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Messages - Lollie

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Activating Stretch in windowed mode on 3.8
« on: November 23, 2023, 01:29 AM »
I was just pointed this way by h3o, thank you for sharing this! I wanted a way to scale the in-game resolution by 2X (1280x720 in-game, to fit a 2560x1440 screen), and this solved it. Hopefully a future W:A update isn't too far away.

After setting this up, I noticed that the frontend menu was now displaying in a 1280x720 window despite having SuperFrontendHD installed. If anyone else is encountering this, open your Worms Armageddon installation folder, and edit the file "wkSuperFrontend.ini" in Notepad/++. Under [Misc], look for (or if missing, add the line) "Resolution=" and set it to "Resolution=Desktop". This will force the frontend to run at fullscreen resolution again.

So it's been a couple years since this topic started, what's the current state of zooming in W:A? Because at 2560x1440, this gets a little unwieldy to play.


Like, in the end all I really want is for everything to be bigger on screen. Even a toggleable 2X-Scale feature would make this more usable on modern displays.

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