 PM »
As above.

I came here without actually anyone asking. Anyway, still got tons of replays from many games. Dunno if all of them, but surely a lot.

Found this thread by pure luck, while searching forum for rumours about my death and what not. So far I didn't find any rumours, which obviously sucks.

I should be soon back to worms and play my games, sorry for delay (should be back like in a week).

Cups and Tournaments General / Re: [Classic] Elite Cup: Signups
« on: January 20, 2009, 06:07 PM »
Sign me up.

General discussion / Re: Pro's replays
« on: January 16, 2009, 12:06 PM »
I was searching about some pro replays like crazy mre, anubis, mablak and a lot of more runs...
I saw some old records on rr maps on but i'm searching for more... Like crazy warms or roping like that
If you know where i can find crazy replays, please tell me :)
The one you actually gave link to, was made with xspeed. It's pretty long story, but in the end, the results stayed as the "winning" one despite the fact it was made with xspeed. The real winner of this map was Mablak IIRC, I've got his replay somewhere (34.xx)

I picked elite, obviously it's good one to start with.

Cups and Tournaments General / Re: question to MI
« on: January 08, 2009, 05:57 PM »
What do you mean "old TUT site"? TUT is like 1 year old. :|

Leagues General / Re: Prize on the leagues
« on: January 07, 2009, 11:13 PM »
Like, Madden hosted cash-prize elite tourney which was pretty big success, but then he disappeared (he gave prizes first of course :P ).

Leagues General / Re: Prize on the leagues
« on: January 07, 2009, 10:22 PM »
well $10 isnt really much of a prize... what u gonna do buy some kinder eggs with it?

I like the idea of having a really secure server for tournaments with buy ins.

Any player who wants to play pays $10 to enter, if 50 people play thats a $500
jackpot. Now that would make for an exciting tourney.

Dont think its possible for this sort of thing to work on wa tho.
Old thing, worked out long time ago.

Leagues General / Re: Reporting time limit
« on: January 07, 2009, 02:03 PM »
There was no problem with it in FB, so I think it wouldnt be prob here either.

Leagues General / Re: Reporting time limit
« on: January 07, 2009, 12:46 PM »
I believe that every game is separate match, so he can report just after the match, but if necessary, you can set time limit start since end of 2nd game.

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