May 04, 2024, 06:07 PM

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Messages - StorminASU

Pages: [1]
Quote from: StorminASU
I've tried to download d3d9wnd and make it work, but I can't figure it out because I'm so unfamiliar with registry options and I don't understand what frontend, etc. refer to.  TIA!!!
When editing D3D9Wnd.ini, 0=Off, and 1=On.

"FrontendSettings" refers to the menu system. Anything with the blue background and floating stars basically. Knowing this, combined with knowing the above (0=Off, 1=On) the options are reasonably self-explanatory.

"InGameSettings" controls everything in the actual game.

The "InGameSettings" are quite confusing in my opinion. There should be a setting to explicitly enable windowed mode in-game. Eg. "Windowed=1". And I'd like to see Comments added with a brief description of what each setting does.

To achieve what you want to do, you need "Stretch=0" under the InGameSettings, and then in the regular WA options, set a smaller resolution than your regular desktop resolution. For example, most computers use 1366x768 as their default resolution, so you might set WA to use 1024x768, so you can click out of the game on the sides.

Just so you know, since WA makes use of the mouse to control the game's camera, you first will need to press "Ctrl+G" to un-pin the mouse, and then click outside of the window. Alternatively, Windows+D, Windows+M, or Shift+Esc will minimize the game quickly at any time (with or without D3D9Wnd).

To minimize the windowed frontend quickly, you have to press Windows+D or M. Clicking outside the frontend window doesn't make it go away, since it's Always-on-top for some reason.

My recommendation: find some free software that will let you remap Windows+D to an easier single-button shortcut, for when your boss walks in. I know AutoHotKey can do this, but it's extremely confusing.

Getting D3D9Wnd was smart because now minimizing from the Frontend doesn't force your monitor to switch resolutions, so minimizing will be instant, instead of the usual 2-5 second lag.

Thank you so much for the very detailed answer and all your help.  I tried implementing your suggestions, but there's still a lag when I open the game and it displays (also when I quit the game, etc), and it still takes up the entire screen.  I've copy and pasted my d3d9wnd settings below:




Hello All!
   I recently purchased W:A which is the first and only game I've bought from Steam, but I couldn't pass up the sentimental value of owning it again.  However, I do have a bad habit of "multitasking" at work and need to figure out a way to play W:A without taking up the whole screen and at any time being able to click focus on something in the background and having the game go away: similar to if you're surfing the internet, you minimize the window a little, keep something up behind it to click on in case someone walks in.  Is this possible?

I've tried to download d3d9wnd and make it work, but I can't figure it out because I'm so unfamiliar with registry options and I don't understand what frontend, etc. refer to.  TIA!!!

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